[3.5] Hopeshredder Scourge Arrow | Fast beefy Mapper | Deathless Uber Elder (5M+ Shaper DPS)

hi really appreciate your introduction.
Really want to know if i can use 2 taming and find a cat skil on amulet?besides,can i use tornto shot instead of rain of arrow?
AntiScrub wrote:
Hi Skillshots & Forum,

I'm a pretty new player and this is my first league getting to endgame, and first league playing the build. Started with Winter Orb and transitioned to this once I had a little currency to get it started.

I feel like I'm plateauing with the build right now at level 86. I did read the guide thoroughly a few times, but I'm having a hard time making decisions on upgrading my gear. Unfortunately I have less than half an exalt worth of currency to work with right now, and it seems like even poorly rolled variants of most of these items cost at least 1-2 ex. Can anyone make a suggestion where to look first? I thought about upgrading rings to a badly rolled/cheap Mark of the Elder and a shaped ring.

Regarding skill gems, I know Hypothermia probably doesn't show tooltip/sheet dps, but I was considering the efficacy of the gem. When I swap Hypothermia for a similar level Added Cold Damage Support gem, my tooltip DPS skyrockets about another 8k unbuffed in town. I guess for me to figure out whether or not it's worth it I just have to calculate myself the difference between the DPS gained on the Added Cold Dmg Supp vs the unseen DPS with Hypothermia.

Regarding build setup I looked at the budget suggestions and went with Doryani's Delusion + Herald of Ice + Herald of Thunder + Purity of Ice, instead of the standard HoI + Wrath setup. However, I found that even when I swapped out Doryani's for some cheap noob leveling boots like Brinerot Whalers and used Wrath, my DPS was higher (albeit very slight). Is there anything I can do to fix my DPS in this department? Maybe just one socket Bubonic Trail? I'm still resist capped regardless of if I use Purity of Ice or not.

Sorry for the long post and thanks to anyone who can help a noob.

Edit/Update: I just got an Inpulsa as a drop, so that should give me around 3-3.5ex worth of currency to play with. At this point should I just buy a 6L Hopeshredder and then get rid of my Tabula to use some chest that actually gives me defenses/damage like Belly or Loreweave? I can't afford both a 6L Hope and a Kaom's with only 3ex.

First, this isn't a cheap build. The best way to upgrade is to pick a slot to focus on, and get the best item for that slot and move on. Don't use Tooltip DPS, basically ever. Use Path of Building for real DPS numbers.

Easy upgrades: 1 socket tombfists+ murderous eye jewel, 1 socket bubonics. Abyss jewels with high cold damage and life are so massive for this build, you need as many as possible. Jewels can easily fill out resists while you work on your gear and leveling too.

For your 3 Ex, get your bow to 28% using hillock crafting, this affects chance to 6L. I've 6 linked 3 of them for less than 2ex worth of fus, though I can't guarantee anything. On average it should still be cheaper than buying 6L. With a 6L, you can get a Kaom's or a Loreweave, and work on socketing it later.

Use regular rares for jewelry until you can afford Yoke first, then a set of mark +shaper ring, because a good shaper ring will be expensive to buy or craft.

For mapping to generate currency, swap in Vaal Rain of Arrows and Concentrated Effect instead of inc. crits. None of the glitchiness in doorways or other obstacles, and it still melts map bosses.
hmywudii wrote:
hi really appreciate your introduction.
Really want to know if i can use 2 taming and find a cat skil on amulet?besides,can i use tornto shot instead of rain of arrow?

You can do whatever you want. But at that point you're no longer playing this build. Try it, maybe you like it.
Icaros wrote:
hmywudii wrote:
hi really appreciate your introduction.
Really want to know if i can use 2 taming and find a cat skil on amulet?besides,can i use tornto shot instead of rain of arrow?

You can do whatever you want. But at that point you're no longer playing this build. Try it, maybe you like it.

Following your analogy, you're also not "playing the "build amymore", cause you don't use a shitty devotos..^^

Try your own things, give your scourge arrow playstyle a personal note, you'll have more fun doing so, rather than following some strict build guidlines...rest assured.

Who knows, maybe you find some new combo wombo shennanigans that work just as good for you, or maybe even better :).

Last edited by s0mosh#1019 on Jan 17, 2019, 2:06:57 AM
Awesome build, closing in on 85 with a decent starter setup, but im starting too hit a wall here litteraly, the narrow hallways and doorways are killing the experience, some incursion runs gets faild because the arrow just disapears in the doorways, as for delve i havent dared to waste any sulphite yet as i see this being a problem aswell with the more narrow paths. Also the recent "bugfix" with the mana being adjusted didnt realy help since if you channel a bit too long and run oom, you get stuck in the damn floor!

Great guide, fun gameplay in open areas and an amazing bosskiller, but i realy hope they fix these issues asap.
(excuse my grammar)
i reroll scion for this build but i see many ascendant: what is the best with slayer ?

or inquisitor ?
5 million shaper dps, are you so sure? Mathematically, and according to the Uber Elder video you aren't doing this dps. Uber Elder has 18 million hps, you say you are doing 5 million dps. That would mean in less than 4-5 hits on elder you would have killed him, but in your video we can all see you hitting him more than that. Yes you probably are hitting hard, but 5 million, I think I'm going to have to call BS. I know what PoB say's, but I can watch your video's over and over again and see with my own eyes's you aren't doing the dps claimed. The numbers don't match.
Last edited by Aucuba057#6366 on Jan 17, 2019, 7:50:46 AM
lenô wrote:
i reroll scion for this build but i see many ascendant: what is the best with slayer ?

or inquisitor ?

you have to take raider if you don't use Farrul's Fur for generating frenzy charges while bossing.
If you're using Farrul's Fur I would say Inquisitor is a more offensive and Jugg more Defensive option.
Aucuba057 wrote:
5 million shaper dps, are you so sure? Mathematically, and according to the Uber Elder video you aren't doing this dps. Uber Elder has 18 million hps, you say you are doing 5 million dps. That would mean in less than 4-5 hits on elder you would have killed him, but in your video we can all see you hitting him more than that. Yes you probably are hitting hard, but 5 million, I think I'm going to have to call BS. I know what PoB say's, but I can watch your video's over and over again and see with my own eyes's you aren't doing the dps claimed. The numbers don't match.

He only achieves 5m dps if he can charge to 5 and release perfectly all the time, which is obviously not possible in boss fights.

PoB damage doesn't say much about the actual damage you can deliver to your enemies.

For example, I can achieve about 42m dps in PoB (for about 5 seconds or so) if EVERYTHING is active and I can fire and place my pods perfectly...but that don't rlly happen ingame and I've by no means 42m useable dps^^.
Got a fun drop from the vaal omnitect. Was still able to craft on it as well. It looks strong. What do you think?

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