[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

Hi! Been using your guide in my Standart Hiero for a few days now, but struggling hard with high-end late game.

I spent around 2ex with this build so far (yes, i'm poor, I do not know how to generate more income), and my damage doesn't feel as good as it should be.

Could someone tell me what are the keys that I'm missing? What should I do to get him to the next level?

https://pastebin.com/8Fg8B2JL (my character now)

Thank you, loved this build, it made me love the Totem playstyle.

I will give it a try because it's been a while you posted and there is no answer:

- Corruption on the Quiver. They are cheaps and it will cost you only one or two alch and 1 Vaal per try. Point blank is the best. I have not been lucky and mine is 9% more dmg per pierced enemies and it does a pretty good job at map clearing and all maps T15 under bosses.
- Your life appears to be 4.6k. It is quite low. You should be able to get 6.4k easy. You may want to buy a few items with life.
- I would get a jewel with 50+ life and attack speed.
- Get money to buy or play a lot and in the off hand raise gems to corrupt and get +1 level or at least 21+ quality. It makes a significant difference on dps.
- You may want a better corruption on your boots.
- I adjusted my tree and a couple gems for my play style. I use projectile weakness, save a few points on the right side of the tree by removing pierce, took more life nodes. I also total a 147% movement speed with flask and phase run on self cast. It gives me good survivability and a fast play style.
- I used for a long time vaal haste and decided to change it for vaal grace. It raised significantly my survivability.
- The 4% less physical dmg golem is great but I use a lightning golem linked to a life gem for the 9% attack speed.

I do not know how good of a player you are, but it appears you joined the game less than 1 year ago and your challenges number is quite low. I think you are still on the lower part of the learning curve.

But let me talk to you about me. (I like to talk about myself...lol)

I was a good player at D3. Always the highest paragon in the seasons of my clan, always on the top 300 ladder. My stuff was OP. D3 is like a tricycle compared to a racing motorcycle to POE. I have been playing since 1 year and 4 months and I still did not kill the Shaper. I tried 3-4 times and I got owned each time. With this game, you need to learn the fights mechanics. There are only a handful of very expansive builds that can face thank the end content. I will suggest that you spend time to learn the game and enjoy it. for example, it took me a while to get my potions right to avoid stupid deaths (aka bleeding, poison, burning, curses, etc...) or it took me a while to learn to get out of dodge with those vicious exploding circles on the ground after deaths. Some players reading that will say what a noob! For them it was easy, for me it was hard. However, for me, any kind of mathematics in this game is easy. Anyway, my advice: Enjoy the game and try to learn how to survive as much as you can.

Good luck!!!
Hi guys,

it has been a while since I posted last time on my build guides.
Sorry for that!
Hope you all enjoy my guides :-)

For the ones who keep asking, which build I played in Synthesis league:
(not my own build -> just some tweaking of an existing build and my usual attempt of min-maxing it)


INCINERATE TRICKSTER (34 million shaper DPS)

Lunasicc187 wrote:
Dear OP,

thank you very much for your build-iteration of an Incinerate-Trickster. It was quite fun to "min-max" this build and kill uber elder in 2 seconds per phase (yes, shaper and elder), or minotaur guardian in ~0.5 seconds.

I just tweaked the build a bit for some additional defence / offence mechanics and I wanted to get at least 5.2k life.

