General Gem Discussion

RollcaGe23 wrote:
If Frostbolt is linked with GMP, when Vortex is cast will it destroy all frostbolt projectiles and create equal number of Vortexes? Or just one?
And what about mana cost of Vortex? Is it bigger with multiple projectiles or does it count as one cast?

You cast Vortex once -> you get one Vortex.
I'm not certain how it decides which Frost Bolt to consume. Possibly closest to the cursor (that would be rad), possibly closest to the character.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jun 2, 2016, 6:06:51 AM
Vipermagi wrote:
RollcaGe23 wrote:
If Frostbolt is linked with GMP, when Vortex is cast will it destroy all frostbolt projectiles and create equal number of Vortexes? Or just one?
And what about mana cost of Vortex? Is it bigger with multiple projectiles or does it count as one cast?

You cast Vortex once -> you get one Vortex.
I'm not certain how it decides which Frost Bolt to consume. Possibly closest to the cursor (that would be rad), possibly closest to the character.


Sure hope cast time is 800ms or less because AOE seems much lower than Ice Nova..
The skill in this game are becoming stale.. we need more options.
Phase 1: Make D3

Phase 2: ?

Phase 3: Profit
Vipermagi wrote:
I'm not certain how it decides which Frost Bolt to consume. Possibly closest to the cursor (that would be rad)
For the record, this is correct. It picks whichever of you or your Frostbolts are closest to where the skill was targeted (where the cursor was when you clicked to cast Vortex).
I wish lightning skills had way more variance. For example, spark is good. It's path of travel is random. Lightning strike for example is bad, it's the same thing every time. There needs to be more zig-zagging with the actual lightning to make it feel chaotic like lightning is by nature.
Dynamic Environment - Day/Night, Rain/Lightning -

GGG's design philosophy in three words:
Quantity over Quality.
Is there like.... ANY viable paths to level with for melee?
I was recently interested in building a flicker strike duelist. Heh, good luck with that. Needed lvl 68 for it to start working. Well, no biggie, the leveling has been the fun aspect of this game right.... right?

What options do you get as a duelist? Get Molten Strike and Dominating Blow. Oh so much fun. Reach act 2 barely, and you're gratified with an obscene amount of either 54dps! (Woo-hoo!) OR an obscene amount to mana cost to skills ( haha, get elreon rings, sucker! - oh wait, the game DOESNT APPROVE TRADING, SO YOU NEED TO USE 3RD PARTY WEBSITE - global isn't for trading and trade channel is spammed full of crap, so nobody sane even goes there to sell some lowbie elreon rings. ).

Oh well, meh, I'm building around fire anyway, so I'll just you know, get Flame Totem, because duelist's skill variation sucks donkey balls anyway. "deals 1-2 fire damage". Wow, I'm supposed to tackle Act 2 with a what... 20 dps totem? You serious, GGG? BALANCED?

Oh waaait, dude, it's low level. Give it a few levels, heh. Oh yeah, Flame Totem gets better down the line, especially since majority of the classes have access to it, it must be good on it's own to help you level - WROOOONG! - 11-17 damage at level 28 requirement? You're supposed to tackle Dom with 11-17 fire dmg totem? "Oooh, but link it, boost it with your equipment!", 90% of this information is made unreachable to new players, let alone an useful auction house like Well, what about Malachai fight @ lets say, lvl 40? A whoopping 24-35 dmg on fire totem! Woo!

"But you can go back to Molten Strike!" yeah, with doing 130% of my melee wep's dmg and just MAAAYBE those 3 randomly flinging balls decide to dmg my enemy - and that's a wild gander if it reads the hitbox.

Not only is Duelist one of the least picked class, it's been utterly fucked over with the gems you can pick for it and how viable they get from the get-go. I've given up leveling one for now, maybe returning to it later, maybe not. Since I'm really facing 2 options - level ultra slow or turn to gimmicky building paths using ranged skills since this game continues to hate and shit on melee in any form.


Well done, GGG, you've completely balanced Melee. No wonder nobody uses anything except Juggernaut & EQ, but that's the whole point of melee, no?
The entire skill gem system is annoying the hell out of me.

All of them are readily available in stores for all characters about now -- or for your alts.
But summoning spellcasting totems for curses...
4 support gems per skill...

I hope PoE 2 or the first huge re-work introduces an active skill tree similar to the passive skill tree, leaving gem slots open for support gems, while skill gems tie the support gems to the supported skills your character knows.

I find it problematic for immersion to have all my character's skills coming from gems, and not from their own abilities.
Buying skill gems from vendors feels about as lame as just unlocking them in Diablo III.

I've played a lot of Grim Dawn lately, because character development feels a lot stronger there -- building up and my character LEARNING new skills rather than buying skills so cheap it might just as well have been free.
Innervate Support?
There isnt a Innervate Support Gem thread...
Also since silver flask has came into tha game, tha point of using Innervate Support Gem is useless...
I think already was and i think it should get a revamp?
lamp18 wrote:
Innervate Support?
There isnt a Innervate Support Gem thread...

This is not the Support gem subforum :P They're separated to keep the lists easier to navigate.
Vipermagi wrote:
lamp18 wrote:
Innervate Support?
There isnt a Innervate Support Gem thread...

This is not the Support gem subforum :P They're separated to keep the lists easier to navigate.

Oh ! I see ... XD
Ty dude!
You are the one! XD

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