3.6 Synthesis Arc/Freezing Pulse Totems, easy Shaperkills with less than 1-2 Ex investment!

Since you have a crit chest you should check if it is worth replacing inc crit with ele focus in your arc setup, otherwise you should be ready to go

Other than that you should think about getting more mana, your life/mana ratio is a bit out of whack

Last edited by Nezyrael on Jan 8, 2019, 6:01:29 AM
Desbris wrote:
Salerk wrote:
Hi all, I saw a post somewhere here (can not find it again) recommending not to use the Marylene's Fallacy (sorry don't know how to link items in) as they dont have enough +critical strike chance to counter the -40%.

I was wondering at what base crit chance you do start to use it.



You just check your build on POB, there you can see exactly if it's worth it or not. I wouldn't use it personally, but each to their own.

Thanks for the response, ended up dropping the amulet and getting something else much better in the end with help from a guild member who is much better at using the trade section than I am lol.
Hi, what's the usage of Vaal haste on the CWDT setup?

Loving the build. Seems like the easiest character in the world to make money with. I, however, would like to push on to try to do shaper and other difficult stuff. I would like to have a gear critique if I could. I have approximately 1 EX in currency I could spend. What would make the biggest impact in terms of survivability, etc?

I'm probably looking at ditching the +1 totem chest and crappy offhand for a +1 shield and a better 6L rare chest, but am fishing for opinions.
Hey guys,

Just started this build and just wanted some advice. I was going to run a shaper chest with spells have crit chance but is way to expensive. Do i even need this?
And is the curses with soul mantle unbearable? Was thinking going solu mantle with 2x kik and self flag jewel but hate the lack of resists etc that comes with that

Any advice/ personal experience would be super appreciated
Kinda new to late game stuff. I'm currently doing T12ish maps and finding my survivability is lower than in yellow maps, any tips on where I could improve my gear? I have a little under 6 ex I could spend, but am not sure the best place to put it

What else can I improve?
indirect wrote:
Hi, what's the usage of Vaal haste on the CWDT setup?

You need to use Vaal haste manually and it increases your cast speed and therefore your dps.

@Trapsin: Get life on Gloves, Amulet and Shield to improve tankyness. I also think you can invest in a better weapon

@Rat666: What are you struggling with?

@Tyetan: Nothing is mandatory, the chest are just really good for DPS and tankyness with the right mods. And as I stated before, the Soul Mantle setup is okay if you are okay with being less tanky.

@Aumdiar: Getting levels on your arc gem will make a huge difference. In terms of survivablity throwing away the soul mantle for a cute 6 link with life and res will make a huge difference.

For example here: http://poe.trade/search/obikorawometor maybe you need to recolor it

Otherwise than that your gloves are probably the cheapest option to get a decent upgrade, just some examples: http://poe.trade/search/arimgosimeboma
Hi! I'm pretty new to the game and im just wondering where i get endurance charges from? Is it from a flask or a skill point ? Cause im using immortal call but its not discharging any endurance charges since i dont have any to begin with. I'm currently on act 8 :)
Dehstz wrote:
Hi! I'm pretty new to the game and im just wondering where i get endurance charges from? Is it from a flask or a skill point ? Cause im using immortal call but its not discharging any endurance charges since i dont have any to begin with. I'm currently on act 8 :)

U will get it with ascendency point:)

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