showcasing some quest items
this thread is to showcase some quest items that my characters have done in act 4.
i will start with my duelist completion of kaom's eye of fury. i will add more items when i collect more stuff. i think most likely the next item might be daresso's eye of desire... that is, if i continue with my duelist... if i proceed with my shadow, it might be a different item.... 34pre98qua Last bumped on Feb 19, 2019, 12:08:44 AM
duelist managed to kill daresso...
i wonder what's the next quest item that will be posted??? 34pre98qua
shadow is next...
shadow killed daresso..
saboteur with malachai heart
looks pretty nice... 34pre98qua
saboteur with malachai lungs and entrails...
cool... XD 34pre98qua
saboteur with this shit... XD
outstanding... XD 34pre98qua
saboteur juz got tis:
cool... XD 34pre98qua
saboteur juz found tis shit in ossuary
very nice looking item... XD 34pre98qua
juggernaut with: