[3.10] Dreamfeather Machine. Champion/Gladiator Build. | All Content! League Starter - Budget!
My other GUIDE:
[3.8] Assasin Poisonator https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2626271
[3.8] CI Charged Dash HOWA Scion - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605098 [3.7] Trickster Death Oath + Soulrend DOT - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2593632 3.10 - There are no major changes, build is at the same place Videos
3.7 GLADIATOR LACERATE (early league) Basilica [T14] https://youtu.be/VvdEpaQDEzA Crystal Ore [T14] Two Bosses https://youtu.be/vz_V6dZXMJk Desert Spring [T15] https://youtu.be/Z1Gg8Bq4gKs 3.7 CHAMPION T16 Videos: https://youtu.be/2yhf_zmJ7tU - Blade Flurry Minotaur +47% monster life (you can see the power caped evade on minotaur) https://youtu.be/Cbp5KQpOxis - Cyclone Chimera https://youtu.be/GSvSLLJzDx4 - Lacerate + Reave(flurry on guardian) https://youtu.be/GniT8MhOvYQ - Bladestorm Phoenix (Bladestorm is amazing, I did not expect it) ;) Old leagues:
T14 Palace https://youtu.be/LCs3XrPL71E T16 Hydra https://youtu.be/tMd7NiYvHE4 Temple of Atzoatl 80 lvl https://youtu.be/F1OKNqUKDCc Double Strike: T16 Phoenix https://youtu.be/z6a13FUwXPU Carcass T15 duo Boss https://youtu.be/W51qLI3j9_g T16 Minotaur https://youtu.be/UJyrPMxbXFA BUILD CONCEPT The main statistics of this build is Evasion, which we use both as a defense and as an offensive stat, thanks to the use of Dreamfeather Sword. Additionally, thanks to Perfect Form and Cold Resist stacking, we are able to pull out 50,000+ Evasion in HO and a lot come when Increased from the talent tree works in fight. Originally, the build was made as Bleed Gladiator. After doing all the content I tried Champion and it turns out that Champion works perfectly with this build, which is pretty obvious because his tree is based on Evasion. Gladiator vs Champion Gladiator thanks to the bleed explosion, has an amazing game feeling, it is very rewarding. This is Bleed and a lot of damage comes from Bleed and his possession. Gladiator also has a smaller entry threshold, it is easier at the beginning of the league on maps thanks to the explosion, it has a greater attack speed and movement speed which makes it a great mapper. The fact that it is bleed limited skills, Gladiator works well only with Lacerate and Double Strike after changes in 3.7 Lacerate denied Double, I do not see much sense to go in Double but if someone likes this skill it works great, only AoE or rather its lack only explosions keep it somehow. The further the content of bleed is in content, unfortunately, although it did not prevent me from doing all the content. Champion is a bit slower both in terms of movement and attack, which makes it a bit slower on the maps. For it draws a handful of trees, has more survivability more evasion. Definitely a better boss killer than Gladiator. And the skill pool is much bigger, it will work on every melee physical skill that works with swords, though Bladestorm / Blade Flurry / Cyclone are highly recommended after the tests. The beginning of the league is more difficult in his case, what we do not have an amazing explosion. It's easier for him to kill the most difficult bosses like Uber Elder. I think that the decision depend mainly on the skill at which we want to play and what we want to do at the end game, what is important both ascendancy use exactly the same GEAR (the only change is optional jewels), changes are only in talent and in the setup skills, which allows you to easily convert if you feel like it. How to get the correct socket colors on your armor! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8QHWvcOfo8 ![]() PROS AND CONS PROS: - Can do all content. - Budget for start. - Good survivability (Alot of Evasion/nice armor/a lot of damage reduction) - Solid clearspeed - Based on interesting and unusual mechanics - Great Lab Farmer - Amazing feeling and the pleasure of playing - Possibility to choose a skill we like, build works with virtually any physical melee that can be used with a sword. CONS - Hard to Check real DPS (Impale or Bleed, don't work well in PoB) - This is not a facetank, we have to be careful about the toughest contents. - Reading the guide is very important. Itemes must be very carefully and carefully selected. It's easy to make the build work poorly when you pick items wrong. -A lot of possibilities, it's hard sometimes to decide where to go. PoB Links GLADIATOR https://pastebin.com/9kwEJMyM -> Starter PoB (pre Perfect Form regular Dreamfeather, progress trees - 35/55/75/95/115) https://pastebin.com/gm6aJANd -> End game PoB (Perfect Form, Corrupted Dreamfeather) CHAMPION https://pastebin.com/9xTXEAUB -> Starter PoB (pre Perfect Form regular Dreamfeather, progress trees - 