3.7 Man Mode 2H Frost blades Voidforge Champion 3M DPS - Cheap - Deathless Uber Elder

Raazen wrote:
Shot_Down wrote:
Mate i used ur pob link and its like ur dps 220k or around 250k build says 3m where did i go wrong ? on my own char i got like 381k shaper dps

Post your PoB and lets have a look.

Im having problem making pastebin pob just gives me a code is that work for you?

Shot_Down wrote:
Raazen wrote:
Shot_Down wrote:
Mate i used ur pob link and its like ur dps 220k or around 250k build says 3m where did i go wrong ? on my own char i got like 381k shaper dps

Post your PoB and lets have a look.

Im having problem making pastebin pob just gives me a code is that work for you?

Generate > Share with Pastebin > Copy in the Import/Export Build tab.
Generate > Share with Pastebin > Copy in the Import/Export Build tab.[/quote]

it says error when i click share with pastebin maybe cause i have to use vpn to see pastebins :( (country blocked) and thanks for quick response ^^
Last edited by Shot_Down on Apr 22, 2019, 9:07:36 PM
Shot_Down wrote:
Generate > Share with Pastebin > Copy in the Import/Export Build tab.

it says error when i click share with pastebin maybe cause i have to use vpn to see pastebins :( (country blocked) and thanks for quick response ^^[/quote]

Okey, by just judging your gear right on it seems allright.

You do seem to miss alot of flat phys, mostly from gloves and jewels.
Headenchant is missing also.

But as i said, your gear seems allright... have you changed the modline on Voidforge?

If not, check out the first section.
i did not change void modline will do that
Now its like 1.5 M dps at shaper - im trying to keep my resistances fixed so its a problem when i try to take flat phy dmg :(
[Did shaper/guardians] will keep update this - great for a cheap build ^^
[Failed at Uber elder ]:(
Last edited by Shot_Down on Apr 24, 2019, 8:32:36 PM
Amazing build, been trying and loving it.
Could u give me a little help pls?
i`ve been trying to push the dps higher but can`t, even tried copying ur build items to see but it won`t get past 1.6M shaper dps...
Any tips on what to change?
My pastebin is: https://pastebin.com/72ACrep0
When we use Blood rage life is always -8 from max that doesnt effect the dmg on full life ?
Shot_Down wrote:
When we use Blood rage life is always -8 from max that doesnt effect the dmg on full life ?

As long as you're leeching, it will still count as full life.
johnyvictor wrote:
Amazing build, been trying and loving it.
Could u give me a little help pls?
i`ve been trying to push the dps higher but can`t, even tried copying ur build items to see but it won`t get past 1.6M shaper dps...
Any tips on what to change?
My pastebin is: https://pastebin.com/72ACrep0

New pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYJDnFzh

All i did was swap in Damage on Full life instead of Ancestral call, checked in "always full life" and lvld ur gems to 20/20.

You had frenzy charges and onslaught checked also, which is something we normally dont have vs a single boss.
I removed these, and it still put you at 2M dps.

To get more damage, just get better gear, and enchants.
You are missing both head and boots enchant.

Any chance of this getting updated for 3.7?

e- My thoughts on the update, at least tree wise. https://pastebin.com/DLEWz3H4

I know it's short on int, but that can be dealt with. Haven't messed around with gems yet to even know if conc is still worth the massive point investments.
Last edited by Brunnor on Jun 6, 2019, 1:51:00 PM

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