GhazzyTV - 20+ mil sDPS Dominating Blow & Herald of Purity [LOW & HIGH BUDGET VERSIONS]

DukeNyxius wrote:
2) I do understand the usage of Elemental Equilibrium to boost the cold damage part from the Hatred buff on the minions, but I suspect this is only viable with Generosity linked on Hatred, as else you'll give a res boost to cold if you deal the cold part of Hatred yourself? Is a ring with (Adds x to x Fire/Lightning damage) enough to trigger EE on every attacik skill?

Yes any piece of "elemental damage to attacks" will proc EE. So avoid cold and get any light/fire damage on rings or amulet or gloves or whatever.

Also, if you want to use EE, get rid of added fire damage support.
How do you guys run Hatred plus a 3 or 4 linked Herald of Purity? Mana reservation isn't an issue?
I decided to go for a full physical version of this build but I'm not sure where else to take it in terms of gearing. So far the only issue I've been having is dealing with the immortal syndicate encounters and the sudden oneshots and a couple random out of nowhere one hit kills. I feel like my DPS is not that great though and I'm strangely squishy despite having 7k hp.

My current gear

shissachan wrote:
I decided to go for a full physical version of this build but I'm not sure where else to take it in terms of gearing. So far the only issue I've been having is dealing with the immortal syndicate encounters and the sudden oneshots and a couple random out of nowhere one hit kills. I feel like my DPS is not that great though and I'm strangely squishy despite having 7k hp.

My current gear

Syndicate encounters are pretty rough on almost every build. Could get better life rolls on some of your rares(shoot for 70+).
shissachan wrote:
I decided to go for a full physical version of this build but I'm not sure where else to take it in terms of gearing. So far the only issue I've been having is dealing with the immortal syndicate encounters and the sudden oneshots and a couple random out of nowhere one hit kills. I feel like my DPS is not that great though and I'm strangely squishy despite having 7k hp.

Faster Casting is pretty useless for you. Also you have Blasphemy but did not link a Curse to it. You could link Enfeeble for defense or Punishment for offense.

After buying a decent body armour for 1 exa I now went dual Claws and also got rid of Minion Damage in 6L. The much higher attack speed makes it more fluent gameplay. Also my selfdamge is now much higher.
Last edited by Gixxpunk on Dec 15, 2018, 4:27:50 AM
I just want to thank you Ghazzy for great guide. I play PoE from quite some time, but as a softcore casual player i want my characters to be cheap (don't have endless hours of playtime with 2 kids around :P) and fun. I honestly NEVER played summoner before, this is my first and god - it's so fun.

I can only recommend this build as league starter for everyone, especially if u don't like to mash buttons all the time to summon things (this build is pretty much autocast summoner, you don't deal damage yourself, you just use attacks to summon things and mark them for kill).

Also, especially good in Betrayal (those Fortifications with 3 members of syndicate...)!

Actually level 87, in mid tier maps with no problems.
punishment vs vulnrability for more phys damage ... which can be actually better ?>
Punishment is ahead for me. Also scaling attack speed works very well when it comes to bossing. During leveling this is not important at all.

To sustain mana costs you either need mana leech on gear or jewels. A bigger mana pool also helps alot to feed the high APS for DomBlow.

Did Elder guardians (one red, rest yellow) and Elder (yellow) and it was a joke. Also Mastermind fight is easy with this build once you figure out how it works.

If you guys have more questions please use the thread and not PM, so everyone gets the info. :)
Last edited by Gixxpunk on Dec 16, 2018, 4:23:08 AM
why do i feel syndicates are hard to fight with this build ... i mean they summ alot of stuff even i capped my resist and i got over 6.2kk hp ... dnt have 6l chest yet but got other stuff linked and colored ..but i feel only syndicates are hardest to fight. .. is it me or game is buged ?
Syndicate is overtuned a bit. Pretty much everyone has problems with them. Wait for high tier red maps. It's getting even more funny. ^^

That's why I switched Flesh Offering to Enfeeble. You could even run Enfeeble as a permanent aura...

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