35/55/75/95/115) https://pastebin.com/J3zMeAp1 -> End game PoB (Perfect Form, Corrupted Dreamfeather) Raider's concept -> https://pastebin.com/A4WfYBtn (never tried yet but on paper looks fantastic, the biggest movement speed and 80k evasion in HO. Looks like a fast map farmer's but rather a poor survival) *PoB I treat rather as something thanks to what we have everything in one place, a lot of things especially after this patch does not work in PoB. I will not add any strange items that are supposed to replace Impale or other mechanics that do not calculate well in PoB, I did both Gladiatorem and Champion all content in the game, there are videos and comments on the subject who also finished all content. I do not see the point to make fetched PoB in which there will be millions as numbers to advertise like many other guides. GEAR
Same items when playing Champion or Gladiator. Small changes in jewels and flask, all described below our most important stats are: Resist Cap / HP / Evasion / Cold Resistance* / Attack Speed *when we have perfect form already. WEAPON It's your core items, we stack Eva and get 2% Attack Damage every 450 evasion, Attack Speed, flat Evasion, Movement Speed. We are looking for corruption Resolute Technique to save some points and Fortify on hit CHEST best for endgame, when we wear it we want to have cold resistance on every item, on every jewel, on everything. Additionally, he gives us Phase Acrobatic and Arctic Armor! The only problem is that we need a 5r 1g socket so you need to have a supply of jewelers orb it is worth looking for a replacement at an early stage of the league. How to get the correct socket colors on your armor! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8QHWvcOfo8 High Evasion and Armour, Leech, Dodge chance, HP, Onslaught (up time it's really good), good before 3.7 thanks to the price, at the moment in the melee the road is still expensive, it is a very good chest. Rare option means as many links as possible and Evasion, good at the beginning of the league. You can look for a cheap Corrupt with links and colors. AMULET It's Best option for us, we get Flat Physical DMG, Life, Maddening Presence (10% slow and reduce dmg from enemy), Free Vulnerability. In 3.7, the price has risen from several chaos to over EX. Before getting this, we take the rare (Life / Resist /% Evasion / Flat Evasion etc) BELT The best belt when we have Perfect Form, a lot of Flat Evasion, Cold Resist,% life and Onslaught which we always have thanks to Fortify. Good option it's have corruption [Grace has XX% increased aura effect] it's really cheap not much build use Grace aura! Works well early league when we dont have Perfect Form. RINGS We are looking for Cold Resist, Life, Flat Evasion, other resist, an additional advantage is Flat phy damage. Two Really cheap Ring for start pre perfect form. It's very good to have craft to reduce the mana cost at a later stage, although in one of the rings. It really helps especially when we decide to play Champion at Channeling skill. But it is always useful. GLOVES/HELMET/BOOTS As much Evasion as you can, of course Life and Cold resist which multiplayer our evasion. FLASK One instant Life flask is enough for a crisis situation, we have much leech, no more life flask are needed. The rest do not need to be explained, Flat Evasion flask /% Evasion Flask (Witchfire which also increases Bleed DMG) / Damage Flask (work on hit and bleed) and Cold Resist Flask which we use as we have Perfect Form for multiplayer evasion If we play Champion, we replace Witchfire into a regular Stibnite Flask. Jewel You look for: (important order) - % Life - % Cold Resistance (Perfect Form setup) - % Attack Speed - % Increased Damage - Bleed stuff (only for Gladiator) - Area / Attack / Sword Damage node (only for Champion) Abyss option: - flat life - flat Physical Damage Watcher's Eye for Grace is nothing amazing here, the best option seems to be dodge and movement speed of but this option costs a lot, taking into account DMG, good Rare give us more. PASSIVES & ASCENDANCY
3.7 SKILL TREE, 94 LVL: GLADIATOR: https://tiny.pl/tcqsv -> No Resolute Technique on Dreamfeather https://tiny.pl/tc6v4 -> Resolute Technique on Dreamfeather! CHAMPION https://tiny.pl/tc6vv -> No Resolute Technique on Dreamfeather https://tiny.pl/tc6v8 -> Resolute Technique on Dreamfeather! ASCENDANCY - GLADIATOR 1. Blood in the Eyes 2. Gratuitous Violence 3. Challenger Arena 4. Outmatch and Outlast ASCENDANCY - CHAMPION 1. Master of Metal 2. Inspirational 3. Unstoppable Hero 4. Conqueror or First to Strike, Last to Fall PHANTEON / BANDITS
Major: Soul of Solaris Minor: Soul of Gruthkul But you can choice what you want, for me this two it's best. BANDITS: Kill them all! GLADIATOR GEMS
