Elemental Proliferation

Hi there, I am interested in using EP for shock stacking off of tempest shield. My question is: Does EP proc lightning thorns?
EP applies a Debuff to enemies in range, using the same tech as Auras. No Hits are dealt.
While using the new unique helm The Three Dragons, I was able to successfully proliferate shocks with my fireball when it was linked to elemental proliferation. When I put added lightning damage in as a support gem I was able to freeze initial targets that were crit, but the freeze would not proliferate (I made sure one the original frozen targets remained alive).

Is this an intended mechanic with Ele proliferation not proliferating an effect caused by another support gem (added lightning in this case) or a bug? It seems to me that since added lightning gives my fireball lightning damage on hit, that proliferation would count that as a part of the spell and proliferate the shock (freeze in this case).
Last edited by Grahnjaaa#4148 on Mar 17, 2014, 2:23:42 PM
That is definitely a bug. ALD is indeed part of your Fireball, not some separate source of Damage, so it should Proliferate.

Ele prolif is a build type. So why isn't there dedicated prolif passives, on the skill tree?

Burn prolif effectiveness, with a notable, that makes enemies that died of burn prolif carry over the proliferation for the remaining duration, or maybe explode like the fire dogs.
Prolif aoe, prolif duration.
For cold you cold leave frozen statutes that carry the prolif instead of shatter, and for shock enemies could explode and leave shocked ground, or trigger an arc similar to the shrine arc on death, as notables.

Now I don't dislike prolif the way it is now. I don't like that it's a 1 gem wonder. You fire prolif and that's it. Since botw s02e02. (I know it's around later)

I'm just throwing some ideas out, because prolif is usually a defining gem in builds that use it, and thus having some passives dedicated to it might be interesting. And it might also solve the zenocide qq :)

I'd like to ask a question. Does the proliferated burn inherits the fire penetration? So if I link a fireball with fire pen and prolif then
1) every mob have their own resistance and the burn is only increased throu increasing the initial hit and mobs separetly resists, or
2) with the fire spreading the fire penetration lowers every proliferated mobs fire resistance for that damage.

Thank you for your answer!
Penetration is an on-Hit effect - Damage over Time does not Hit, and thus does not benefit from on-Hit effects. No Pen for Ignites!

It will increase the Base Fire Damage per Second only by virtue of boosting your Fireball's Damage.
Vipermagi wrote:
Penetration is an on-Hit effect - Damage over Time does not Hit, and thus does not benefit from on-Hit effects. No Pen for Ignites!

It will increase the Base Fire Damage per Second only by virtue of boosting your Fireball's Damage.

Does anyone know if the AoE from Burning proliferated Creatures stack?

In other words, can enemies be hit by the AoE from multiple Burn Prollf's at the same time?
Nitpick: Ignite is being Proliferated, and Ignite deals Burning Damage.

Strictly technically, Ignite does stack, and each AoE will apply Ignite. However, when multiple Ignites are present on a single entity, only the strongest (highest DPS) will deal Damage - the rest ticks down harmlessly.

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