Unavailable Unavailable Post your feedback for this skill here! Make sure you concisely state your character build, level, and other complimenting abilities you have when you talk about a skill - The more we know about your character, the better we can understand your feedback. Balance & Design Last bumped on Feb 9, 2019, 9:50:38 AM
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are these not suppose to work with elemental weapon damage bonuses?
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can u have more then one aura activated at once?
Last edited by NoXterium#6665 on Mar 19, 2012, 6:55:15 AM
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Yes. This has been confirmed.
"That's how you die properly, Sailor Boy.."
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Do these benefit from Spell damage nodes? Elemental damage nodes? Fire damage nodes? Would these benefits work only for you or everyone effected by your aura?
A build of mine depends on these answers. |
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"Anger and Wrath add base fire/lightning damage to all attacks (but not spells) of things under the effect of the aura. This additional damage works exactly like the added elemental damage you can get on rings. It can't be affected by spell damage since it doesn't apply to spells. But it will be affected by elemental and weapon damage increases of the person dealing the damage. | |
" You ever consider that you have too many damage stats adding to different effect types? It's pretty confusing for a player. Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C New player: huh? It could also help to visually represent what works together and what doesn't through the UI better. |
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" Ha, exactly my gripe with the various stats and perks in this game. And, to be frank, this split of skills that boost A and C but not B is generally detrimental to gameplay. Take D3's system, every skill in the game including auras or summons use the casters dps as a baseline for damage, this way every skill in the game has its place and if one is intended only for summons then it will specifically target them in its description. However, in PoE, many skills and/or item properties are confusing for no apparent reason. Why does my Axe have 5% crit but the skill I swing the axe with 6% crit ? It makes absolutely no sense... And what crit do my minions have ? Would increasing my spell crit increase their spell/melee crit ? why/why not ? Streamlining this convoluted mess would help everyone and would also allow for more diverse builds since many skills are locked to their archetype right now for no apparent reason ... Arbitrary placeholder decisions should never be embraced as final.
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I noticed that there are new aura passives now, but what other passives affect auras? Buff passives? Skill passives?
Walking the path since August 20th 2011.
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" Should have made a separate thread to talk about this, since it's quite unrelated to the skill gem. PoE definitely has some issues in conveying mechanics and stuff, but a lot of them are pretty straightforward, I'd say. Infernal blow has a separate crit rate due to it's explosion. Minions have default critical chance and multiplier (what would you expect?). Spell critical mods would not affect minions because: - passives (and gear) affect the only the player entity except where stated. While it doesn't say that explicitly, it's not too hard to infer. They could say it to clear stuff up too I guess. - minions themselves aren't spells. It would be unintuitive to me if they were buffed by anything that buffs spells. What's maybe not entirely intuitive is if damage support gems work on minions. It's not hard to tell when you test it out though (look for them dealing certain type of damage, or to see if the support icon appears on top of the skill icon) Fresh cakes for all occasions.
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