3.7 My links, finish build. Explanation: Double Strike/Lacerate (6 link): Main Skill-> Brutality -> Rage -> Multistrike -> Melee Physical Damage/Fortify* -> Ruthless However, at the early stage of the league and the development of the character itself, when we do not have Ascendancy and other important keystone may be useful games such as Chance to Bleed / Maim / Faster Attack (instead of Multistrike/Ruthless which needs a lot of attack speed to run smoothly) will work very well and help us go to maps. *Fortify, the difference between using Fortify or Melee Physical Damage is not significant. Use fortify before you get Corrupted Dreamfeather witch "Fortify on hit" Deeper explanation for 3.7
• Base physical damage from weapon scaled by local increased physical damage, and,
• Added flat physical damage from other sources e.g. Iron Rings, Abyssus • Scale base damage by modifier of the attack & added damage is modified by the Effectiveness of Added Damage Example of base damage modifier: Spectral Throw “Deals (54-90.5)% of Base Attack Damage” Example of Effectiveness of Added Damage: Firestorm “Effectiveness of Added Damage: 30%” • Multiply the above by the Base Bleeding Damage Value (210% of Base Physical Damage per second while the target is moving, or, 70% of Base Physical Damage while the target is stationary for 5 seconds.) SCALING BASE BLEEDING DAMAGE (% More/Increased): • Damage (Like on Jewels) • Physical Damage (e.g. Rustic Sash, Shadow Start Nodes, Brutality Support Gem) • Bleeding damage • Damage Over Time • Trap, Mine, Totem & Minion Damage (As long as the Ailment is applied by the respective source e.g. Minion applying a Poison scales with Minion Damage. Note that damage types don’t carry across, a trapped Minion won't scale with Trap Damage) • If you apply an Ailment with a Critical Strike, it is modified by your “Damage Multiplier for Ailments from Critical Strikes" (base value 150%) • If you have Perfect Agony, 30% of the value of your additional Critical Strike Multiplier modifiers (that are applicable to the hit) will also add to your "Damage Multiplier for Ailments from Critical Strikes" • Anything that specifically mentions ailment/bleeding damage EXAMPLES OF THINGS THAT DON’T SCALE AILMENT DAMAGE
• Increased Damage with [Weapon Type]
• “Attack Damage” (Or variants of “Increased Physical Attack Damage”) • Increased melee damage • Projectile damage • Area Damage • Spell Damage • Additional Critical Strike Multiplier if you DON’T have Perfect Agony Keystone (as it does not get converted to Damage Multiplier for Ailments from Critical Strikes) • Assassin's Mark extra damage on critical strike cannot apply to Ailment damage, even with Perfect Agony. • Doubled damage on hit mechanics (e.g. Weight of the Empire’s “Heavy Strike has a 20% chance to deal Double Damage”) • Point Blank (And Chin Sol’s similar effect) • Elemental Penetration • Inquisitor’s “Ignore Enemy Elemental Resistances” • Armor does not mitigate bleed Thx for Ziggyd for that, Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqifwelsCQ4 Doc link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-HwTFKDTwzQejkn7fLmqRLcgT3RK8dsI6frS5H2-h_0/edit Now let's see what in our case will be the best solution, the most important is Bleed while keeping the biggest hit damage too. - Melee Physical Damage Support Supported Skills deal (30-49)% more Melee Physical Damage –> hit only (+Quality) Supported Skills deal (30-49)% more Damage with Bleeding and Poison caused by Melee Hits –> Bleed only - Brutality Support Supported Skills deal (40-59)% more Physical Damage -> Bleed and Hit (+Quality) -Chance to Bleed Support Supported Attacks deal (1-44) to (2-66) added Physical Damage with Weapons -> Bleed and Hit Supported Attacks deal (10-29)% more Damage with Bleeding -> Bleed only (+Quality) -Ruthless Support* 0.5% increased Attack Damage -> Hit only (+Quality) Ruthless Blows with Supported Skills deal (75-132)% more Melee Damage -> Hit only Ruthless Blows with Supported Skills deal (75-132)% more Damage with Bleeding caused by Melee Hits -> Bleed only * But this applies to every third attack, or attacks 7-9 if we use Multistrike. -Fortify Support Supported skills now deal (20-34)% more melee physical damage -> Hit only Supported skills now deal (20-34)% more damage with bleeding and poison caused by melee hits -> Bleed only 0.5% increased Attack Damage per 1% quality -> Hit only -Rage Support * 0.5% increased Attack Damage -> Hit only (+Quality) Supported Attacks deal (4) to (7) added Physical Damage with Weapons per 10 Rage-> Bleed and Hit Supported Attacks deal (39) to (72) added Physical Damage with Weapons while you have at least 10 rage-> Bleed and Hit *And bonus from self Rage buff! And we can use -Multistrike Supported Skills have (44)% more Melee Attack Speed