Solo Delve Ladders

Thank you GGG!
Demonoz wrote:
VironLaw wrote:
I hope the ladder is separated by classes as well, unlike labyrinth leaderboard which is bad ....

Yes! It really needs to be seperated by Ascendancy really otherwise there will only be one or two builds that can complete on the Delve Ladder! Atleast if it was by Ascendancy then you might actually see some competeion as well as variety of builds on the ladder.. Otherwise we just have another Meme ladder like the Lab Ladder.. Would at the very least make the Ladders a hell of alot more interesting.

There are 7 different Ascendancies in the top 10 of the Lab ladder right now... Very Meme.
In my honest opinion, this sounds like a horrible idea.

Having your solo position on the leaderboard get paused while completing delves only ends with difficulty increasing while your position on the leaderboard is unaffected.

Effectively this could end up with a guy having run 1000 delves deep with a friend but having a bottom rank, while rank 1 on the leaderboard has only completed 200 delves, thus making rank 1 do easier content than that of rank 792384857. This is extreme, I realize that, but it certainly doesn't make you wanna play with friends, if you care for bragging rights(which is all that a leaderboard is).

I don't know anything about programming a game, but why not have a seperate delve for group play? Perhaps even 2man, 3man and 4man?

Have it work like this:
Person1: Delve depth=1000
Person2: Delve depth=600
Person3: Delve depth=400
Person4: Delve depth=100

The group starts at a delve depth of 100. Anyone above 100 doesn't gain rank until the 'lowest' party member is up to their depth, which means only person4 gets increased rank. When a group depth of 400 is reached, person 3 and 4 gets rank and so on.

This would not mess up the top leaderboards, since content will be too hard to carry. 4 good players will always outrank 3 good players and 1 awful.

I just feel like only having a solo leaderboard and having group play affect your delve difficulty but not your delve rank is ridiculous. Having several challenges in Incursion that only count for the person that opened the map is one thing, but this makes group play even less lucrative than it already is.

Iceb4by wrote:
I just feel like only having a solo leaderboard and having group play affect your delve difficulty but not your delve rank is ridiculous. Having several challenges in Incursion that only count for the person that opened the map is one thing, but this makes group play even less lucrative than it already is.

You are misunderstanding the OP. There are TWO ladders. One for group play and one for solo play.

People were complaining that there was ONLY group play ladders so GG added a solo ladder. You still get to play with your friends and get a group ladder ranking.
This sounds really sensible and fair. Kudos again to GGG.

Now for the gripe :-)

There were over 42,000 players in PoE at the last league launch, and a sustain rate over 15,000. A ladder for 100 of them is a feature for 0.6% of the playerbase, at best.

As a regular PoE player, but no streaming pro or even any pretensions to be particularly good, I would still like to see how I match up. I love Chris' leaguely graphs that show (for example) that 5% of players get 12 challenges complete. But for Delve, I want more.

Specifically, I want to know what percentage of players have reached the delve level I'm at - and I want it in game, in real time, not on the forums at league end. This feature would give me a real reason to push, which will otherwise be absent because like most people I'm never going to be in the top 100. I think it would really help player retention.

If you're worried people would be disheartened or insulted by being told they're really bad, you could only enable it when some realistic progress is made, e.g. you're in the top 75% of PoE players, or even the top 50% if you must. But restricting this incentive to the top 0.6% is depriving the game of a huge incentive to play.
@Potenz0 is it true that only 5% of players get 12 challenges? Incursion was my first ever league and I felt bad for not getting 36.

I am excited to see that solo delve rank is now a thing in trade leagues seeing as how I play almost strictly solo and trade to make currency so I can craft more.
It´s not really a solo delve, if you trade because then you are using items that you did not find solo.

SSF will always remain where the big boys play.
Ygidua wrote:
It´s not really a solo delve, if you trade because then you are using items that you did not find solo.

SSF will always remain where the big boys play.

Yeah, SSFHC is the only real league which everyone, literally everyone knows about but which are too scared to play the real league and come up with excuses to why SSF is bad.

I don´t mind if people would of said "It is true, i am too scared so i won´t play SSFHC" that i would have respected and completely understood but then you have these kind of people

"I cannot trade items there so then it is not fun" <---nr1 excuse

Yea, cause trading items totally makes the game fun, right? No. Trading items means you get an unfair advantage over the game , thus having items you should not have. Did you find them? No...Then you do not deserve to have them.

Player 1: (SSFHC) 3500 life on act 10 Kitava
Player 2: (tradeleague) 6000 life on act 10 Kitava.

Player 2 kills Kitava and says "wow this shit was sso fucking easy, please buff kitava too fucking easy , i quit now fucking GGG makes everything too easy" <---this shit i have seen ALOT...

YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSTED TO FUCKING HAVE 6000 LIFE ON KITAVA..........Thus giving yourself an unfair and unjustified advantage over the game.

You do not have that bullshit on SSFHC, you will have 2500-3500 life on act 10 kitava so you actually have to move your character not to get yourself killed.

If permanent death is the consequence then you will pay attention...Just imagine if criminals would of gotten instantly-teleported to jail for robbing shit, like 0.0.1 second and you´re in jail...How many would of committed crimes? Consequences makes shit fun.
Last edited by SweetChilli#3352 on Aug 28, 2018, 3:21:11 AM
Why bother with a solo ladder in a group based league? If you want to compete solo in any meaningful way, SSF is the only place for it, and that's exactly where the solo ladder should be, exclusively.

God forbid SSF have something exclusive to compete for, particularly something that is SOLO.

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