Armageddon Brand

storm brand better in all aspect... rly sad

maybe buff Armageddon Brand so it can be on pair with storm?
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Hello there,

First thing I want to say, this skill is good, but I would like it even more if we can get it at Level 12.

I have also an Idea to make it more clearspeedy without raising the Damage.

Idea= All the same (with the big Meteor for big ignites)except that where the mark of the armageddon brand is there is also a firestorm.

(ramoving firestorm/ or changing it.)

I think this would suit the gem.

kind regards

old post, new on the 04.04.2021
Last edited by JeckNoTree#3777 on Apr 3, 2021, 8:46:29 PM
Is it possible to offer all brand skills to Shadow to buy through vendors? No logic Shadow can't buy brand skills, only with Sciosa, with nodes on Shadow's side. Playing SSF buying only in Sciosa wastes a lot of time leveling with other skills.
Guides made by me:
Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast
Currently Playing a 93 Chieftain on Armageddon Brand with some more investment in it and can run pretty much all content, damage on AW-8 Sirus was pretty okay, I cannot complain.

So far I'm happy with the Brand, I was scared the nerf to it's "jumping around" potential but it's good that Brands return to where they have been created, if it was still like before it would be a little stron I think

The Damage seems super fine at least on the Setup I'm playing, I can't complain at all, Mapping, delving, Bossing especially, everything works very very smoothly and feels fun.

My only complain is that it's missing faster Enemies, even tho I already use Skitterbots to Chill them, which is very frustrating so say the least.

Maybe let it have a Minihit which does damage instantly for 25% of it's damage before the Meteors fall down?

All in all I like the new Armageddon Brand especially since the Moment I got my Explody chest this made mapping absolutely delightful.
hi there,

as a fellow poe player, I would like to give some feedback on this skill.

armageddon brand is for me, just like a regular skill, not amazing, neither bad.
it has decent build options and play styles, which I do not deny, but there are things why I would not pick it as my first choice because it is very basic.

In fact, if it has something more specialized like if you stack 2 brands on a single enemy area of effect and damage would double, would be amazing, something like a big orb, rather than 2 fast-hitting small orbs.

my idea for this skill would be.
1: brand doesn't inflict ignite on its own.
2: brand makes an explosion on impact, dealing damage on explosion and creating a DOT burning ground effect while a volcano spawns. (just like flame dash/fire trap) (just like cremation)
3: vulcano spitts out small projectiles (just like molten strike)

and as stats:

total duration of 4 seconds
Activates every 0.8 seconds while Attached
Deals (17-198) to (29-297) Fire Damage /explosion damage
Deals (30-1426) Base Fire Damage per second
Base duration is 4 seconds /burning ground damage
Fires 4 projectiles every 0.8 seconds
Deals (10-132) to (27-237) physical Damage per projectile /volcano damage
Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed also apply to this Skill's Activation frequency
if two brands are attached at the same target, radius increases by (1-5)
and rather than 2 small brands, it creates one Big armageddon brand dealing 110% more damage.

just some thoughts about this skill, and what I would love to see, rather than blunt damage.

kind regards
soo after trying a lot i am selling me gear this league to stop being traped by armageddon brand

cannot even clear T8 blighted map ... i am done forever with ignited skills after this ....
I feel like armageddon brand is lacking in both raw damage and usablility.
In clearing, the time between casting the brand (or recall) until it does any damage at all is enough for me to get slammed 5 times over, especially with the absurdly strong and fast scourge monsters. One way to make clearing feel somewhat good is ignite prolif but then it has zDPS in bosses.
I think the GGG wants the Armageddon Brand to be a 'burning' focused skill with recent patch, the Archnemesis. This change does not suit my build, so I will stop to use this gem anymore. Maybe later. The recent patch had weakened Armageddon's invisible 'hitted' part seriously.

I'm not complaining. I'll just explain what the GGG had neglected.

They had elongated AB's activation time to 1.5s. This means 50% longer activation time compared to now. In calculation, the damage output would not be changed or even boosted by the patch, but you'll have less damage output really and more damage taken to the character because the targets would 'move and attack'. The real problem is not in the offense but in the defense.

I had played the Scourge league with Armageddon Brand and experienced much more trouble with fast moving enemies because I had to wait the activation of the brand. During that time, the monsters attack you freely. You should wait 1.5s without dealing with this patch. 50% more activation time means 50% more damage from the monsters at the initiation moment, the most intense part of each battle. Brand Recall helps but not always.