Supported Skills deal 30% less Attack Damage – Hit Only Supported Skills deal (10)% increased Melee Physical Damage –> hit only (Quality) First repeat of supported skill deals 50% more damage -> Bleed and Hit Second repeat of supported skill deals 99% more damage -> Bleed and Hit Let's now note how Ruthless + Multistrike Works " Look on bleed stacking: " it means that every 8 and 9 hit will be a real monster both as a bleed stack and a hit if we combine the two gems together. Auras (2x 4 link): 1. Grace 50% (when you set up a dreamfather, you do not need it before) 2. Flesh and Stone + Maim Supprot 28% - Amazing DPS boost in Blood, a lot of additional survival in Sand, you only need to be well positioned on bosses in blood. 3. Blood and Sand 10% - (AoE in Sand, a bit more damage in blood) 4. Vulnerability Curse Aura – Free (when we have Impresence Amulet dont use it bifore You can make a setup with CWDT and curse on hit on early game) 5. Arctic Armour - Free (when we have Perfect Form, dont use it before) If we can afford, we buy Enlighten 3/4 lvl, our links look like this: Arctic Armour - Blood and Sand - Blasphemy + Vulnerability (4 link) Mana reserve 3 auras, Grace, Flash and Stone and Blood and Sand total 88% or 82% if we have Enlighten. If you feel that you are weak with mana and you need a little more, it can be felt at the beginning we give up Blood and Sand. Vaal Grace (Grace on, Vaal Grace for use when we need) + Flesh and Stone + Maim* + Enlighten (4 link) https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Flesh_and_Stone *Flesh and Stone can be combined with Maim Support for a total increased damage taken of 30% (16+14) on enemies. And it works, Maim Support only affects Flash and Stone in this boots, as they are the two biggest auras they are linked with Enlighten (Flash and Stone + Maim takes 28%, with Enlighten 26%). Movement (3 link): Whirling Blades/Leap Slam - Faster Attack - Blood Magic *Free slot if you use Fortify in your main skill CWDT Setup (4 link): (i use maks lvl of gems for CWDT) CWDT - Summon Flame Golem - Increased Duration - Immortal Call* *It seems the best option, we have almost all the time 3 endu charge, so the duratuion its nice, but if you prefer, you can easily use Steelskin or Vaal Molten Shell (Molten Shell will proc from CWDT and Vaal you can use when you need!) Utility 2 (3 link) : Berserk - Ancestral Protector - Blood Rage CHMPION GEMS
3.7 My links, finish build.
Explanation: MAIN SKILL (6 link): I tested a lot of skills for the champion and I can recommend three: Blade Flurry is the most powerful option, pros is signle target, it's amazing. But you have to learn play under this skill, you need to control the amount of stacks and possible as often unleash. Coin is AoE and clear, the range is good but somehow this kind of mess on maping, I think that clear is more clunky than with other skills. Blade Flurry-> Brutality -> Impale -> Melee Physical Damage/Fortify* -> Pulverise -> Infused Channelling or Rage * We use Unstoppable Hero Ascendancy node, so it's important for Fortify to have 100% uptime. Therefore, if we do not have corrupted Dreamfeather witch Fortify on hit, we use Fortify in the main setup, the fortify option in the movement skill is not enough, we risk that we will lose fortify and we will expose ourselves to death. Melee physical we throw behind fortify only when we have corruption on the sword. Bladestorm In Blood Stance is great bosskiller, in Sand Stance has amaizing clear speed, very good feeling, I'm great at playing him and I think that this is the best option because he cleans better than Cyclone without losing the distance to Blade Flurry on bossfight. The downside here is the coloring of Perfect Form, we need just like with Lacerate Gladiator 5r 1g. Where Cyclone and Blade Flurry need 4r 2g or 3r 2g 1b depending on what setting we decide. Bladestorm-> Brutality -> Impale -> Melee Physical Damage/Fortify* -> Pulverise -> Multistrike *The same situation as for Flurry, see above. Cyclone works well but loses to two previous skills, especially on bosses, clear speed is definitely better than at Flurry but worse then Bladestrom. Still a lot of people ask about Cyclone on the wave of popularity, it's playable in this build but I do not see the sense of using it since the Bladestrom does everything better. But for those who feel like it, you can play Cyclone as well. Cyclone-> Brutality -> Impale -> Melee Physical Damage/Fortify* -> Pulverise -> Infused Channelling or Rage *The same situation as for Flurry, see above AURAS 1. Grace 50% (when you set up a dreamfather, you do not need it before) 2. Flesh and Stone + Maim Supprot 28% - Amazing DPS boost in Blood, a lot of additional survival in Sand, you only need to be well positioned on bosses in blood. 