Lightning Arrow

Spark is also a projectile with a duration that can cover more ground Auth projector speed, but you can also increase the duration of spark instead of only increasing the speed.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Castablanca wrote:
On other projectile-based attacks (e.g. freezing pulse, fireball, ethereal knives), the speed of the projectile increases the distance traveled.
This is false.

Out of all the projectiles in the game, there is a small set of projectile skills that have the projectiles last for a fixed time.
These skills are:
  • Freezing Pulse
  • Ethereal Knives
  • Ball Lightning
  • Frost Blades
  • Incinerate
  • Flame Totem

Note that Fireball (and Lightning Arrow) is not on this list. Because these specific projectiles have a fixed time that the projectile can exist, making them faster means they'll get further in that time, effectively extending the range they can hit things at.

This is not basic projectile behaviour, and no other projectile skill works like that. It is a side effect of the special behaviour (fixed time) of those skills.

So, in conclusion, Faster Projectiles does NOT extend the range of any bow/arrow skills, including Lightning Arrow?
Last edited by Castablanca#7670 on Apr 27, 2016, 7:51:55 PM
Castablanca wrote:
So, in conclusion, Faster Projectiles does NOT extend the range of any bow/arrow skills, including Lightning Arrow?
Correct. Both because speed and distance are different things, and because those skills, like all projectiles that don't have special behaviour overriding the default, already travel the maximum possible distance.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Castablanca wrote:
So, in conclusion, Faster Projectiles does NOT extend the range of any bow/arrow skills, including Lightning Arrow?
Correct. Both because speed and distance are different things, and because those skills, like all projectiles that don't have special behaviour overriding the default, already travel the maximum possible distance.

Thank you Mark!
Damage Question:
Weapon: Voltaxic Rift Spine Bow
Lightning Arrow + Physical to Lightning + Void Manipulation
Lightning Arrow + Physical to Lightning + Added Chaos Damage

Which one would be more powerful?
Something without Phys-to-Lightning for starters. You have no base Physical Damage for it to work with, it does jack and shit.

Which of the two is stronger depends on how much flat Lightning Damage you have on your gear - the more flat Damage you already have, the stronger Void Manipulation is. Also, due to Weapon Elemental Damage being a thing (hopefully on at least your belt and two rings), odds are Added Lightning is stronger than Added Chaos.

Basically: it's really hard to say.
Just to clarify Physical to Lightning + Lightning Arrow does not = 70%+ Physical to Lightning Damage, but instead would be (50*0.20+) + 50 = 60%+ Physical to Lightning Damage?
Lightning Arrow converts 50% of your Physical Damage to Lightning Damage.
Phys-to-Lightning converts an additional 50% Phys to Lightning damage - this puts you at 100% Conversion. You also gain 10-29% of your Physical damage as extra Lightning Damage.

That's pretty neat and all, but your bow deals 27-80 base Physical Damage... lv20 PTL grants a whopping 84 base Lightning Damage, averaging both the Conversion and Added Damage.
(and reduces your Physical Damage by 53)

Added Lightning Damage grants 92 base Lightning damage, on gem level 16. This doubles once it hits level 20.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on May 8, 2016, 5:43:11 AM
Could we get the old Lightning Arrow animation back as MTX?

Lightning arrow seems reasonably viable even if it's mechanically not that interesting and after Frost Wall + Pierce fix, LA is pretty much gutted for single target, at least the old big blows were fun.

wasn't this just lovely -
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.
Last edited by Marxone#0650 on Sep 12, 2017, 8:21:11 AM
Hello fellow Exiles,

can you guys make Lightning Arrow a more used skill?
please give it a Little bit love and flat physical Damage and a new mecanic or just more arrows shot out to begin with, maby Combine lighning arrow with Shrapnel Shot to make it a clear and singletarget gem and not just a if a mob is there it can kill it if 3 of them stays near each other and more.
so it is buffed like the now only used tornadoshot and Barrage, so make it a Little bit more flexible for the Bow Exiles.
as well as thet how About thet Lightning arrow make 4 stromcalls instead of 3 arrows from above with flat Lightning Damage and not based around the weapons Damage just on hit the weapon Damage and then 4 stormcalls with a slight delay, also per hit from the arrow so it can overlay and hit enemys twice with itself a Little bit like Kinetic Blast.
So this would not be only a Bow Exile Build
It Als owould be a Mage Exile Build wich makes is more viable, think of it thet a Exile Needs Dex and Int to use this skill it would be a totally new mechanic.

loves Exile,

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