Shared Mines and Sulphite Rebalance
" You don´t get that they would have to rebalance the entire Delve rewards (tune down by alot!) if they remove the sulphit requirement. The amount of currency you could farm in delve within an hour is insane compaired to maps when they remove the need of sulphit! |
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" Mapping has become more a problem than a solution to be honest. at legacy league, I was swimming in red maps, I had more than I could run at that time. In the following leagues, map drops became overall more rare, with high yellow and especially red, becoming as rare as a good unique item. Sometimes I did run 10 maps in a row, without any upgrade in tier levels. Right now, I don´t have to care, as I can delve and delve is equal to mapping. My white maps that I have, give me 60 sulphite on average and can be done in 5 minutes. Besides that, I have quarry that gives me 30 per run. This allows me to run delves whenever I want, as the sulphite I gain, is equal to what I need. If now in future, they truly increase sulphite costs, while nerfing low level map and quarry, then I will be locked out from league content, like at Incursion where my summoner could not clear fast enough. I stopped that mess of a league after a week and it would be a real shame same happens with delve, as I love the mechanics, just like with bestiary. League content should be there always and not be a once in 11 maps thing like Incursion. To me it is a mystery, why GGG is listening so much to people on reddit. Many of them are real money traders, many of them play 24/7 or with bots, they shouldn´t be the audience you care about. It´s us, the average Joe and Kate, people with family and limited time. |
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" See below man :/ Capitalism doesn't work like that. The imperative to make the most profit is only incidentally linked to making the best product. That's the reason monopolies are a bad thing, they decouple quality from profit. Incentive has always been incidental. GGG's preferred customer has deep pockets, and shallow everything else. And preferably they are on a mission to diminish anything that doesn't amount to "HYPE! GGG TAKE My FIRST BORN AND PAYCHECK!!" Or free advertising. " Even if true, (which it isn't) it would simply be a matter of dialing back quantity. Interesting how people don't understand that items in this game are a river and not (ironically) a mine. It's an infinite river of lewt. It 100% does not matter what the upper drop rate is beyond access. It's exactly how like taking 10% of someone's last dollar is completely different from taking 10% from a billionaire. The bottom is qualitatively different. There's a threshold beyond which more wealth has no practical meaning beyond what it costs others. (In this case literally nothing.) Lewt production is a non zero sum game. And it is production. It's not extraction. The items pop into existence BECAUSE you killed a mob. You're printing your own money with your clicks. Worrying about any sort of inflation here is accordingly insane. By zero sum logic the very existence of high power characters would make the game unplayable economically for lower power players when the exact opposite is true. Hyper item inflation is why the whole concept of leveling uniques is even possible. Because essentially the poe universe is a post scarcity society for all practical purposes. Being able to buy good items for 1c improves enjoyment, period. And the cheaper they are the better. The ONLY danger of hyper inflation here is to the sensation of economic hierarchy. That's why filters are universally understood to be a good idea. The problem with quantity has never been fictional inflation. The problem has been GGG in turn gutting everyone else's access in an effort to constrain them. Their drops were never the problem. GGG's belief that it was and their subsequent "solutions" are the problem. The root issue, as always, is control. GGG wants all of it, and has all of it, and all we have are illusions. This place is a casino. The house always wins. There would be literally no harm done if you could put a currency fountain in your hideout. (Or play offline, or mod, or play old versions, etc.) But see, the profits irl are the issue. The kind of people GGG want are greedy and materialistic even in non material contexts. And the real product, is the other customers. GGG is selling tools to whales to gloat for the krill. They want the kind of people so ruled by greed they will pay what amounts to a monthly fee to keep an ever expanding bank of items so they can feel superior to all the krill that for whatever reason don't or can't do exactly as they do. What GGG has done here is invent a pleasing river (content), and then setup shop selling jugs (stash tabs) to the people paranoid or greedy enough to feel the need to keep all the water (lewt) they touch. Depending on where this goes, this may honestly be my last league. Which is exactly what GGG wants because I've already decided to never spend another dime, or profit them in any way as far as I can tell, so I'm exactly the kind of person they have a fiduciary duty (to tencent) to drive off. So if you agree with anything I said, be advised, the game is unlikely to evolve in a direction you'll enjoy. Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities. Last edited by Innomen#6153 on Sep 15, 2018, 8:55:39 PM
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It seems to me like a lot of people are assuming there will be more sulphite grind after this patch rather than less, but it’s difficult to tell from the manifesto text. We just have to see how much they buff sulphite gain from maps vs how much the delve costs increase; right now, reacting like the map grind is increasing is just operating on pure speculation.
If they are increasing the map grind, that’s just nonsensical and the opposite of what everyone wanted. We're all in this leaky boat together, people.
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" Have the feeling the map grind will be the same as it is now, just with higher sulphite numbers.. "Don't Tread on Me"
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sulphite should be tradeable, or sold by niko
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" I am sorry, but the only think that seem shallow here is your understanding of the whole thing. If GGG was to just listen to people, there would be no sulfite anymore pretty much. And of course inflation in PoE IS a thing and a very delicate one, giving everything to players very easily would be disastrous for the longevity of the game ( big grinders - which are one of the primary target of GGG - would get bored and loose incentive to play very quickly, streamers would stream significantly less of the game and switch to another quickly - less advertising ). On top of that, there would be less judgement involved for anything as there would be even less reason to not go for the strongest setups that were expensive before and it would hurt build diversity even more. There would be barely any excitement seeing anything drop because everything would be worthless as everybody would have it already. " It seems like you want it all, not the other way around. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Sep 16, 2018, 2:36:21 AM
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" Oh for fucks sake, WTH. Make this an option then or something, its freaking stupid maps are tied to account, now mines too? IT IS FREAKING NICE THEY ARE SEPERATE, DONT LET THE WHINY MORONS CHANGE THIS. Please do NOT do this, this is horrible idea, each character should have their own set of mine layouts. IGN:Axe_Crazy
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" everyone has been saying it cost TOO MUCH SULPHITE, so GGG says ok then it will now COST EVEN MORE ! way to tell the fan base to go frakk themselves. |
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regarding "one per character or account", the players became fignants. it's like labythine. before it was one per player. but some or many, and I understand them, should be fed up with doing the trials (especially those of the uber Lab)
and why not ask Niko to dig another hole for the character "reroll"? ////////////////// concernant " un par personnage ou par compte " , les joueurs sont devenus faignants . c'est comme le labythinte . avant cétait un par joueur . mais certains ou beaucoup , et je les comprends , devaient en avoir marre de faire les trials ( surtout ceux de l'uber Lab ) et pourquoi ne pas demander à Niko de creuser un autre trou pour le personnage " reroll" ? |
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