3. Blood and Sand 10% - (AoE in Sand, a bit more damage in blood) 4. Dread Banner - Free when we get Inspirational Ascendancy node from cruel lab. 5. Vulnerability Curse Aura – Free (when we have Impresence Amulet dont use it bifore You can make a setup with CWDT and curse on hit on early game) 6. Arctic Armour - Free (when we have Perfect Form, dont use it before) If we can afford, we buy Enlighten 3/4 lvl, our links look like this: Arctic Armour - Blood and Sand - Blasphemy + Vulnerability (4 link) Mana reserve 3 auras, Grace, Flash and Stone and Blood and Sand total 88% or 82% if we have Enlighten. If you feel that you are weak with mana and you need a little more, it can be felt at the beginning we give up Blood and Sand. Vaal Grace (Grace on, Vaal Grace for use when we need) + Flesh and Stone + Maim* + Enlighten (4 link) https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Flesh_and_Stone *Flesh and Stone can be combined with Maim Support for a total increased damage taken of 30% (16+14) on enemies. And it works, Maim Support only affects Flash and Stone in this boots, as they are the two biggest auras they are linked with Enlighten (Flash and Stone + Maim takes 28%, with Enlighten 26%). We put the Dread Banner in a sword or in CWDT instead of Increased Duration (we do not link it) Movement (3 or 4 link): Leap Slam - Faster Attack - Endurance Charge on Melee Stun - Blood Magic* *Endu on stun is very important in Champion, because we have no other option to generate Endurance Charge, so we have to use Leap Slam. If you feel that you can manage mana (rings with reduced cost etc) you can opt out of Blood Magic and put it in 3 link, if you need Blood Magic, you put it in 4 link. Alternatively you can give up faster attack but for me the jump becomes too clunky. CWDT Setup (3 or 4 link): (i use maks lvl of gems for CWDT) CWDT - Summon Flame Golem - Immortal Call* - Increased Duration** *It seems the best option, we have almost all the time 3 endu charge, so the duratuion its nice, but if you prefer, you can easily use Steelskin or Vaal Molten Shell (Molten Shell will proc from CWDT and Vaal you can use when you need!) **If we need to do our Leap Slam in 4 link, we resign from Increased Duration and insert CWDT in 3 link and Leap Slam in 4 link. Utility (3 link) : Ancestral Protector - Blood Rage - Dread Banner If we use Rage support in our skill, it is a good idea to have Berserk (I used it as a defensive proc linked to CWDT). To find a place we have to give up Blood Magic / Increased Duration or even Golem if we have to have CWDT in 3 links. Alternatively, you can also try to out Enlighten. LVLING and early maps UNIQUE
FAQ SOON Good luck, I hope you enjoy this Build. Last edited by loczek123#6858 on Mar 12, 2020, 12:29:48 AM Last bumped on Jul 21, 2024, 3:45:54 PM
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dude! thank you for building this; I love that original build and will give this a go!
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no Red Storm?
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" No, we already have 100% chance to bleed (25% from support gem, 50% from gladiator and 25% from Razor's Edge passives), alot better it's spend this 3 points for Swords or Dual Wield's node (Blade Master, Blade of Cunning, Blade Barrier). Red Storm can be a good option for lvling when we don't have 100% bleed chance when we get 100% we dont need it. When i will have a bit more time i will make a lvling section. |
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Whats about bandits? kraytin?
Last edited by LightingKnight#7781 on Jul 11, 2018, 4:57:08 PM
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" I prefer 2 passives, but Kraityn and Oak can be an option too. |
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is 2,4k life low for lvl 64?
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" Yes, it's very low. Try to get +life on all rare items you use. I see you dont get life on it. Last edited by loczek123#6858 on Jul 21, 2018, 6:13:12 PM
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Hi! thanks for the build that I was waiting for! No sick shaper stat stick and glad using double strike + grace realy nice concept :) But which corruptions are the best for dreamfeather?
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" I'm glad you like the build! Best corruptions are: [(16–20)% increased Physical Damage] and [(5–7) to (10–12) Physical Damage] it's really close options, for Double Strike you need only one corrupt weapon (for Reave both will boost you), alot easier it's make/buy a Increased Physical Damage. Just segregate Dreamfather by pDPS on trade, the first one it's the best one for us. |
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