3.4.0e Patch Notes

3.4.0e Patch Notes
  • Lilly Roth has returned to Lioneye's Watch in Act 6.
  • Temporarily disabled Orb of Storms being supportable by Mines, Traps and Totems. We will re-enable this in a future patch.
  • Fixed a bug preventing Atlas completion of the Belfry and Mao Kun maps.
  • Fixed a bug where various Fragments which dropped from Delve chests were not stackable in the Fragment Tab.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Close All User Interface" hotkey did not close the Instance Manager panel.
  • Fixed a bug where disabling Shadows on DX9 did not save your setting correctly.
  • Fixed a rare bug preventing some players from entering the Azurite Mine.
  • Fixed two instance crashes.

This hotfix has been applied without a server restart. You should restart your game client to get the client side of these fixes.

Last edited by Hartlin_GGG#0000 on Sep 5, 2018, 2:01:49 AM
Last bumped on Sep 5, 2018, 4:02:06 AM
what would penguins do?
[quote="Gereggy"]I got stuck in a wall, and it was glorious. :D[/quote]
[quote="Qarl"]Fixed a bug where occasionally Fairgraves, Neverdying never dies.[/quote]
amazing as always guys thx for the hard work
Temporarily disabled Orb of Storms being supportable by Mines, Traps and Totems. We will re-enable this in a future patch.

No fun allowed
Hemmingfish wrote:
Temporarily disabled Orb of Storms being supportable by Mines, Traps and Totems. We will re-enable this in a future patch.

No fun allowed

Ripperino the stacking of orbs
Any plans in the works to fix crawler AI? Getting really tired of it taking off and leaving me in darkness because I had to hit a mob more than once to kill it.
Tried again just now, after downloading patches B, C, D, and E (I believe).

When attempting to leave town or use portal to leave town game closes out completely with no warning and reverts back to my computer's desktop. No messages appear, there is no opportunity for a message to appear.

Also, I completely uninstalled and then reinstalled the game yesterday, no difference. I was able to briefly access my Standard characters, but the game eventually dropped after 3-4 minutes.

Account Svenbo

Character Fu_Ket_Al
Fixed a rare bug preventing some players from entering the Azurite Mine.

"rare"... LUL
IGN: vieira

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