01) 51 million DPS (34 million shaper DPS)
02) 6 jewel sockets @ level 96
03) over 5.3k life @ level 96 (plus Mind over Matter)
04) life leech with anger watcher´s eye (no mana for aspect of the spider / herald of ash)
05) Nearby enemies shocked while focussed (ring craft)
06) perma blind enemies for more survivability (roll on gloves / over 15 casts/sec)
07) utilize three focus mechanics (double damage on staff, cast speed on gloves, shock on ring)
08) perma onslaught on boots (implicit)
09) 187% movement speed (phase run)

10) 6L Carcass Jack with 2 movement skills (flame dash for bosses, warp for systhesis memory fragments to teleport longer distance over the blue stuff) no movement gem swap needed
11) no life flask needed
12) immune to corrupted blood (on a jewel)

Important milestones:
01) you really need the white socket on the staff!!! without "volatile dead" + "cast while channeling" for mapping this build feels slow.
Once you have the white socket to swap between mapping and boss setup, the build is currently the best allrounder-selfcaster in my opinion (yes, even better than trickster winterorb + shroud + shaper based gear).
For mapping: Incinerate + Infused Channeling + Empower + Cast while Channeling + Volatile Dead + Increased Area of Effect
For bossing: Incinerate + Infused Channeling + Empower + Controlled Destruction + Concentrated Effect + Elemental Focus
(to run this, you need a white socket to use blue and green gem it that socket.

02) Right now, there is not a single boss in the entire game that lives longer than 2-3 seconds in the Incinerate beam (per phase) with my current gear. And of course I still have some room to improve...

My Gear:

The global chance to blind really is a nice feature. with a cast rate of over 15/sec, you blind everything that isn´t immune to blind. Also the Storm Brand skill (to curse bosses) is supported by a level 20 Blind gem. Just a nice extra...

The shock mechanic (on the ring) is really, really strong against bosses, the damage output is just so funny to watch...

I use a shaper based helmet, because you can get extra fire damage to spells, which is a great damage boost...

The perma onslaught implicit on the boots is just insanely strong. And now you don´t need an onslaught flask anymore. This frees up one flask slot...

(I know, there is still room to improve)
Since I had some trouble to get my resistences capped, I needed to get some resists on my jewels (I also recommend "corrupted blood cannot inflict you" - it just feels great and safe while mapping fast with 187% movement speed)


Life Leech with Anger, no need to have "fire damage leeched as life" on the amulet slot (you need at least one fire damage leech mechanic). Now I don´t need a life flask, and I can free up a flask slot.
The damage penetration (with anger) rolls higher than with the Zealorty watcher´s eye roll (only 8-10%). The Arcane Surge / Zealorty roll is insanely strong, when you burst out your damage (trigger all flasks and use focus) -> extra cast speed / spell damage. really nice!

Since I have perma onslaught and life leech -> no life flask needed. Just pure utility flasks:

My Pastebin:


TY again for this build, it kept me going this league until now.


Have a nice weekend!
Thoughts on a MF VErsion with Windripper? I know dmg would be way less, but cold conversion on t6 Burials should be fast eh? ( Need cold to shatter for the Q on Ripper )
MF Version is ez - just get 2 ventors gamble or thief torments (20iiq or 16iiq), some iiq talisman amulet or bisco, goldwyrm boots. you will still be able to run red maps, maybe elder burials.

There is probably way to convert dmg to COLD version with windripper, question is if that 15iiq more worth for probably big lose of dmg.
Love this build! I wasn't very successful with the cold totem but am digging this ele hit fire version.

did all the way up to tier 15 maps. will be trying shaper/elder when i get enough practice in.

thanks OP for this great build!
Last edited by Dezzo79#1529 on Apr 29, 2019, 10:18:10 AM
next to the lousiest build i've ever played.. "9.6mill" DPS took me over 15 minutes to down minotaur.. FML....

sure it clears quite well.... but single target is just disappointing...
totems just keep getting 1hit by any little hit.
cant even clear the stupid syndicate pop-ups....

I'll stick with my w.orb/incinerate.

using this build will wind bow quant roll always work or do i need the vessel of vintkar flask
i am trying to get more items quantity while i am farming since enemies die pretty fast
So is chieftain the way to go in 3.6?
shahmat1972 wrote:
So is chieftain the way to go in 3.6?

i heard so i myself struggle alot without life regen or leech with this build but the dmg is very nice leeching wud make me not die much nd lvl tho im stuck at 95

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