[3.7] Chunky Chargrill Chieftain - Incinerate CwC Volatile Dead - [2x Demigod winning build]
Hey all, about to re-roll this character.
Can anyone give me a little review on how the build plays in the new league and also how the leveling process feels? I just dont want to get through to act 8-9 and be super bored.. |
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-- edit: deleted. Duplicated my earlier post by accident.
Last edited by necronomicon226#5178 on Jul 4, 2019, 4:07:41 AM
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" Hey man, hope it's feeling good in maps. The totem was used when I was still getting the flow of the build and in incursion league, where the build was created it seems super useful in the temple and incursions. I've refined the play style a little more now so that I can cast cascade desecrate to break a fully charged incinerate cast, this lets me re position if needed and you get a nice timed flow to the release desecrate channel cycle which bosses better than the totem setup I feel. You are right about the boots on long boss fights. The mana issuse is solved perfectly with the -# mana cost on rings craft. One -7 or -9 craft does so much as incinerate in my setup is only 15mana, if you went full out on the -# mana craft you could get the full -15 across your gear and have free casting which would feel amazing. There is also a - cost to channel skills nodes in the witch area, but I feel it's too many points when you can get better than that node on crafts. Other than that, the total low IQ solution is just use a mana flask on the big boss fights, not very elegant but without the Warlords it's one of the few options left for mana casters. I stream daily at twitch.tv/CellTank
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thank you for your awnser. I have another question. I don't get it - do you need Castspeed on this build or not? or Cooldownrevoery? How can you cast your balls faster? (Hope you understand what i mean ;D) Best regards |
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" The VD cast is limited to the Cast While Channelling gems internal mechanics and can't be sped up other than just levelling the gem up. Cast speed helps with getting to maximum incinerate stacks faster but won't affect the VD spawn rate. For this reason cast speed is a nice 'gravy stat' to have, as in it is nice but not essential. I stream daily at twitch.tv/CellTank Last edited by Cellstorm#2539 on Jul 3, 2019, 12:52:47 PM
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" HOLY MOLEY!! I finally got a decent ring with -mana... Without the ring, and without damaging mobs for mana leech: 3.6 seconds until oom, just holding Incinerate -- not including other casts I might need during a Single Target boss fight, where I might not be leeching mana lol. With the ring, still without mobs to mana leech: 38 seconds until oom. You da real MVP. Last edited by necronomicon226#5178 on Jul 4, 2019, 10:28:34 PM
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" Err... Actually a golem would be really awful unless I had it attached to CWDT, but I don't think it would be worth it. I'm not used to having two movement abilities, so where I'd usually have Vaal Lightning Trap, I have Shield Charge. No room really for another ability on my action bar lol. Maybe a CWDT + that Stone Skin or whatever defensive ability they recently added. Shrug. Two extra gem slots since my weapon has Shaped Faster Casting, but no available Skill Keybinds (have 7 already, not sure how to change the Left-Click slot to add another) |
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" Have you figured anything out for Righteous Fury? My map clear speed is super fast but for the Legion Monoliths, I'm not so fast when there aren't dead bodies to trigger Volatile Dead, and those mobs do not trigger it. Would the Ascendancy points stay the same or would you take Tasalio, Cleansing Water? Thanks a ton for the feedback, I know I've been posting a lot lol. You da real mvp! |
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Hello! First off, I want to say a huge "thank you" to you for creating this build and guide. So far, in the Legion League, I have bested my personal character level by two levels - I'm level 75 at present. I'm currently mapping T6 maps. What I particularly like is that your build is not overly complicated, and is relatively budget-conscious; both these qualities were lacking in several Witch builds I've tried in other leagues.
However, that being said, I am relatively new to POE - this is only my second or third league I've played in. So, I have tried to stay as faithful to your build guide as humanly possible. Yet, I am starting to struggle in maps - dying a bit too often - and I have a friend who told me today that somehow I should be doing 50,000 times more damage and one-shotting everything in map content, and I'm not yet. I have made a few variations to your primary build, and I am concerned I might not be doing the right things. One thing that is different is that I had a friend give me a beastly 2-handed staff that adds literal crap tons of fire damage to the mix. So, I can't equip a shield, as your build recommends. Second, I'm not using Vaal Grace, since it seemed a bit too complicated for me to wrap my head around using correctly, and I'm not using Shield Charge, since I can't use a shield with my two-handed staff. Third, I am confused as to whether I should be using Herald of Ash, Anger, or both at the same time? If I use both, my reserved mana shoots up to 75%. I've been getting by just using Herald of Ash alone. Is that OK? I am using a nice Loreweave 6-link for my chest armor, however. For my optional 6th gem, I am using Elemental Focus as of today, or at least trying it. I'd be very happy and appreciative if you wanted to take a look at my character and make recommendations. By the way, right now, I have the 1h-mace and shield set up that you recommended, though I want to go back to my staff. My character name is "Flames_Of_Death." Thank you very much for all your hard work, and your advice in advance. I look forward to any helpful reply or comments you may have. Thanks again. |
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Hello, so first off I have to thank you for this build I really love the build because it is so much fun to play, even tho I am new to the game (basically my first character if I do not count the ones that I played few years ago and had no idea what is going on) and I suck at playing this build and basically this game overall, I have watched a lot of streams and maybe it is not the most effective build atm and I would not trade the fun I have with this build for any other build!
I have a few questions about this build. My first question is if you could check out my gear and advice me which items do you think are good enough and which items suck/you would replace (my jewels are are similar to the one in my belt and yeah I know the body armor sucks but I am poor atm haha). My uncapped resistances are all same level atm for the flask bonus. The thing is that I have problems with survability, I changed the flasks for evasion ones and it feels a lot better, do you think this switch is good? The rest I want to know is basically about the gems: 1) I still have no clue what does the blood rage do in the build 2) I am basically never using Enduring cry, I understand what it does but I don't like the animation of the skill and I feel like I do not really need it, is there some alternative or do I just have to learn using it? 3) I should probably use shield charge a lot right? Because it gives me the fortify thingy, but I do not really like that skill and I just love dashing by the flame dash and getting endurance charges while doing it, any way around it or some alternative or do I also just have to learn to use that skill? Thanks for any help in advance and also to being so helpful in this thread. <3 |
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