Betrayal as a Core Game Mechanic

And I think this synthesis and the changing of the maps will soon integrate into this years patch wherein the synthesis boss, elder and shaper will share the atlas and once again mapping is back to fun!
Wtf... 3 encounters now. Can you give a UI option check box for Betrayal On-Off
The only good reward was sulphite scarabs, and only when you got 3 spawn.
Really wishing I had a Torchlight Frontiers beta key at this point
IGN - Crittrain
GGG - please listen to your player base. 14 pages in after your announcement going core and almost entirely negative feedback on each of your key decisions.

It's like you haven't even read the 1000+ posts under Feedback and Suggestions made in the last three months.
Ok for real...this league mechanic is going to suck absolute balls if you just nerf everything that was good about betrayal before rolling it into the game. There was so much bad about the league...Betrayal Masters were OP as fuck in T15/16 maps and were extremely dangerous. Mastermind was absolutely pointless to this is just ridiculous.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
Last edited by TheAshmaker#5078 on Feb 21, 2019, 8:11:28 PM
What we need is a way for players to influence the weights for master encounters. I personally hate Incursion and Betrayal, but I love Delve. Please give me a system that lets me get more sulphite and fewer incursion/betrayal encounters. Let the players decide which mechanic they wish to interact with more.
So Delve is nerfed.
Recipes are still locked behind RNG.
Subsequently getting the 6L recipe is much harder (I still didn't unlock it this league).
Betrayal going core.


This is probably the first time I never want to look forward to the new league.
Please tell me you intend to nerf the syndicate damage in high level maps. It sucks when the only really rewarding way to deal with them is to run harbor bridge over and over again.
carkasjak wrote:
What we need is a way for players to influence the weights for master encounters. I personally hate Incursion and Betrayal, but I love Delve. Please give me a system that lets me get more sulphite and fewer incursion/betrayal encounters. Let the players decide which mechanic they wish to interact with more.

they know if they did this everyone would just delve.
Next league should be called Betrayal 2.0 with Jonathan as the main boss players must defeat to get their game back. This whale has been harpooned to death until further notice. I won, /vg/ and stalker schizos lost. Zaccie had to delete 90k discord posts to save his job. Never forget.
Petusillos wrote:
Are veiled mods already unlocked in Betrayal going to migrate to the permanent league? Or do we need to unveil them again?


Please answer this question.
Last edited by Sinaranu#7291 on Feb 21, 2019, 10:39:28 PM
I play this game since beta and betrayal sh*t being core makes me want to quit this game for good, what a sad day.

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