Kammell's SSFHC Betrayal Race to 85 --- Feb. 23rd 8 pm CET

deshoooooo wrote:
I wanna join your race.
Name: Desho

If needed, here is the video which completed act10 kitava in 4:00:57 with all passives.

No problem. Global 822 and you'll be added to the league before the race.
deshoooooo wrote:
I wanna join your race.
Name: Desho

If needed, here is the video which completed act10 kitava in 4:00:57 with all passives.

No problem. Global 822 and you'll be added to the league before the race.
deshoooooo wrote:
I wanna join your race.
Name: Desho

If needed, here is the video which completed act10 kitava in 4:00:57 with all passives.

No problem. Global 822 and you'll be added to the league before the race.
deshoooooo wrote:
I wanna join your race.
Name: Desho

If needed, here is the video which completed act10 kitava in 4:00:57 with all passives.

Not sure why this posted 4 times but whatever lol
can i join, got a sub 2 hour kitava run on my groundslam duelist with everything don https://youtu.be/6ucYsNLk3Ks
он что в конце, сам себе спасибо сказал?

I'd like to join the race too, are there any particular prerequisites ?


-- Edit, nevermind, i think sub-4hrs A10 will be a bit short for me to complete in ssfhc... Have fun anyway!
Last edited by Asaruludu#5150 on Feb 22, 2019, 7:38:00 AM
I literally dumped 100 alts into my quicksilver and never hit it


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