With this patch, you should make defensive move more frequently at every encounter . I don't think I can go deep in Delving, the ceaseless encounter environment, with the 1.5s activation wait.

I had played the Scourge league as an Armageddon Brand Elementalist with 6 golems, completed 36 challenges, reached level 98. I had defeated Sirus and Shaper a few times and the Elder too. Couldn't defeat Maven and never saw Uber Elder, but I don't think my character power was weak. Just because I do not have enough game sense.

I don't think I can get the same level of achievement from patched Armageddon gem. For me, the GGG had messed up a well balanced hit gem, good hit and decent following damage, ironically. So I'm moving to another skill.

Below is the information you had asked.

Ascension: Shaper of flames, Liege of Primordial, Elemancer, Bastion of Elements.

My build had used fire penetration intensively, up to the point of 62% penetration + Labyrinth enchant (Armageddon brand fire penetration 12%) = total 74%. Had used Sambar sceptre (6%), Awakened Fire Penetrantion gem (39%).

(Penetration means hit-based damage. This build was actually a hit-based spellcasting that the GGG wants for the next league the Archnemesis.)

Used Warlord influenced ring with Flammability curse (magic ring).
While leveling, I had used Xoph's Blood amulet (10% fire penetration).

Main Skill : The Armageddon Brand (21, 20%), Awakened Fire Penetration (20, 20%), Empower support (3, 20%), Inspiration Support (20, 20%), Cruelty Support (20, 20%), Arcane Surge Support (20, 20%).

My defense focus was 'not taking extra damage'. So, I had used Viridi's veil and two magic rings. No extra damage from criticals, no debuffs.

Used Primordial Jewels full set with an Anima Stone (Golems: Fire, Lightning, Chaos (2), Stone (2)).

Used Tempest Shield to have shock immunity and spell block.

Used Syndicate mods on the boots to have Chill and Frozen immunity.

Used Immortal Call with according passive skills (+ Increased Duration, Efficacy).

Used Herald of Ash.

Used Lightning Warp with support gems (Less duration, Faster Casting, Swift Affliction)

Used Granite flask (with 50% chance to avoid stun mod of Syndicate), Quicksilver (with 17% cast speed), Eternal Life flask (Instant recovery while low life, Bleeding), Eternal Life flask (Instant recovery while low life, Poison), Eternal Mana flask (Flask effect not removed, Ignite).

Used Replenishing Remedies on the amulet by anoint.

Used total 7 level of all skill gem mods : the scepter, shield, amulet (2) + Empower gem (3).

Used Lunaris (projectile damage) and Abberath (Burning ground immunity) from the Pantheon.

The other gears are for Life, Armour, and Resistances. (Stygian vise and Hynotic Jewel, Armour/ES Armour)

No MOM, No cluster jewels (used only basic skill tree).

Used less than 20 Ex. (including the purchase of Maven's Orb for challenge, 6 Ex)

Life total 7445, E-Shield 764, Mana 1317 (reserved 659), Armour 2286.

This character had endured 200+ stack of Scourge in the tier 16 rare maps, with awakening level 8, without death. Had defeated Sirus with awakening level 8.
Last edited by Domaar#7916 on Feb 2, 2022, 11:09:17 AM
GGG needs to change Armageddon brand, i just hate how it fails to hit enemies!

Played Armageddon brand for so many leagues, invested so much in the skill and in the end it just won't cut it
I really enjoy AB and think it's fine where it is although I wouldn't mind buffs to it's direct damage.

I don't like the idea of it being a DoT based skill as some people suggest as brands feel counter intuitive for that to me. As with any brand both aoe and single target you are applying multiple brands at the same time usually and given that ignites and most other dot's won't stack that just feels to me like incredibly wasteful stuff to do. I always die inside when I see just 1 out of many brands actually doing the works.

That aside,
I very happily played AB for a few leagues now and had no issues whatsoever in clearing any map. I really hope they wont change the core of the skill. With little investment I could easily reach juiced t16 and completed all objectives for the favorite map slots and watchstones. Also cleared some uber bosses but granted, the build isn't the best for that. It's also on a relatively low budget of some 30 divs for the end-end-game and I reached t16's with a lucky 6link drop, 2x 10c wands, and some crafting with currency that I found.

The only real issue I have with it is that you can't hit the zoomy mobs until they stand still which is annoying but to me not game breaking as I can tank those mobs.

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