[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

realhoffi83 wrote:
Kewrdy wrote:
Any tips for handling mana issues? When I activate grace I'm not feeling comfortable with my mana. It's not that is impossible to play but yeah - not comfortable for me.

Mana Flask would be obvious but I would prefer to avoid it :D For now i run without grace active because of that.

And what is your opinion on Vitality as Aura? Because I have the feeling that the life regen is a bit low.

on rings u need non-channeling skills cost -x mana!

when on both rings, u can spam totems ;)
and get that 4 lab

I prefer to craft a suffix there to nearly cap my chaos resistance. Then I would rather go for the mana flask. But anyway the mana problems are better now with some more levels. Maybe I can even spare a mana flask.

And is Point Blank a thing for this build?
Last edited by Kewrdy#7393 on Oct 1, 2020, 7:44:44 AM
Kewrdy wrote:
Any tips for handling mana issues? When I activate grace I'm not feeling comfortable with my mana. It's not that is impossible to play but yeah - not comfortable for me.

There's a new Unique Jewel, "Replica Conqueror's Efficiency" that provides provides "Non-Channelling Skills have -9 to Total Mana Cost" plus some other benefits. Unfortunately, this build doesn't have any spare Jewel Sockets but just thought to put it here in case you are interested to explore this as a temporary solution or something since crafting on Rings are not an option.

Kewrdy wrote:
And what is your opinion on Vitality as Aura? Because I have the feeling that the life regen is a bit low.

The Life Regen alone is definitely not enough. I highlighted no leech, only Life Regen and some reliance on Life Flask as one of the cons.

Thus in "11. Mid-Tier Equipment Details", I recommended using 2 types of Life Flask, one that recovers life instantly and one that Recovers Life over Time Quickly for this build.

With regards to Vitality Aura, the Life Regen from it is a decent amount, however I don't think it is useful/high enough to be worth using. There are better uses for reserving/not reserving our Mana.

Kewrdy wrote:
And is Point Blank a thing for this build?

Point Blank is mentioned in "31. "OneShotKill" Edition(Optional Modifications to Build)". I would also recommend reading the Abyss Jewel Section of "23. Ideal Non Cluster Jewels" if you haven't.

realhoffi83 wrote:
thx vei!

glovaes had T3 Projectile Dmg
quiver +2 max chaos res... :/

well the belt... i need some res + dmg! :/

so life some cold/chaos resis i want on it -.-

No problem! Hope you can find/craft an upgrade for your belt soon :)
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Last edited by Vei#5870 on Oct 1, 2020, 12:42:37 PM
Hello! I've played this before when it was just ele hit totems long ago.. and I liked its boss killing ability even though its clear is kind of slow I just wanted something solid to get me enough achievements this league to get the monocle cat easily even if I lost interest in the league. And the updates from Vei are greatly appreciated.

Praise aside <3 I came because I wanted some advice on what the largest dps increases would be on my heist character, (profile should be open) Aside from improving my skill gems and a new belt what would be my next step towards reaching the damage everyone else is with this build? I also already have a chain breaker gem and taunt/blind gem.

Where are all the huge increases coming from in pob that show me at around 500k a turret with max gem levels vs the 980k+ on others? Is it mostly just +2 level corruptions all over?

And how about replacing combustion/ele damage with barrage like suggested in the one hit section wouldn't it just be better now because of the new quality for barrage "Projectiles Fired by Supported Skills have 5% increased Projectile spread" since at 23% qual it turns from 100% spread to an extra +1 projectile. Though it says barrage shoots them sequentially so maybe keeping it to 20% for 100% spread would work better? I'm not sure how the new quant interacts D: I'd test it myself but it's expensive lol

And another question with the new qualities of gems, would "Per 1% Quality:
0.5% chance for Projectiles Fired by Supported Skills to Return" be useful in this build? I've never played a build that uses returning projectiles so I don't know if they hit the units again or its just used to hit things they miss?

Could we possibly get an update on which of the new gem qualities would be the best <3 Though I know that might not be a possibility right away with costs of gems.
Last edited by Curs3dfox#4344 on Oct 1, 2020, 4:32:58 PM
Curs3dfox wrote:
I came because I wanted some advice on what the largest dps increases would be on my heist character, (profile should be open) Aside from improving my skill gems and a new belt what would be my next step towards reaching the damage everyone else is with this build? I also already have a chain breaker gem and taunt/blind gem.


