I wonder if this skill would make more sense as a support gem.
Also a couple questions: does the DoT stack, and does an enemy that is being knocked back count as 'moving'? Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Apr 10, 2012, 8:17:39 AM
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" Support Gem is a good idea. I'd like someone to answer that question aswell. |
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"The moving and non-moving versions of the bleeding stack together. If you puncutre something multiple times, only the highest-damgae puncture is in effect at a time (just like burning) "Yes. Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Apr 16, 2012, 9:50:04 PM
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Thanks Mark. I guess my idea for a very fast attack but low single hit damage knockback spam Puncture build wouldn't quite work on the DPS front :)
Definitely for the best though, I guess stacking Punctures would effectively make high lvl Puncture something like a 400-500% multiplicative damage buff...before any increased duration passives or gems. Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Apr 16, 2012, 10:17:54 AM
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Can we mitigate bleeding damage and how ?
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This skill in its current state is not very attractive unless you're using a bow. While it does possess more use in a pvp situation, there's not exactly a lot of that around right now.
The total damage over time is very small, and the base duration is even smaller. Compared to viper strike, which can do a fair bit more with 4 applications. It also doesn't require the target to run away in order to get the most out of the skill, letting you keep attacking and reapplying the strike if you wish. I feel a rework is in need, and have a suggestion that would keep the feel of the skill, while making it more useful for melee characters. All without removing the utility of employing the skill at range. I propose that the skill's damage over time have a damage ramp up, beginning at a small percentage of the initial hit, then increasing over the duration of the skill, to a theoretical maximum. This ramp-up would occur much faster if the target moves while the debuff occurs. This lets melee users employ the skill effectively. Dealing damage over time that doesn't require them to stop attacking and kite the enemy. But still permits for the damage output to be improved vastly by moving the target around - Ranged attacking or optional kiting. Gem quality could allow a chance to extend the duration when direct physical damage is dealt to the target. Or it could simply extend the total duration of the skill. Example: Skill lasts for 8 seconds Deals 5% of initial hit a second Increases by 5% of initial hit every second after the first. If the target is moving, increase by 10% instead. Maximum damage per second is 25% of initial hit.) |
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so with the new class punkture should be the ae for melee dex chars. there is no ae for the right side and the most of us wont use cleave. i have played a templar claw build. its a fun build i know but overall it´s a fun gameplay especially brutal on hc :) but it sucks most without a good ae skill. Did we have chance to get this mark ? Cucu.. Bee´s Funf Fun Builder .. Eifel Last edited by Tranx#2250 on May 8, 2012, 4:57:55 PM
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Well the new aoe skill would be Whirling Blades and I assume Ethereal Knives (I have absolutely no idea what this is though, it deals physical damage so it's likely not a spell but it wouldn't make sense to use your weapon).
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"Ethereal Knives is a spell | |
I see two replies saying what I came here for: Wouldn't this skill make more sense as a support gem? I can imagine supporting spells/melee damage skills/aoe skills... with it. This skill reminds me a lot of Pierce, might be because of that...
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