Xbox One 3.3.0d Patch Notes

AnExile_onthePath wrote:
Changed the keybinds to access 'Highlight Items' and 'Clear Highlight' to LS + D-Pad Left and LS + D-Pad Right respectively.

Press Left stick plus D-Pad - two left hand area buttons. Really. What a terrible key combo to choose. Does anyone at GGG actually play the game using a controller????? Sure, not an issue for the dexterous, but what about everyone else?

So disappointing - to make such a commonly used command so uncommonly challenging.

Agreed. RS + D-pad would be better. And to accept trades, you now need LS + Left D-pad then A+Y...

Maybe they should actually ask us console players... Even a poll about what options they could chose and have a vote.
Xbox Gamertag - Corrison
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AnExile_onthePath wrote:
Changed the keybinds to access 'Highlight Items' and 'Clear Highlight' to LS + D-Pad Left and LS + D-Pad Right respectively.

Press Left stick plus D-Pad - two left hand area buttons. Really. What a terrible key combo to choose. Does anyone at GGG actually play the game using a controller????? Sure, not an issue for the dexterous, but what about everyone else?

So disappointing - to make such a commonly used command so uncommonly challenging.

To re-implement D-Pad Navigation the binds to access the Filter box and to Accept/Reject items had to change. 'RS' is used in the dash for other inputs, so this couldn't be used.

thMadHatter83 wrote:
This may have been addressed elsewhere, I just logged in, but I'm UNABLE to reorder my stash tabs; LB & RB are doing nothing.
Did I miss something in the notes or is this a known issue?

Thanks, I'm aware of this happening and have already made an issue internally to get it fixed.

lordnivek1 wrote:
I also cant move my stash tabs. I also cant figure out how to get rid of the number in my mana bar and life?

Thanks, I've already made an issue for this internally to get it fixed.
LS + Dpad ... seriously ?!?
I notice no difference between D pad navigation and stick. I know a few people seemed to like it, but at this price (super awkward highlights and broken tab re-ordering) for no noticeable difference?

So we're likely a week+ out from being able to re-order tabs? That really sucks, most of mine were not setup yet.

EDIT: I didn't realize the trick was to use BOTH the stick and the D pad to make it faster. Even still I'll take slower cursor movements over the new key bindings.
Last edited by Jauron#6197 on Jun 20, 2018, 9:19:50 PM
Jeff_GGG wrote:

To re-implement D-Pad Navigation the binds to access the Filter box and to Accept/Reject items had to change. 'RS' is used in the dash for other inputs, so this couldn't be used.

Thanks Jeff for the quick reply - but I do have a reasonable understanding of how we ended up where we are (and ultimately it and the other shortfalls with the screen navigation all go back to the limited number of button choices available on the keypad).

Why not use push right stick plus D-Pad for the screen navigation instead? That way no one is forced into awkward key combos.

And personally, I'd trade D-Pad single move navigation for Dpad jump navigation in an instant (jump from inventory to stash for example).

Hey, I am already practising the new key combo, but I remain concerned with the decision making process. In my opinion, the whole navigation process needs a high level rethink rather than FOTM "improvements".

Truly a great game, but even the best game can only endure so much abuse before losing its shine. And that would be a tragedy for all.
I now comment in Forums with my Xbox account:
Thanks for the quick address on the issue of reordering stash tabs.
Hopefully soon.

*Side note: Loading times seem MUCH faster as well.
...this escalated quickly.
Last edited by thMadHatter83#6127 on Jun 20, 2018, 10:08:26 PM
filter ploz

(love u guys)
Hey peeps, it's a me, rangerDanger.
Really don't like the left stick + d pad for any action there. Very awkward and seems there is really no point to it.
Holly Sh*t, this accept trade key combo is absolute garbage. Have anyone tested it? No way you can perform this key combo with one hand!
I rarely leave a comment but this patch is dissappointing. New key binds is bad and after this patch, frame and resolution drop is much worse, esp. tearing. I play on xbox one x, and it looks like i am playing on old xbox again.

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