[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

Can you please tell me how do you cast 5 totems? And what this guy said... I have no mana left for auras if I cast 2 curses or vice versa... where's the catch? Thank you

EDIT: my totems are dying way too fast...
Last edited by drumcorp1986#0485 on Jan 27, 2019, 6:11:40 PM
Thanks for this awesome build!!

Playing it on hardcore and having a lot of fun with it :)
What should i upgrade next?

Last edited by behappycat#3719 on Jan 29, 2019, 2:55:14 PM
why do i only have 4 totems?
ryan_MD wrote:
why do i only have 4 totems?

1st page, 1st post....

Hello community, I like to share an insane damage and safe to play build with you.

This build was created in Version 3.4 (Delve League)
Please read the changes for the current game version.

3.5 (Betrayal)

The patch 3.5 brought many balance changes to Path of Exile.
Two changes will effect this build. (I guess it was too overpowered after all) - But an important note at the beginning: It is still a very powerful build, in my opinion still the best overall build in the game in terms of map clearspeed and uberelder farming & great delve grind potential.

1) Chin Sol Bow got nerfed to 50% increased damage at close range (down from 100%). With my char & gear I edited the Chin Sol in PoB to the 50% roll and the damage loss / output per totem is decreased by 24%.

2) The Hierophant Ascendency now only grants +1 to maximum Totem (down from 2). This means, we have a total Totem count of 4 (down from 5).
But at the same time we now summon 2 totems per cast (up from 1) and we get 3% increased flat damage per totem (total of 12% increased damage). This compentates mostly the missing totem. And for endgame boss-killing it is nice to have a faster output of the maximum damage-potential (2 casts to have all totems up).
its my second season playing and i managed my first shaper kill, feels good.

now i need to get rdy for uber elder!

What should i upgrade nexxt guys?
LundaSwe wrote:
What should i upgrade nexxt guys?

1) You should stack much more WED on rings and belt slot, this is rather cheap to get a notable push in damage.

2) Get a level 21 elemental hit

3) Get 2 socketed Tombfists

4) Get corrupted Frostferno

Note: you can interchange 3) and 4), depends on your budget.

I have not even finished Kitava yet, but really loving the build! At lvl 66 now, with my (non corrupted) frostferno and a quill rain, and i'm just breezing through content.

Really powerful build! Big thank you for this!

Got my chest waiting in storage for when I ding lvl 68. At the moment I do feel a bit squishy because I'm still in a tabula and haven't set up proper gem links yet but still, amazing build and fun to play!

looking forward to taking it to red maps, perhaps do my first shaper and elder with it :)
I'm not really sure whats going on, but I am STRUGGLING in the early part of the game.

As in, getting my butt kicked.

Can anyone provide advice with what I should fix from my gear?
Quill Rain does more DPS than Chin Sol?

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