Delve Balance Changes

Elhazzared wrote:
GG traps. It was good to have you as a viable choice for a grand total of one league. But apparently Arc Trap cleared too fast, disregarding the fact that righteous fire, death's oath, minion builds, just to mention a few clear at least 3x as fast, but GGG is only happy with traps being memes.

Good thing I was going to play something far more powerful than traps this league anyway, the only thing that is sad is that I'll not be going back to trap at any point in the near future.

Arc trap was not the most powerful build, but the power to cost ratio was easily the best of any build in 3.3.

More importantly, traps were just by far the best way to play arc. Having trap be dramatically better than self cast is a little silly, regardless of how it stacks up against higher budget builds. Self cast spells should be a viable option, and with trap in the condition it was in with 3.3, self cast was just strictly worse.

I'm optimistic about the compensating buffs to actual trap skills. Hopefully we'll see more trappers that use the actual traps, rather than just sticking a spell on a trap.
Davo10 wrote:
Smear wrote:
Welp, F**K this game and the nerf brigade.

I'm out, sick and tired of builds being crushed. Again and again.


See ya later, enjoy fortnite!

I lol’d
I'm a sunderboi, in a balanced world,
Levelling with it is classic, so fantastic,
While wielding Torment Rend its so fair, undressed lvling Templars everywhere,
Imagination, builds are your creation

Come on Tarke, let's go party !
Baked Beans - Meme Dreams
Shit balance things...
"Some things that slumber should never be awoken."

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Should have nerfed QoTF too, just saying.
"Don't Tread on Me"
Nerf Tencent
Bex_GGG wrote:
Lightning Warp now has a shorter cast time and starts with 20% reduced duration at level 1 of the gem, scaling slower as it levels. This is so the skill doesn't feel as bad when used at lower levels.

FI-NAL-LY :) :) :)

Now please FIX the bug that has been existing for years : Teleport "fails" much too often (I don't know what's the reason : obstacle, desync, stun interruption... ?).

Increasing the speed is a good thing, but if Teleport fails too often, it won't change things that much in the end.
Robfu wrote:
As a new player to the game, I'm impressed by the development team's attention to detail and the community. That has made me want to play, and possibly spend money on this game.

Thank you

The same reason I am playing and spending money sometimes to support the game.
daezd wrote:
these are called nerfs. please change title

Changes to Lightning Warp, Flame Dash ? <-- This is a boost :)
^ THIS! But I'm pretty sure the brightbeak nerf will cause a LOT of tears!
Yes: tears of big crocodile ones, because loosing 1 OP effect on this low-level-item! USE LEAP SLAM!, Moron!
My InGameName: Aui
Last edited by Aui#1650 on Aug 28, 2018, 5:59:35 AM

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