3.4.3c Patch Notes
" Thank you for that too, I was really wondering how that made it live tbh ... Better later than never ! SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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Where are the changes to delving costs? I played 10+ hours the last 2 days and was able to delve twice... Thats maybe 60-90 minutes of league content in 2 days ffs?!!?! Why cant you listen to the players at least a bit? The RNG shit with the challenges is bad enough (so basically as fubar as always) but let us play the actual league content pls.
Chris Wilson forgot a patch note:
- Vaal Reave can now be used in place of TCP logout macro. This is a buff. | |
" I haven't posted to the forums at all when it comes to non-technical issues. This is the first time in the history of the entire game I feel like I have to say something as this change is so unbelievably short-sighted. I have completed challenges back when they were hard (and have a "challenge completed" t-shirt to prove it.) Back then challenges were actually hard, this particular change makes a "challenge" way more harder to complete. Why you might ask? Well between 8 active players in our guild we have seen the Aul encounter a whopping 4 times. Let that sink in for a while. 4 whopping encounters! It's a month to the league already and only half of us has seen the event once (actually less than that, since one guy got it twice on their Delve map.) One of the encounters is still today uncompleteable due to Delve modifiers. Two others were also so bad that I had to respec my highest character to a full aura/curse support. There is no way you can complete the encounters without having the exact suitable build, and lucking into them at the current spawn rates. I understand that it took time to implement the fancy new challenges. There's a way to fix this issue; all you need to do is to up the spawn rate by an order of magnitude (ie. make it appear ten times more often.) or revert the change. This change *will* hurt your retention rate when it comes to your most hardcore fans. Please give this a second thought. PS. Doubling the spawn rate doesn't do any good; it's way too rare as is for that to have any tangible effect. IGN: ihaveseenthefail Last edited by jormaerik#5937 on Sep 27, 2018, 11:03:46 PM
" So I have 10 frags and I should be able to bump to 15 for 6c right? Well I no longer see the damn mod now and I have 10/15 frags - wtf?! Edit: actually I think I know the problem I only have 1 of the t10 orbs not all 3. What a bullshit change. Thanks Tencent! ✰CARD✰ The Survivalist I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags. Last edited by cgexile#1534 on Sep 27, 2018, 11:33:33 PM
So you make your shitty challenges extra shitty? Good job GGG, you officially made the worst challenge league to date. Whoever thought this was a good idea needs a kick in the nuts or ovaries.
Now when will we get to find out how much damage minions are actually doing?
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Kinda sad to see nothing about fixes for server performance.
This is not a challenge league, this is a lottery/RNG league. Thanks for taking any meaning out of challenges for the majority of us, GGG. this is my 11th league, first to be incomplete, you really dropped the ball on this one. If you think you're getting any more money out of me you're fucking wrong. Removing carrying for some of the most RNG challenges only makes it worse, 336 hours and I've never once seen a single delve IV nor a single boss III spawn. I'm in depth 420. Bad game, bad patch, bad decisions, fix it now.