[3.5] FACETANK THE WORLD | Instant Leech! 8k+ life, 2.5m+ Shaper DPS Double Strike

Interesting. Guess I should have bought the rapier I saw for sale a few days ago with 2x t1 damage, onslaught, penetration and multi. Too late now!

Thankfully the damage is ridiculous either way so I haven't really had an issue killing anything this league.
Marros wrote:
Interesting. Guess I should have bought the rapier I saw for sale a few days ago with 2x t1 damage, onslaught, penetration and multi. Too late now!

Thankfully the damage is ridiculous either way so I haven't really had an issue killing anything this league.

Daaaang that's a sick offhand. Yeah, damage is ridiculous either way because any shaper offhand is kind of broken, plus VDS, but grab that rapier when you can!
[3.3] FACETANK THE WORLD: Instant Leech Immortal Double Strike: poeurl.com/b0JX
[2.6] THE DISCIPLINER: Insane Defenses Support Mana Guardian: poeurl.com/ZGS
Enjoyable read. Think I'll give it a shot since I found a seeker in SSFHC.

What do you think about glad instead of champion since I dont have haemos?? I read your comments of alt races but if you have no choice you have no choice. Would go glad or champ sans haemos?
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jul 19, 2018, 1:16:12 AM
Looks like a fun build! Well done.

Also wanted to post that I think I sold you that Glyph Loop ring though my memory is terrible so maybe I didn't. If I did I'm glad it was being used!

thanks for sharing this, it's a really good looking build.

What would you consider other useful ascendancies? I saw about 50% of your damage depends on flask uptime (which is normal), so I was wondering if Pathfinder or maybe a Scion variant (PF-Ass?) could be worth a shot? Or is there something extremely important in Champion that I am missing, except the Fortify?
IGN: @JanusHuntress

Thanks GGG for caring so much about your players: https://redd.it/57wexj
Hello. Needs testing, but they say blood magic and damage on full life is not saved by multistrike or double strike here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/992291/page/1#p8418948
Last edited by dim.kiriyenko#4684 on Jul 19, 2018, 5:08:08 AM
Champion doesn't need accuracy (taunted mobs can't evade attacks) which is absolutely huge. Uncheck taunted in PoB to see what it does to the damage.

He doesn't take adrenaline, but that's also a massive damage boost that just requires a blood magic + aura setup in your 2nd weapon slot.

Intimidate's another 10% more.

You are stun immune if you have fortify.

There's a lot of reasons to go Champ. It's insane right now.
Last edited by ic8789#4064 on Jul 19, 2018, 6:15:07 AM
Hi I see you take blood magic, and reserve all your mana but I can't see with what gems in pob or in your guide? I can guess its HoA and Hatred but whats the last one?
No Quality on some Flasks. Unplayable.
Janus171 wrote:

thanks for sharing this, it's a really good looking build.

What would you consider other useful ascendancies? I saw about 50% of your damage depends on flask uptime (which is normal), so I was wondering if Pathfinder or maybe a Scion variant (PF-Ass?) could be worth a shot? Or is there something extremely important in Champion that I am missing, except the Fortify?

So a quick gander at poe ninja builds shows 63% of VDS builds are champion and 50% of champions are VDS. The synergy is there. Pretty much carried by Worthy Foe. Anyway this build has the most life of any champion (VDS or otherwise, as of writing) and perm fortify and it hits “deletion” status with Bois out so I’d say it’s a pretty damn good build. Flask uptime is good already but if you want that 100% uptime my suggestion is ascendant jugg/pf since jugg covers the important acc/chill/stun/physmit and pf gets you to 100% uptime on your flasks. The extra stat points stack up well too.

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