before it was not so bad gem...
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod! Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead |
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I'm finding arc to be really good at clearing and clear speed, so much so it pales against boss fights.
I'm finding it, especially compared to other skill/gem combinations, that it is very low damage on bosses. Would it be possible to slightly nerf arc damage (say 10%), but increase the chain "more" damage bonus per remaining chain from 15% more damage to 20% more damage? (or even 25% more damage) That way, + chain would scale fantastic with arc. It would give arc that little extra oomph I feel it needs on bosses. Last edited by GuillimanT#7065 on Jul 5, 2020, 12:08:18 PM
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I feel on many caster spells we need more support gems that only work with self cast, so its easier imo to balance the spells through those said support gems.
Because of miners many spells are straight up better when used as mine. thats just my humble opinion and i didnt know where to post this so i just went here. Sorry for my bad english have a great day. |
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Even after the flat buff to all spell gems it still needs more damage. Just make the Lucky damage be on focus instead of vaal arc and it would be in a good spot, and adds more thoughtful play with the skill.
Last edited by ViolateTheDead#7880 on Jun 10, 2022, 10:29:01 AM
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Arc is still need to buff. Do something this patch please GGG :( We need some buffs in this patch and hopefully on arc. Also I don’t like the wrath aura because it gives only lightning damage to attacks, not spells. For %50 reservation aura it’s underpowered. Btw arc damage is never feel the good against bosses. I played with annihilating in sentinel league which is dealig triple damage and still not satisfied with the damage. Anyways ty for reading. And I want to play arc in raider ascendancy but it feels more more lack of dps.
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I played arc guardian this league in sentinel for over 2 months. I managed to get a very nicely min maxed build, I have been doing all uber bosses easily with that. Feel free to check it out, you can import in pob with this : For anyone that struggles to make an arc build, you can get some inspiration from me but it will be very expensive. On the arc gem feedback, the only thing I would like to see is a higher base chaining speed or some way to scale it. Maybe replace divergent or phantasmal quality, they are both pretty bad. Phantasmal : I don't think anyone plays stun with arc Divergent : damage on successive hits don't matter really, what you want is damage on the first hit to have single target. If you have good single target, the subsequent hits will do enough damage to clear packs regardless. |
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" The meme at this point is to swap out Arc for Crackling Lance for single target. |
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Can Arc of Oscillating become Vaal Arc of Oscillating?
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Hey guys
Ok Arc needs a damage buff, just a straight up damage buff on the gem. Arc has a long history, my old guild leader Foxtactics was the source of long standing Arc builds for many years. After he left the scene Enki91 started making some cool Arc guides picking up that torch. This is what Enki has to say in his Arc build thread now... " Look Arc is a skill like Cyclone, its a fan favourite, people love to play it, people want it to always be good because its an iconic easy to understand staple of the game. Its historically been a reliable spell, never really THE god tier build, its never been that, but like Cyclone it should always be a good skill people can enjoy and rely on. I get the nerfs that have hit Arc, they were correct nerfs. Archmage mana shenanigans was becoming an abomination. If you didn't play lightning spells with an Archmage mom mana stacker setup you did 0 damage and your build was trash, if you did play with Archmage you were doing all the dps in the world and it was crazy strong. That was wrong for game balance, it needed the nerf, it got the nerf, I'm with you guys on why you did it and fully agree. But the problem for Arc is that Archmage was propping up an underperforming, neglected Arc. It needed Archmage to be stupidly op to make the skill good enough to bother with. Archmage and mana stacking is probably where it should be in order to make sense as an investment vs damage and survivability trade off sitting along side the other options of CI, low life, armour+block, hybrid life+es etc. But self cast classic spells like Arc just kind of suck, and it's not something that should be fixed by returning Archmage to this stupid state where you have to play mana stacker or you cant be a self caster. I think the gem itself just needs more damage, the utility is fine, the behaviour of the skill is what it is, its Arc. It's just lacking the basic damage it needs on the gem itself. Look at the top level bow, wanding, poison, coc type builds out there right now. look how stupid the amount of damage they are putting out is while being able to be an ok survivable build. These classic self cast spells are just being lost and PoE is not the game it could and should be when you feel like you cant just league start a basic self cast crit hit damage Arc or Freeze Pulse or EK type build and feel good about your character. We need a return to basic skills done in a straight up no gimmick way that everyone can understand and play. PoE is so lost in the sauce right now with stupidly overpowered omnigimmick pixel obliterators with a million interactions, your losing the core of understanding the game through basic, accessible skills constructed in a basic and understandable fashion. Take a basic fan favourite classic skill, get inc damage, cast speed, pen, crit, get some life with some defence, bam you have a build. If that doesnt work then somethings gone really wrong. Also side note: Vaal Arc sucks, I have a 21/20 vaal arc gem, I dont use it cause its a waste of souls I could be using on vaal disc and vaal impurity of cold. Its just pointless. you want to see builds to understand where we are coming from, I'll show you my Arc but understand my comments come from an overview of the game in general. I get that essentially no one has Arc gear like I have, I get that I could make Arc in a number of different ways to do a LOT more damage than I currently have as I have chosen to make a tanky caster here and I understand my damage is 'ok', its passable to crush T16 maps just fine. but this gear is absolutely stupid, no one has this gear and if you do it should be doing more than it is. Stats: Arc peak dps: 7 million Profane Bloom: boom boom Energy shield: 8,500 Armour: 81,000 Block: 75 glance Spell Block: 75 glance Es gain on block: 3,250 All resist: 85% I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :) Last edited by Snorkle_uk#0761 on Dec 17, 2023, 7:10:24 AM
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My first post here :)
I had arc build before in Incursion, it was good. Arc of oscillating seemed fun so I gave it a go. Arc has very satisfying mechanic and I fad some fun. Sadly I had problems with clearing the extra content, especially with lot mobs on screen, like blight or even syndicate laboratories. I had difficulties with killing tormented spirits. I was wondering if I did something wrong with the build and even googled if arc is good. No, its not. Let's compare regular one with Exsanguinate. Arc chaining - 7 (8 with q) times < Exsanguinate - 9 targets With chain support Arc 9 (10 with q) times < Exsanguinate - 27 targets if I read the mechanics correctly. Average on hit base dmg, lv 20 - Arc 660, < Exsanguinate 1,491 Average single target with quality and chain gem lv 20, Arc: 1379 Exsanguinate with chain gem: 1,491 (-11% from chain would be: 1327) with 1121 DOT, which can stack 3 times. Dmg effectiveness lv 20 arc with q: 240 (-11% from chain is 229), Exsanguinate 270 (-11% from chain is 259). The only thing that is better for arc is cast speed, but comparing 0,7 cast of Arc with 0,8 of Exsanguinate is not enough to make up for difference in these numbers. Exsanguinate seems more versatile and better in almost every field than Arc. The only case when Arc is better is where there is a niche situation with 2-3 enemies on screen. I think Arc needs a buff that will focus on it's fun mechanics, ie chaining. All versions of arc should get +2 chains on base stats. Quality should give 1 chain per 10%, not 20%. I think it would place Arc in good spot. If you fear that traps would make arc op, nerf trap version or something. |
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