[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

I need some help, tryed to play this build in standart but i dont do any damage!!! Elemental Hit and Frenzy just dont do even 1 point of damage ¿how come?
I linked the gems like says the guide.

PoB: https://pastebin.com/njxb6WM0

whats wrong? pls
LindaPS wrote:
I need some help, tryed to play this build in standart but i dont do any damage!!! Elemental Hit and Frenzy just dont do even 1 point of damage ¿how come?
I linked the gems like says the guide.

PoB: https://pastebin.com/njxb6WM0

whats wrong? pls

Your skill gems are lvl 1
Frenzy will never do any damage because it is only used to get frenzy charges
Your elemental hit at lvl 1 will do pitiful damage. you need to level up your gems or buy leveled up elemental hit gems and its supports.
Tala Moana, Exile.
Really enjoying this build so far, level 92. A few questions as I am trying to upgrade my gear.

1. Boots, what is the ideal boots to gear for? Shaped with + totem damage life and res? Or unique boots such as Gangs Momentum (Damage against ignited enemies), or does totem damage == damage against ignited enemies if both are 30% because that would make shaped boots better.

2. Bow. End game are we still using Chin Sol? I think I have something like 1700 accuracy rating right now, would Lion's Eye Glare or a crafted bow be better at end game?

Killed all content with this build

-Uber Elder
-Uber Atziri
-Delve bosses
And did 36 challenges in Legion without buying any boss killing service.

This build is really great even if it's non min-maxed
You can check my gear : Bleelooks_SAUCEGOD on my profile
Bleelooks wrote:
Killed all content with this build

-Uber Elder
-Uber Atziri
-Delve bosses
And did 36 challenges in Legion without buying any boss killing service.

This build is really great even if it's non min-maxed
You can check my gear : Bleelooks_SAUCEGOD on my profile

I have similar gear, currently Chin-sol instead of Lions eye and frenzy curse instead of blasphemy. I am going to try your set up if you had no problems. Just a quick question, how are you running 2 curses with that setup?
dkowalch wrote:

I have similar gear, currently Chin-sol instead of Lions eye and frenzy curse instead of blasphemy. I am going to try your set up if you had no problems. Just a quick question, how are you running 2 curses with that setup?

I am not running 2 curses,

I play mainly enfeeble for toughness and sometimes run flammability for more dps.
I also play Grace instead of Haste for more survivability.

I lose some dps but i think this is a must have with the change of Immortal Call and the new Legion monsters.
Interesting, thanks. I think I will switch over to that setup for t15+
Bleelooks wrote:
Killed all content with this build

-Uber Elder
-Uber Atziri
-Delve bosses
And did 36 challenges in Legion without buying any boss killing service.

This build is really great even if it's non min-maxed
You can check my gear : Bleelooks_SAUCEGOD on my profile

A few questions,

Why are you still using Point Blank (quiver) with Lioneye's?
What is your DPS in town?
Do you use Chin Sol for bosses?

I am not Anti-Social, I am just selective on whom I wish to be social with.
Ahewaz wrote:

A few questions,

Why are you still using Point Blank (quiver) with Lioneye's?
What is your DPS in town?
Do you use Chin Sol for bosses?


I still use Point Blank because i place my totems close to bosses, i don't know if it's worth but it work. And it does not affect my clear speed.

My mouseover DPS in Oriath is 85'472.

I don't switch to Chin Sol because i don't want to change my bow/gems everytime but it might be better.
Bleelooks wrote:
Ahewaz wrote:

A few questions,

Why are you still using Point Blank (quiver) with Lioneye's?
What is your DPS in town?
Do you use Chin Sol for bosses?


I still use Point Blank because i place my totems close to bosses, i don't know if it's worth but it work. And it does not affect my clear speed.

My mouseover DPS in Oriath is 85'472.

I don't switch to Chin Sol because i don't want to change my bow/gems everytime but it might be better.

Thanks for replying. You are correct. Lioneye's with Point Blank is crazy. I have never killed an Elder so fast. My DPS is close to yours. I think I will be retiring my Chin Sol except for standard where I have a legacy one.
I am not Anti-Social, I am just selective on whom I wish to be social with.

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