Other than the Skill Gems(Esp Elemental Hit) and Chainbreaker Jewel you already mentioned, definitely go for:

- +2(or +4) Corrupted Frostferno(Best possible DPS upgrade for this build)
- Corrupted Quill Rain with 18% Critical Strike Chance

Otherwise it's about getting better gears or implementing what I mentioned in
"31. "OneShotKill" Edition(Optional Modifications to Build)"

You can refer to the very end of Part 2 of the guide which I show one of the best gears for the build to have an idea what to aim for each equipment slot(Disregard the bow/redeemer belt which is hard/impossible to craft outside a league like Harvest).

Curs3dfox wrote:
Where are all the huge increases coming from in pob that show me at around 500k a turret with max gem levels vs the 980k+ on others? Is it mostly just +2 level corruptions all over?

Other than +2/+4 level Corruptions:

- Point Blank Keystone(Projectile Travelled Distance Set to 1)
- Double Curse Setup(Sniper's Mark/Flammability)
- Bottled Faith(High Rolled)(Enemy on Consecrated Ground ticked)

Curs3dfox wrote:
Could we possibly get an update on which of the new gem qualities would be the best <3 Though I know that might not be a possibility right away with costs of gems.

I did write my comments on the Alternate Quality Gems under "[3.12] Initial Thoughts/Comments" You can find them here. I have also added a note besides each gem in "05. Gem Setup" indicating the ones to go for(If an alternate quality one is a better choice).

2) Ballista Totem Support(Upgrade to Heist's Divergent version later)

Curs3dfox wrote:
And how about replacing combustion/ele damage with barrage like suggested in the one hit section wouldn't it just be better now because of the new quality for barrage "Projectiles Fired by Supported Skills have 5% increased Projectile spread" since at 23% qual it turns from 100% spread to an extra +1 projectile. Though it says barrage shoots them sequentially so maybe keeping it to 20% for 100% spread would work better? I'm not sure how the new quant interacts D: I'd test it myself but it's expensive lol

Unfortunately, I am not really playing this league so I won't be able to test and comment on this. Maybe someone else who have used it can give their comments.

Curs3dfox wrote:
And another question with the new qualities of gems, would "Per 1% Quality:
0.5% chance for Projectiles Fired by Supported Skills to Return" be useful in this build? I've never played a build that uses returning projectiles so I don't know if they hit the units again or its just used to hit things they miss?

I haven't personally tried it but from videos I watched that plays with skills utilizing the "Return" mechanic, it wasn't very impressive. Kind of useful only when there is a big bunch of mobs and projectiles can return and hit again.

Considering it's only a % chance that it will occur and it's almost useless in Boss Fights. I think it's a miss for me though I won't mind trying/testing it out if someone post their positive experience with it.

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Last edited by Vei#5870 on Oct 2, 2020, 4:46:52 AM
First of all, i want to thank Lunasicc and Vei for their great work with this build. I started Betrayal with this awesome build and now heist.

So far it was a great expierience and i got some good gear.

At the moment i hit a wall with juiced T15/16 maps.

The next thing i want to get is the timeless jewel after the next lvlup, after that i am kinda lost.

what will be the next step to get better gear, what scales best with my stuff?

here my pob: https://pastebin.com/HfdWRWij here my gear:
Hello Vei,

i just found one of the alternated unique jewels in a grand heist

What do you think about that for the last jewel slot? More rage, more and longer berserk!

Kalamir wrote:
First of all, i want to thank Lunasicc and Vei for their great work with this build. I started Betrayal with this awesome build and now heist.

So far it was a great expierience and i got some good gear.

At the moment i hit a wall with juiced T15/16 maps.

The next thing i want to get is the timeless jewel after the next lvlup, after that i am kinda lost.

what will be the next step to get better gear, what scales best with my stuff?

here my pob: https://pastebin.com/HfdWRWij here my gear:

Hi there!

Great to hear that you are enjoying the build :)

Here would be my suggestions you can consider:


1. Look for a Level 21 Elemental Hit Gem, at 0% quality its still better than a 20/20. The Quality adds lesser DPS so it's not as high of a priority(and usually also makes the Level 21 Gem a lot more expensive)

2. A corrupted Quill Rain with 18% Increased Critical Strike Implicit on it. This Increased Critical Chance is different from those we get from other sources like Passive Tree and Equipment Affix. It is applied to the base Crit of the Bow which in turn, is then multiplied with the Increased Critical Strike we get from other sources, which means, everyone's favourite Big DPS gains :)

3. Your current Leather Belt is nice but it's missing an Abyssal Jewel Socket, if you read the Abyss Jewel Section on "23. Ideal Non Cluster Jewels" you can seen the usefulness/importance of the Abyss Jewel for this build.

