Delve Costing Changes

I did uber lab for the very first time in your game, so the changes to summoners are great. But it also shows, that I do anything but league content right now.

I am farming maps... so many that I unlocked the lab and now out of lost hope for delves, actually attempted it. It was much easier than thought, so this whole thing had something good for me.

It would have been best if Niko would be with us inside the mine, he could mine things while we kill. Our azurite gain, could improve his work, just like it works with flares and dynamite. It´s annoying to be stuck, just because the costs are too high.

I gain 600 sulphite in a t10 map, with 150 quantity. Right now a shortcut is 210 and a two way delve 400 with the longest somewhere in 800s. This just doesn't seem right, those vaaled maps with high Q are so rare to optain, higher maps don´t drop... so :(
So GGG implement's a alternative to MAP's that is gated BEHIND Map's WTF is this dont get me wrong the League is great conceptwise but GGG again fucked it up with stupid mechanic's that are useless.

Why not just lock Delving behind a LvL/Quest (like Map's) and make it free so the People that dont like Mapping can enjoy Delving.

I havent Delved much this league for the simple fact that I am sick of Farm this ZONE to get shit to run something else its disgusting and in the Game since SacFrag's.

You cant make something fun by fucking its efficency either I am talking about the Quarry thing act farming will always be better for the simple fact that its FREE Map's are not.

NOW to the People that say sustaining Map's is easy its not if rng fuck's you for days yes some League you might have 100 spare t16's another you cant even run t13's cause you dont get any return's.
Last edited by FRANKENSTEINxDR#6927 on Sep 21, 2018, 4:59:04 AM
I lost interest in the league.
This is the worst patch.
You killed the league.
[Removed by Support]
ok cool
I think it is clearly an issue in this league that delve is something exciting introduced that people want to do more than maps now. It's no surprise really, of course people are tired of maps and want delves to be their main thing. I understand why GGG are sort of forcing maps to be relevant along with delves but I think the problem here lies in that maps are just not exciting now or even that rewarding.

People are popping into maps now and the only exciting thing is how much sulphite they will get for delving with. Delve has interesting fossils, resonators, lots of currency and rare items and encounters in addition to the ability to test your characters at levels not seen in maps. I spend a good while in a high tier map and I might walk away with a few jewellers orbs and maybe a nice sextet or two. I feel like if GGG really wants the reception of their delve concept and it being tied to maps to be well received they need to make maps feel exciting again along side delves rather than a chore and a barrier to the exciting content.

I think that delve is great and GGG have done a good job in creating it, and I get why GGG are doing what they are doing. I really believe the problem in this league doesn't lie with delve itself but how it feels to do maps now when compared to a new and exciting "alternative"

We will see what happens.
nice. well done, good choice.
Stay awhile... and listen.
Chill people, they're just slowly killing off the rest of the remnants of this league's player-base so we can all start fresh into the obligatory Flashback-event.
phxxbullet wrote:
Chill people, they're just slowly killing off the rest of the remnants of this league's player-base so we can all start fresh into the obligatory Flashback-event.

Flashback is only an empty husk of old leagues too. Mechanics are there, sure, but rewars are not. In last flashback I've leveled two L95 characters and got 1 (one) harbinger's orb. One!
Organic chemistry is a weird thing. If you add a spoon of shit to a barrel of jam you'll get a barrel of shit.
Last edited by Oblitus#2951 on Sep 21, 2018, 5:15:22 AM
Ok, so they nerfed quarry, so now we can't even farm sulphite without maps...
Cool, i get it, quarry was quite "out of the norm" solution, so i also thing that was on the level of bug.

Did zana's daily, and get 3x as much sulphite from mine compared to before... excited!

Went to the delve, cost is 6x as much as before... great...

So that's how GGG make their content more "approachable".

So many talks about how they make access to delve more easier to dump on us complete opposite by last patch... wtf?
Med1umentor wrote:
So many talks about how they make access to delve more easier to dump on us complete opposite by last patch... wtf?

When GGG promises buff, expect a nerf.
Organic chemistry is a weird thing. If you add a spoon of shit to a barrel of jam you'll get a barrel of shit.

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