magicrectangle wrote:
This certainly sounds like an improvement, but doesn't actually address the root problem.
There's no reason for delves to be gated behind maps. When you announced delve league, you said that the goal of the delve mechanic was to keep the game fresh for longer, because many people were "done" with a league within the first month.
We're done with the league because we've farmed all of the maps we can stand to farm, and have nothing else left to explore. If you want to force me to spend 3 hours in maps for every hour of new content I want to do in delves, I'm just going to tell you to fuck right off with that, and quit at my usual pace.
You have failed in your goal of extending league life, and done so seemingly intentionally, by artificially gating the new content behind the boring old content.
Delve depth should be about how deep you can survive, not how hard you can grind maps. Literally everything else is already about how hard you can grind maps.
It isn't even like gating it is needed for loot reasons. Maps give 10x as much loot as delves (if you're doing the things that make maps rewarding: elder blob, sextants, zana mods, etc), so people still have plenty of reason to play maps if they haven't gotten tired of them yet.
This +1.
We're tired of maps. We do not want to run maps anymore. Maps are about as much fun as masturbating with a cheese grater. We tolerate rolling up new characters because the new content is supposed to be fun.
We were excited about a new potential endgame that was capped based on our characters' abilities, not the same interminably boring, crappy map grind. The Delve mechanic is FUN, maps, not so much. If we wanted a map grind, we'd be doing it in Standard on stronger characters.
Stop gating all the fun stuff behind old, boring content. Cut the loot drops if you have to. Cut the costs of travelling sideways in the Delve drastically. Let us actually see the new content and enjoy it. Otherwise, there is no point in playing. We're in this league for the Delves, not the Maps.
Posted byCelandine#6332on Sep 21, 2018, 1:41:56 AM
But why???
The applied changes were much better than what you are doing now. Playing higher end content, was for once actually seeing some rewardability instead of the "clearspeed meta" where it's better to just spam lower tier maps at higher speeds and you're ruining it again?
The negative feedback is always much louder, especially when it comes to the entitled crybabies at Reddit - DON'T listen to them when it comes to trying to improve the game. You can't cater too much to casual players or you will alienate the oldtimers who actually stick with the game and support it!
Posted byBoganist#1151on Sep 21, 2018, 1:42:53 AM
choppedeuce wrote:
this post was made by gang weed
Posted byAsday#1248on Sep 21, 2018, 1:43:56 AM
walentaz wrote:
Are you people blind or stupid? This upcoming "fix" will change jack shit basically. It will only reduce gap a little in lower tier maps, but only 100% quantity T16 will barely match pre-patch.
At this point, I'm not sure if people are more stupid than GGG is incompetent or other way around.
Last week's manifesto was met with huge praise - patch comes out and we have massive shitstorm. Now it seems we have the same, fix comes out and we'll have another shitstorm, because this fixes absolute jackshit.
Last week's manifesto only met with praise because people didn't understand what GGG was saying. Some people saw this coming since that manifesto was posted. I see the same thing for this one.
"Don't Tread on Me"
Posted byjables#2975on Sep 21, 2018, 1:44:10 AM
Seems like we are saying "fuck it" to needing to having to grind for progress.
Might as well remove maps and let us click from atlas directly.
I mean whats the point of mapping when it's easier just to Delve for loots.
Posted byWilde79#0313on Sep 21, 2018, 1:46:29 AM
Most of the new things released with every league, gameplay related, are far from optimal. It feels like you need to grind more and more - this is the way GGG wants to increase player retetion, but it will ruin the game for most people. From 40 challenges, 2 or 3 are "real" challenges at best, for the rest you just need to grind like a maniac or buy them for chaos. And for what? For some sub-par MTX and the same shity-looking totem? In this league we had better rewards, but it is just an exception. They want us to run only T15-16 maps, but it is so hard to trade for those maps(and for many more things in this game). They really need an action house, but all we have is a crapy trade system(exploited by bots already). It takes more time to trade for high tier maps than to run them. Is this normal?
This is the way the game will go, more and more brainless grind. It is the chinese (market) way, what do you think happens after Tencent aqcuired GGG.
Are we going to see sulphite sold on GGG shop or just boosters for farming sulphite?
