Some More Delve Improvements
Can you guys fix Delve lag??? I happens to me, its not internet lag, but too much mobs, or i dont know what... sometimes happen i move in to dark side corridor and after while it jumps me like 1O feet away... like rubber banding.. only happens there..and costs me 2 rips already.
Playing marauder @ Hardcore leagues
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That's great. But are you going to fix the issues with flares/darkness that prevent the completion of the Delve boss fight challenges? Currently, if you use a flare or get the darkness stacks while clearing to the boss - you fail those challenges even if you do everything correctly at the boss.
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Good changes! I especially appreciate the upped flare capacity. Thanks!
Bring back helmet enchants!
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Seeing all the complains about mapping, what have you guys done in this game up til now? Its been mapping over and over, thats the point of the game.
Im just hoping for the sulphite beeing shared between characters. thanks GGG Last edited by Belial901#7176 on Oct 1, 2018, 11:18:31 AM
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" The question is just wrong because of course we were mapping up untill now as usual. The problems is : GGG Announced Delve totaly wrong, with false/fake Info. People got hyped for Delve, thats the reason why we are complaining. And people like you, are the reason why GGG thinks they're doing a great Job at the moment. Also in addition to this, GGG even nerfed Delve 3-4 Times, which made a lot of players quit early, i am one of those. Sadly most of those quitting players don't waste their Time to post anything or enter Forums at all. This makes GGG think that everything is OK, which is total Fail. Also if i want to Map-nonstop, i can play Standard, why would i waste time in Delve, where is the difference?, there is no difference for us at the moment. Currently there is no " league " feeling at all for us. It all feels like Standard with higher currency droprate. Last edited by ebeninami#0603 on Oct 1, 2018, 11:30:25 AM
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" 1. Just because something doesn't immediately affect me, doesn't mean I can't logically and fairly talk about it. Only selfish and narrow minded people concern themselves with only things that affect them. It's called empathy, to be able to feel otherwise; and fairness, to argue otherwise. One does not need to be delve 1,000 to be able to argue something that is merely an objective and comparable difference of numbers and behaviors. 2. "You'll hit a point" . Ironic, considering you stated these things don't affect me, but you skipped over the part where I stated these changes and restrictions do affect me. The sulphite caps already affect me, the sulphite gains already affect me, the azurite gains already affect me, the flairs already affect me, etc., etc.. "At some point" is not a valid argument, especially if they're limiting / pushing players away before they would reach the point of "at some point". It's like telling someone to not complain about starvation, because at some point they will have more food than they will ever be able to eat. How, exactly, does a statement like that come true? Everyone goes through things differently, you can't expect inevitability, especially so in a game based on RNG and intentionally gating players to "preserve retention". I've been limited by the cap on sulphite since day 1, as well as limited by darkness resistance and light radius. At no point do I get to just stroll around with positive of either at all my current delve depths ..because azurite gains are currently far too limited on the map compared to what the upgrades are asking you to pay. A player shouldn't be required to delve sideways 95% of their time ..just to gain the resources to go down a handful of squares. And when you're constantly fighting the sulphite cap, because GGG has done nothing about the caps that aren't the last few ...this makes the azurite grind even more tedious and arduous. I'm at a point where I can only ever do 1 map before I have to delve, and all that sulphite goes away in 1-2 delves. That's fine for delving ...but It means I'm constantly having to go back and forth every time I run into some veins; I don't get to stock up ( and I'm constantly having sulphite wasted ) . GGG kept increasing gains ..but only increased the top cap upgrades, without even thinking about the lower tiered people are dealing with; as is their usual lack of consideration. So I most definitely "lost" something. I'm still waiting for a glimmer of "at some point" where things start to level off. I'm not expecting to be resistance capped 100% of the time ..but It should be able to keep up with how quickly one can go down in depth. When you're only getting 100 - 200 azurite a node ..and it wants you to spend 2.5k+ on each ( current )upgrade, that ends up costing exponentially more while the azurite gains only increase incrementally's madness. So yeah, this all affects me at some level ( especially if you're stating things like "at some point" ), and not being at the point where I would have 60k sulphite as a cap is not from a lack of trying, it's a direct consequence of just trying to advance through the upgrade process to begin with. And GGG agreeing that players need a better cap, by making players spend vastly more time grinding upgrades unacceptable and cruel. That's not saying you understand or agree with the players, it just means you figured out another way to try and stretch out the game length because you're worried about player retention. Well, if they didn't constantly make backwards decisions like explained, maybe they would have more player retention. |
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50% more chance to spawn for Aul, from 0.01 to 0.02.
Honestly, makes boss encounter way more frequent if you consider your challenge realistic - 4 sub-challenge boss fight with one ticket. 350 Depths : one boss encounter. Same mistake than the Bestiary league, new content that you can not really play, when hack&slash is based on farming, if you restrict too heavily the capability of farming new contents, you simply kill your league. The way to correct this and not make the same mistake than in bestiary league is to give way more opportunities to get new boss encounters (way more) and to nerf droprate for a low/lower droprate. Then you can farm/play in a Hack&slash nature without flooding the market with top tier items. Set a 10% droprate for Aul Amulette and set 1000% more Aul encounters... That will still be exciting. |
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1. delving cost should stop increasing at depth 270 (not 1000), where mobs level caps at 83
2. delving cost should be reverted to start value 3. number sulphite nods should be always 3 at each map Last edited by Sonidox#3895 on Oct 1, 2018, 12:01:35 PM
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Fed-up to be besta-tester every league
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" That's exactly the purpose :) |
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