What's the state of pvp right now ?

Alpha_Dragon wrote:
I'm working on a max level portal build. Already got a level 2 portal and a level 4 empower, working on bonus levels, disfavour seems like a good source. Sitting at level 7 atm, but I feel there is more levels in there somewhere.

GGG should allow portal in pvp, teleporting players clicking on it in a cage full of lab trap.
Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Sep 14, 2018, 3:31:50 AM
this is the state of pvp right now in league


1) unknown
2) Fire trap build i think
3) Glacial cascade miner
4) unknown
5) unknown ( and a champiom wow lol )
6) Freezing pulse
7) Blade vortex tank
8) unknown
9) i did a ''ball lightning'' witch , i still need to test many stuff with this
10) unknown

3.4 seemed to change the way animations/skills load in, and i can't even do pvp in sarn. constant loading spikes (generally 3-5 seconds) until i get a terribad spike (2 new players spawning nearby?) which DCs me.

...so i still have no idea what pvp's like now.
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robmafia wrote:
3.4 seemed to change the way animations/skills load in, and i can't even do pvp in sarn. constant loading spikes (generally 3-5 seconds) until i get a terribad spike (2 new players spawning nearby?) which DCs me.

...so i still have no idea what pvp's like now.

Hey I have this too since 3.4, each time some guy join in sarn my DD is working like crazy and I get a lag freeze. Sometime I dc too.
Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Sep 19, 2018, 11:16:28 AM
yeah, the game's performance in 3.4 is really quite terrible for my comp. the loadspikes happen often in pve, too, but aren't nearly as bad/frequent.

i noticed this early and switched to a gladiator to mitigate most of it in pve, but i'd like to try to pvp someday. haha.

i also can't turn shadows off anymore. which doesn't help...
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oddly enough, indoor ctf instances don't seem to have this issue.

then we queued into the outdoor map...

basically, can't move or do anything for 3-5 seconds, with maybe a second of spazzy movement in between and then another 3-5s load spike. repeat through the whole match.

i'm using a ssd and this was never a problem before 3.4 for my comp.
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Last edited by robmafia#7456 on Sep 21, 2018, 7:22:21 PM
Current state of pvp in the temp league is really funny.
1h+Surrender Sunder gladiator swaping to.... Balefire SR just made my day:)))
Old times like 2h melee with EA swap:)

EU's nr 1: SR totems, nr 2 SR cast/totem
NA: nr 1 the same SR totem
Best of GGG's balance. SR kills faster then before 3.4

Now add one or two Magma abusers in the corners and Sarn is fun.

GC untouched.

At least VD is dead, with capped chaos res I may survive enough time to chase bowers.
Last edited by DedeX#5206 on Sep 22, 2018, 6:10:46 PM
SR kills faster then before 3.4

Because you facing an extreme cases of SR damage, indigon totemer and lvl 26 SR permanent 1100% damage, 140+% cast speed trickster.

Similar lv28/1200% damage/150% cast speed build on STD can barely kill a 30 exa investments occultist.

Self cast/ mines VD still deals over 800 avg damage per orb. It's absolutely useless vs 'hp on block' characters but can be pretty irritating if you have no sustainable HP refill.
Last edited by g64#3098 on Sep 22, 2018, 1:31:06 PM
totems can be converted but since they changed traps, once you used your first cluster it is very long cooldown to get max traps again.

same problem with golems, now it s harder to convert them if you miss your first cluster.
Poe Pvp experience
Bow is absolutely another level.
Wand is not so good as before.
Trap still can kill 'All' tank easily.
Melee is viable with conc path.
IGN : Bondisk, Champion, Vegadisk
PVP Formula Guide Kor
https://blog.naver.com/aliac/221569081708, https://blog.naver.com/aliac/221569083928
PVP Formula Guide Eng
https://blog.naver.com/aliac/221571697824, https://blog.naver.com/aliac/221571734537
Last edited by aliac123#1166 on Sep 23, 2018, 1:35:54 PM

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