Posted byv3nomu#0667on Sep 21, 2018, 1:46:52 AM
VERY hesitant to say this will fix anything.
I love that they "thought" we were running delve that were roughly equivalent to the maps we were running
news flash, we cant sustain high maps due to your shitty horrible map system, but we're all mostly able to do level 83 areas because your game is easy. This is what happens when you introduce power creep and also more layers of RNG at the same exact time. You get content that's harder to reach despite the fact that we can easily do it.
Posted byLwe1389#7579on Sep 21, 2018, 1:48:58 AM
jables wrote:
Problem is, the people who did understand the proportional increases knew this was going to happen last week. We said that this would be bad in the last manifesto. It is even worse for people who are stuck at T10 maps because now they are also stuck in delve too. If they want to make running T16 maps an incentive, players need a reasonable way to be able to unlock red maps and sustain them. Just like patch 3.4.3, they are ignoring the disease and treating the symptom. I don't see this patch being any better then it is now, especially for the people are stuck in atlas because of shitty map drop RNG.
They don't even treating sympthoms. They are just putting a make-up on ulcers and calling it a day.
walentaz wrote:
Are you people blind or stupid? This upcoming "fix" will change jack shit basically. It will only reduce gap a little in lower tier maps, but only 100% quantity T16 will barely match pre-patch.
At this point, I'm not sure if people are more stupid than GGG is incompetent or other way around.
Last week's manifesto was met with huge praise - patch comes out and we have massive shitstorm. Now it seems we have the same, fix comes out and we'll have another shitstorm, because this fixes absolute jackshit.
They've seen their carrot on a stick and are happy. It repeats every time again and again.
Organic chemistry is a weird thing. If you add a spoon of shit to a barrel of jam you'll get a barrel of shit.
Posted byOblitus#2951on Sep 21, 2018, 1:50:00 AM
Good to see you are again super fast to do the parallel between datas and feedbacks :)
Looking forward for this patch ! Go go
Hf :)
Posted byHeli0nix#0378on Sep 21, 2018, 1:50:47 AM
Celandine wrote:
magicrectangle wrote:
This certainly sounds like an improvement, but doesn't actually address the root problem.
There's no reason for delves to be gated behind maps. When you announced delve league, you said that the goal of the delve mechanic was to keep the game fresh for longer, because many people were "done" with a league within the first month.
We're done with the league because we've farmed all of the maps we can stand to farm, and have nothing else left to explore. If you want to force me to spend 3 hours in maps for every hour of new content I want to do in delves, I'm just going to tell you to fuck right off with that, and quit at my usual pace.
You have failed in your goal of extending league life, and done so seemingly intentionally, by artificially gating the new content behind the boring old content.
Delve depth should be about how deep you can survive, not how hard you can grind maps. Literally everything else is already about how hard you can grind maps.
It isn't even like gating it is needed for loot reasons. Maps give 10x as much loot as delves (if you're doing the things that make maps rewarding: elder blob, sextants, zana mods, etc), so people still have plenty of reason to play maps if they haven't gotten tired of them yet.
This +1.
We're tired of maps. We do not want to run maps anymore. Maps are about as much fun as masturbating with a cheese grater. We tolerate rolling up new characters because the new content is supposed to be fun.
We were excited about a new potential endgame that was capped based on our characters' abilities, not the same interminably boring, crappy map grind. The Delve mechanic is FUN, maps, not so much. If we wanted a map grind, we'd be doing it in Standard on stronger characters.
Stop gating all the fun stuff behind old, boring content. Cut the loot drops if you have to. Cut the costs of travelling sideways in the Delve drastically. Let us actually see the new content and enjoy it. Otherwise, there is no point in playing. We're in this league for the Delves, not the Maps.
Maps serve to sink currency and provide end game level progression - this has always been and will always be the case unless they create a totally new end game system with a constant sink. Delves flood the ecnomoy with currency. The two need to go hand in hand.
If you think GGG wants players to run T16 content with chaos orb explosions then you're not on the same page.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214 Last edited by Nephalim#2731 on Sep 21, 2018, 1:51:47 AM
Posted byNephalim#2731on Sep 21, 2018, 1:51:07 AM