Delve Balance Changes

Doomshamino wrote:
So they nerf sunder because its only used for leveling.

I would suggest that they have a look to the marauder endgame builds that use sunder.

Next time if you nerf something first inform your self and find a better solution.

Here is a solution and it took me 2 sec.

At level 20 gem sunder, you will have the same aoe as it is now.
Level 20 gem is used on level 70, so no worries about leveling.


Nah m8,digging a whole in the ground and putting a seed into it and watching as something grows is far more time taking and requires more effort than cutting a grown tree with a chainsaw :D Weolcome to GGG smart "Balancing" of things!
Can you make Shield Charge work with wands & any one-handed or unarmed attacks? Since the weapon doesnt matter anymore, there's no reason I couldn't use a wand to Shield Charge, right?
Alriiiight :p
666tnt666 wrote:
Baron01 wrote:
This nerf just increase gear requirements to bring Arc trap to end-game.

That's the nature of almost every single nerf poe has ever seen. With mirror tier gear you can always play almost every build.

Point is Arc will still be used because the skill is better than any other trap alternative. Anyone who understand how things work will switch to Arc + trap the moment they become available.

This nerf just impacts SSF leagues and people who acquire gear at slower pace. This nerf also equally impacts any other skill to be used with Trap support, which is still mechanically inferior to Arc, therefore, you will keep using Arc. This simply nerfed all traps across the board but failed to address underlying issue of one skill being much better than the rest.
KillerFit wrote:
Potenz0 wrote:

Also, good job on nerfing KB, but please listen to those saying "that means there's nothing viable for wands".

Um...Can you explain why Kb needed a nerf?I have the strong felling you cannot!This is the same as Porsche producing 2 cars,1 goes with 400Km per hour,the other with 99Km per hour!Now,People buy only 400Km/h cars,and do not buy the other 99Km/h!What do you do?Do you reduce the 400Km/h to 99 so the people have no other choice?Or do you Upgrade the 99Km/h car so people can buy it to some extent?Understand what i mean?Kb didnt need a nerf mainly because it is a Clearing skill!It does not have any single target,not to mention that Barrage was gutted too!SO why cut a skill because it is good at something,instead of making other skills compete with it?!

Doubt that Porsche has a 99km/hour car. Its nerfed couse every one and their mother was playing KB as wander and was using it for single target aswell without change in support gems.
Its nerfed couse every one and their mother was playing KB as wander and was using it for single target aswell without change in support gems.

And why exacly is that a problem?
Kaflao wrote:

It's okay! You can just use Fire Hit instead.
"Let those with infinite free time pave the road with their corpses." - reboticon
Strange, I didnt notice that kb or sunder were overpowered skills in any way.

I leveled kb ranger wander with two poet's pen, then took poet's pen for bodyswap + visc vigil + thunderfist, clear speed was very good but survivability sucked very hard, I had 5k hp, but mobs and bosses pretty sure can kill you especially with bad map mods. So that area damage nerf is very strange nerf to be honest, I can understand the nerf of "wall trick", but not area damage. And actually clear speed with bodyswap was very good, but not better then incinerate + bodyswap for exmaple. Anyone can explain me whats wrong? I mean where KB is better then some skill that is not getting nerfed like TS?

Didnt see any changes to Berseker.
Any buffs to pure physical melee builds?
dead game
bring back 3.13
Minions, horray! Best patch, ever!

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