Delve Costing Changes

Making changes based on player feedback. This is what always brings me back to Poe and why I love GGG. Great job!
Longer Delves already have better rewards than shorter ones, and are now discounted to incentivise players further for choosing them.

This is entirely inaccurate in my experience.
Too many times I have run these delves that are at max distance and get there to find one chest, and it doesn't drop anything that even shows up with a semi-strict filter.
Every single longer delve has been less rewarding in MY experience.

All-in-all the delve experience is boring and not engaging at all. It breaks up the monotony of maps slightly.
I honestly expected this would go unfixed for a few weeks. Luckily there was overwhelmingly negative feedback, enough to make GGG instantly change their minds. Think about what you're doing though, we've been able to farm delve pretty freely for 3 weeks already, why would you want to push atlas when theres new "infinite" content. Not everybody has enough time to play this game like it was their job. It really wouldn't have been that bad if you released the league that way, but you didn't. Anybody that played the game for 1000 hours or any body that can read reddit would know Quarry farming would be an issude. Again, as with every league, it was almost as if the mechanics were tested by somebody that knew nothing about poe, or that the feedback went completely ignored. You let everybody quarry farm delve for 3 weeks, then just as the hype of the league is dying and half the streamers are leaving you make a critical change to mine access that makes the leaderboard part of it even more of a joke since those with a prepatch advantage had it extended immeasurably. You teased an infinite dungeon to generate hype and give us leader boards for what is essential only a currency grind as those that can afford to chain t16s have the utmost advantage now. Thank god that you've partially reverted on the sulphite changes but you're taking the only good league mechanic I can remember and ruining it by trying to control how we play instead of giving us a sandbox and seeing what happens. PoE feels so catered these days and it sucks.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.
Last edited by p0t#2885 on Sep 21, 2018, 8:25:44 AM
Caulder10 wrote:
Longer Delves already have better rewards than shorter ones, and are now discounted to incentivise players further for choosing them.

This is entirely inaccurate in my experience.
Too many times I have run these delves that are at max distance and get there to find one chest, and it doesn't drop anything that even shows up with a semi-strict filter.
Every single longer delve has been less rewarding in MY experience.

All-in-all the delve experience is boring and not engaging at all. It breaks up the monotony of maps slightly.

I think he means those secret rooms and and stashed that you find when you explore the darkness during those longer delves. I have found so much valuable shit during the long delves that i agree. The normal encounters after those delves seems to be random. sometimes you find 1 chest and sometimes 8. But main point of those long ones is the secrets in the darkness :)

All-in-all the delve experience is very exciting and engaging to me and these changes makes my approach (mapping and delving) much more pleasant. Maybe after this second patch sulfite reward running t16 maps doesn't feel as rewarding as they should but this is easy to fix in future if devs agree.

Last edited by Guilty1#0553 on Sep 21, 2018, 8:44:49 AM
golan4840 wrote:
Thank you for listening to feedback! hoping for a boss fix soon

Hahahhaa, this made it even more broken.

The reasoning of the devs is absolutely nonsense again, they claimed that there's no automated trading like trading posts for each hideout because it would take away the person-person in trading, what bunch of nonsense.
I agree with most of the responses here...The last 2 patches have really
soured my taste to continue with the mines...They need to revert back to the way it was...I haven't posted in these forums much...but these changes are just too stay silent...In this current state please do not waste your time to add mines to the main game.
Elemme wrote:
I agree with most of the responses here...The last 2 patches have really
soured my taste to continue with the mines...They need to revert back to the way it was...I haven't posted in these forums much...but these changes are just too stay silent...In this current state please do not waste your time to add mines to the main game.

So you want to farm Quarry below T12 again and have less efficient sulphite returns above T12? Ok then.
And please let our reroll get the same delve lvl than our main ... Having to do all the delve back again from the start stop me from trying other build.
Nice! People once again fail to realize that your not meant to be delving 24/7...

I'm also further in the atlas than in delve depths... so it's interesting for me how people have been saying that they are deeper in depths, than they are in the atlas. Just goes to show how differently people play the game.
Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on Sep 21, 2018, 9:00:21 AM
Deonbekende wrote:
And please let our reroll get the same delve lvl than our main ... Having to do all the delve back again from the start stop me from trying other build.

Have you even read the patch notes?
You only have one delve now across your account, the deepest one you had.

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