So. Bleed values stealth nerfed. Increased DOT damage passives not reflected in tooltip. Increased Physical Damage does not doubledip on bleeding portion, neither does increased projectile damage.
Something tells me that they nerfed it due to the DOT/Chaos changes and kept it quiet because they have no idea how to fix it.
Yes, the main thing holding back Puncture is an effective way of applying it in an AoE. Melee Splash has both a damage reduction and the fact that it wants you to be in Melee, while Puncture prefers ranged weapons so enemies have to move to you to attack, triggering the extra damage part of the skill.
I don't know where you're getting this information from. Increased physical damage and increased damage over time do affect the bleed from Puncture. Armour has no effect on physical damage over time. Puncture wasn't "stealth" nerfed - the patch notes for 1.0.2 stated that some damage over time skills had been rebalanced.
from the 1.0.5 thread
Does anyone have a successful puncture build?
*shamelessly points to my build:*
though yes, it's not a pure puncture build
putting puncture in trap/mine makes its targeting very wonky though, i've asked in the bug report and support gem feedback for a fix to no avail :(
Another nerf on Puncture? I mean, first the bleed percentage is stealth nerfed. Then % increased physical damage doesn't affect the bleed (like similar damage % affects chaos and burning). And, % increased DOT damage doesn't change the tooltip for Puncture's bleed at all. Now the bleed procs armour both on the initial hit and the bleed. While this puts it in line with how fire and chaos degen has been working, those degens can be increased by % increased damage of their elements, unlike puncture.
I don't know where you're getting this information from. Increased physical damage and increased damage over time do affect the bleed from Puncture. Armour has no effect on physical damage over time. Puncture wasn't "stealth" nerfed - the patch notes for 1.0.2 stated that some damage over time skills had been rebalanced.
Hi Daniel, and thanks for replying. Firstly, both increased physical damage and increased damage over time do not affect the tooltip damage of Puncture's bleed at all. There have been some attempts by players trying to test this out, but because the initial hit is already on a range, the common consensus was that while Increased DOT does affect the bleed, increased physical doesn't. While you have clarified that it does, is it not a very very simple thing to let the tooltip be updated? After all, unlike Ignite, all the tooltip has to show is the percentage of the inital damage hit.
I misspoke on the armour part, I meant to say endurance charges.
Lastly, while the patch notes did mention that some dot skills were rebalanced, the majority of the patch notes concentrated on viper strike, poison arrow and ignite. Since there is a small finite number of skills that were affected, I think it was a little indigenous to not list out the skills that were indeed affected. I also had anecdotal experience after that patch (since I only started my puncture build after my Burning Arrow ranger was nerfed by the ignite changes) where the values on the Puncture gem in-game were the same as the old values on the wiki, and only noticed a difference in the tooltip numbers about 2-3 weeks ago.
A copy of my reply on the patch notes thread.
Last edited by Illypsus_BLoB#5217 on Jan 9, 2014, 12:36:03 AM
Things that will directly affect bleed damage from Puncture (off the top of my head):
Damage modifiers
Damage over time modifiers
Physical damage modifiers
Projectile damage modifiers (if applied with a projectile)
Area damage modifiers (if applied with an AoE)
Totem damage modifiers (if applied with a totem)
Trap damage modifiers (if applied with a trap)
Mine damage modifiers (if applied with a mine)
So that 30% increased Damage over Time will only directly affect bleed damage from Puncture? Same with Increased DoT nodes? Just want to get rid of the doubt from my mind and would be perfect for vulnerability curse, for this type of build.
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016
Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Jan 9, 2014, 2:39:07 AM