If crafting is your cup of tea, you can consider crafting Item Level 86+ Hunter Influenced Stygian Vise. Scour and Apply Fertile Catalyst on it before crafting to increase the odds for Life Rolls, then use 2 Socket Resonators socketed with Pristine + Prismatic Fossil on it. There are not a lot of affixes on belts so the chances of getting a decent one is very good, usually in less than 20-40 tries.

Potential jackpot is a Flat Life + % Life + Ele Dmg + Triple Resist one :)

If you would rather not change your belt, then maybe consider going for a Jewel Socket(The one near Point Blank) to Socket the recommended Abyss Jewel.

4. If you can squeeze More Resist into the Boots, that can free up the Resist required on Rings and you can look for more DPS affix there. When you get a nice boot that you will wear for sometime, go for a Labyrinth Enchant on it, Best ones are:

A. Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently
B. 120% increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't Crit Recently

5. This is a small one but still something helpful, if you drop by Lab, you might want to move one of the small 20% Mana Regen Ascendancy passive skill to the one before Divine Guidance(That small one gives 10% Maximum Mana in addition to the 20% Mana Regen)

6. 81% on your Forbidden Taste Quartz Flask is pretty low roll, consider upgrading it to a higher one(97%+)

7. 20% Quality on Immortal Call will be nice for the Increased Duration. Can consider going for the Heist Version for these Gems:

- Anomalous Frenzy
- Anomalous Cast when Damage Taken Support
- Divergent Combustion Support
- Divergent Ballista Totem

Which are better than the default ones imo.

8. Remaining ones will be the pricier Upgrades:

- +4 Frostferno
- Level 5 Awaken Hextouch for Double Curse
- Kaom's Heart with % Increased Damage Corrupted Implicit

Hope these helps.


Vedajo wrote:
Hello Vei,

i just found one of the alternated unique jewels in a grand heist

What do you think about that for the last jewel slot? More rage, more and longer berserk!

Hey Vedajo,

I don't think the Jewel is crazily good, I think its Ok if one values the "4% Increased Skill Effect Duration" and "Non-Channelling Skills have -9 to Total Mana Cost" from it.

The 5 Max Rage gains us:

- 5% Attack Damage
- 2.5% Attack Speed
- 1% Movespeed

which is a nice small boost but not good enough to be worth going for a Jewel Socket just for it.

As for Longer Berserk, if you look at this simple spreadsheet I made showing the use of Berserk starting from 50 Rage:

On the 12-13th Second, Berserk is using about 10.2 Rage(18-7.8) a second so 5 more Max Rage is like half a second, not too useful I would say.

Overall I think if we want the utility and and the stats from the 5 Rage, sure it's a nice fit. If not, a normal Triple/Quad Critical Multiplier Jewel will probably be a better choice.
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Last edited by Vei#5870 on Oct 3, 2020, 2:43:31 AM
how would the build compare to the variant from here?
I'm kinda on the fence here, top folks at poe.ninja seem to be using something closer to angry's version... I have around 5 ex to spend
upierz wrote:
how would the build compare to the variant from here?
I'm kinda on the fence here, top folks at poe.ninja seem to be using something closer to angry's version... I have around 5 ex to spend

Hi, I haven't play that build so can't quite comment on the differences.

Previously there was a similar question and someone replied that the items for that build is a bit costly(Everything quoted below), though that was posted quite a while back so price might have change(For better or worse). Probably a good idea to check the latest market pricing for the items required since you have a limited budget.

This build definitely have no problem with your budget. :)

zarkas6 wrote:
Noticed this ballista build, which get about twice our amount of ballistas and really high evation. Think that one is better than this?


LordOmni wrote:
I've checked that build in POB - item costs now are 2ex, 4ex, 4ex, 15ex and so on. Higher price - higher damage and survivability. My budget for a league is usually ~10 ex, then I kill all bosses and leave till next league.

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Last edited by Vei#5870 on Oct 5, 2020, 11:54:31 PM
This build went from being amazing in heists to quite squishy after the patch. I died 3 times in a couple hundred heists up till the patch yesterday. Since the patch I've died in like 6 out of 18 heists. People were joking about the league starting yesterday, for me it was more like the league ending.

edit* It occurred to me I hadn't upgraded any of my gear in over a week and a half - I got new boots, a new quiver, a new ring, a stygian vice and a prismatic jewel and significantly increased my DPS and defense - I'm back to slaying without a worry again :)
Last edited by Plane#5153 on Oct 8, 2020, 5:36:06 PM

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