PvP Changes and Timeline
Auto aim range is limited and the target angular velocity matters. That means target can manually dodge, so you have to actually "play vs player" while using power siphon therefore from typical STD wander perspective —> PS is non-viable skill.
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" it isn't. because to obtain enough dmg as a wander your you'd be so glassy. and if it doesn't hit its kinda over. and if it hits i feel atm i do not do enough dmg. tanks using projectile evade dodge etc. or when recharge kicks in. Sometimes i have to hit 4-5 times for a hit to go thru those dodge and stuff. and it doesn't really kill prob 1/2 hp a tank or so. but yeh 4-5 hits is abit too long for a glass. Kb on the other hand is really bad, can prob walk straight right up to you where you deal the least amount of dmg. if you're relying on projectile dmg for kb. i think there are many others to look out to. Unfortunately, there's only two skills. tbh tho , sometimes i wonder how they test stuff, one person stand on one corner and fire away? because actual players move. i figure to not invest in pvp anymore :D. inc part two nerf. its already a tank vs tank battle atm . sr vs sr. as we predicted. IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry Last edited by relithh#7305 on Sep 12, 2018, 4:55:57 PM
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Aren t you 1 shooting tanks with LA and and concecrated path? I seen you doing that.
I think there are a lot of things who can kill tanks with life builds ATM as long as they don t use CA swap. And KB was cancer for so long is the reason it got nerfed. Poe Pvp experience
https://youtu.be/Z6eg3aB_V1g?t=302 |
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" Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. 4-5 hits from a ranged attack vs a tank? Woah your life must fuuuuuuuuucking suck. Oh and that last line about testing stuff, i'd have to say if that's how they did it...it sure as hell is the most true to character way to test PvP in this game. Don't lie to us by making claims there are real PvP'rs here or that they move, aim....delusional lies. This games just a bandwagon simulator. Jump here, jump there. "Path of Exile, if you're shit we got your back" IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Sep 13, 2018, 7:28:49 AM
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clearly he doesn't understand.
oh wait, are you waiting for your heavy strike to shine again ? so much rage I am saying if you take 4-5 hits and not kill, and a recharge starts your next 20hits means nthing. because they just recharge through it anyway. yeah kb has been a cancer i agree, but theres a difference between balancing a skill and gutting one. At this moment occult tanks are really strong. the tank vs tank meta is already surfacing. gut more attack skills and it will be official. Besides, the only thing left broken atm is magma / fireballs. why isnt that fixed? it has longer range than kb, it has higher dps than kb i wonder. IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry Last edited by relithh#7305 on Sep 18, 2018, 3:49:02 AM
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So, 3-screens coverage crowd control skill can't be brainlessly used anymore to burst down a 'tank' build whose main purpose is to have high eHP and eHp refill.
Seems balancing, not gutting. I hope each of those 'shoot at red dots while watching TV' skills gonna get similar treatment. KB still can perform a 3-hits-instant-kill on a 'normal' no-legacy character. Even in league. Probably they making some core rework on Magma and Fireball, we have to wait two leagues more. | |
biased opinons, biased opinions everywhere.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
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-damage should stick in pvp so Tank with life/es regen is a stupid design that should not be in PVP.
Sure Frost bomb change is going in the good direction but Tanks can still use either mines or SR for cheap damage skills. Imo tanks should be able to exist but should never be able to deal any damage at all. ATM SR still deal too much damage and give tanks an edge. Solution is to make GGG nerf SR and other dots/mine skills so they would not deal that much damage when no points are invested on them. Skill like cuastic arrow with all those new + gems crafting material don t need any investment to be lethal and anyone can use swap CA like good old time and kill life build with it. Nerf Caustic arrow GGG. - 1 shoot builds either melee or ranged should have the BIG disadvantages to be super squishy but ATM with all those dodge/avoid and high MS they can get away with 2-5k life and 1 shot people without much risk. Imo the Block Chance Reduction Support should give us now the same amount of block pen than dodge pen. Dodge is easy to get capped now. Proj max distance should we looked at, Not sure if they should give less damage over distance or just lower max distance a projectile can travel. Aslo FFS move speed should be capped at 200-250 ms no matter what (would also help having healthier LAb competition. 1 shot build like tanks builds should still exist but GGG need to give them higher opportunity cost. KB was broken and stupid however investment needed was high. NErf is justified but IMO tanks should also get their damage potential gutted further. Poe Pvp experience https://youtu.be/Z6eg3aB_V1g?t=302 Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Sep 18, 2018, 11:35:14 AM
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i kinda agree on some parts, well i don't really 1 shot pvp otimized builds anymore, maybe a squishy range.
We do not have dodge/evade and stuff , glass is glass for damage dealers. and movement is our only escape mechanism . and that is mostly limited to just 1 flask in a 1v1 setting. which depletes extremely fast. so if you take movement skill away coupled with less damage or even shorter range, would be extremely devastating. the kb i played, had only 35 res to pull that kinda damage. Everything was min-maxed. i virtually die to anything if i get hit. Using the same setup i couldn't scratch a tank with 11-12kes let alone one with 20k+. so my point is, nerf was justified, but it was too much ? Unless you're referring to 4k hp opponents, yeh thats no probs. but if you're at 4k hp you shd either be firing back at me or standing at the corner of sarn spamming your orbs. If you're 4khp and a melee with no mitigation with max dps bf, statstick, you should use the map device instead. I apologize if i offended any melee chars. the one thing i often see is people coming into arena with their godly pve gear that they spent a fortune on and complain about skills being to op.( which happens to be 80% of players doing their dailies). their cries have been heard and im pretty sure thats what ggg has been listening. " people tend to ignore the text 'You may complete this quest using a PvP-only char' " before they queue up for their leo daily Lastly, some extremely strong dps glasses relies extremely heavily on flask use, and that has already been taken away. There's a reason why you see everyone or most have switched to an occutlist. myself included ;) IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry Last edited by relithh#7305 on Sep 18, 2018, 3:32:42 PM
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" Heavy Strike is fine, melee has always been fine. The rest of the game was/is still fucked. Evident by the fact you're even a name. You'd be "insert generic scrub name here" no body, well you're still no body but ...you wouldn't PvP. I have 0 problem killing anyone when I put the effort in. The difference between myself and the rest is I don't stomach bull shit. When people kill you by doing nothing i.e glove enchants of old or other extreme levels of lazy suck ass, I don't see the reason to invest the time/effort. If while I played this game my biggest problem was not killing a guy with 20k es in under 4 hits while I was jacking it across the screen.....it'd be fucking laughable. I'd actually have to reach deep within myself and ask ...."why do I suck so hard". IGN: MullaXul
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