Betrayal as a Core Game Mechanic

Blackadder83 wrote:
+1 for not happy with Betrayal going core.

Also not happy with nerf to sulphite scrabs, Delving is fun, let us delve more!

Main problem I have with Betrayal system is that it overwhelms player with clusterfuck of effects, hard fight (compared to map boss of same lvl) and information that you have to process while choosing best option to do with Syndicate members for now even poorer rewards. And Mastermind fight ... hell no, tried once, got DC, never tried it again.

Delve is contrary to that, simple, straightforward, fun, hard and rewarding. Keep that in mind, this is still a game and needs to be fun and relaxing.

GGG knows better what is good for you and for me - they will force us for doing maps and damn Syndicate. They are trying to force players to be happy. The sad thing is, that I do not like mapping - IT IS BORING!!! I did that the entire year. I would like to play Delve - it is fun, but due to difficult to understand reasons GGG decided to nerf it and limit the access - you have to play maps, catch beasts, do incursions, deal with syndicates etc. instead of doing something you like.
Great job - keep players annoyed and bored. They will finally go to find some fun in other games.
Dont agree with the scarab nerfs. Scarabs were pretty rare but very powerful in return, thus they created a subeconomy around them.

Now scarabs will be even more rare... but less powerful?
Finding things that are extremely rare but have zero value, its so utterly backwards i dont even know where to begin, so ill stop right there.
"scarabs are now 100% less effective aka they do nothing now"

GGGs logic. everything fun gets rekt. At least I can skip next league for 1st time in years. Im curious how Delve is still not nerfed to the ground and beyond. Oh right u need 1 week farming to do 1hr delving. ye fuck the fun man.
They did not realise, for real, that without scarabs this crappy Betrayal league would be ded in less than a month?
Melees are absolute bullshit, AOE is bullshit, dmg is bullshit. Revert back goodd old Cyclone, remove this shit nonsense 50% less dmg. Make new melee skill gems. Do something fun and good ffs, there is nothing to play next time. Only molten strike is still a thing.
The nerfs don't make sense imho, should've buffed other scarabs and other syndacate rewards not nerf those. In general I believe its better to buff than nerf.

Now Delve is going to be even harder for the average player that can't really afford that many Scarabs, but its not gonna really make a chance for those players that abuse your stupidly broken drop rate system(coupled with the fact that now we also have Jun to spawn during maps lovering the average of encounters we will have with Niko; "The chance to encounter any individual master is equally weighted across all five masters."), and can buy whatever they want by the 2nd day in a new fresh league start.
And on the cartography scarabs there were alot of mixed opinions, alot of people were complaining about not feeling their effect even after using it them alot, they were only impactful at the start and effective when coupled with the strongbox scarabs and prophecies; again, alot of investment that normally players do not do, and now they have even less reason to.

Why not buff, idk, Vagan rewards? And others aswell.

One of the reason I played this league very little its because 1) only some Syndacate members gave good rewards and the boss didn't give good enough loot for how hard it was to kill and to get to, and 2) it limited access to Delve so much, I didn't want to just map all the time again.

So I just basically did area zone betrayal encounter grind until I was too bored to, funded an op char to try out and quit.
By comparison, during Delve I had 39 challenges completed, and 36 during Incursion.

Nerfing the good rewards isn't gonna make me want do the boss or take other rewards more, because they are insulting; like, I can't get over the Vagan rewards!! What the hell do you need random rares for? And if not for the scarab rewards, Haku would be trash too! And Elreon? Who wants random uniques? We can get, like, 9001% item rarity easily! As if you would want trash uniques anyway!

To me these members look like they were designed around SSF or personal leagues or something, which is weird because iirc, Chris states that PoE would always be tuned and balanced around Standard.

I know I may sound upset or something but I'm really not, I'm still gonna play next season(and shocked that Vagan and Elreon rewards have not been changed). It just saddens me because I think theres more potential in Betrayal if you just buffed some rewards instead of nerfing the existing good ones, and everybody wants to have fun in Delve but you're limiting access to it with every Expansion.
I guess next expansion Niko spawning is going to be even rarer when the Synthesis guy joins the ranks of the new masters? Nice
Last edited by kadrek91#0601 on Feb 23, 2019, 8:05:16 PM
Not a fan of betrayal. I'd rather have delve back but I don't really get a choice.
Okay so, since day one i didnt understand why people hated betrayal so much and still dont understand it to this day...

1. if you dont like being oneshot by betrayal encounters just let research spawn and ignore those encounters alltogether until you git gud and are able to oneshto them.

2. rewards in betrayal (specifically scarabs) were great way to force the content you wanted to do and in a way it was even better than leaguestones in legacy league. Then we also had upgraded breachstones which were just OP as fuck rewardwise.. This league gave you the most freedom with the most accesible content, way more than any league so far (even mroe than legacy).

That being said i really dont like the way GGG handled the implementation of mechanics to the core.. They basically took the most important thing that made the league great (scarabs -> sulphite mostly) and nerfed the shit out of it, while tweaking unimportant stuff (like MM fight is still worthless, since apparently rewards are still useless and not worth time and effort).

BUT!!! Thing most whining people around here dont realize is.... YOU DONT KNOW HOW WILL SYNTHESIS AFFECT THE WAY YOU ACCES OTHER CONTENT IN GAME. We know so little about synthesis mechanics, its pretty possible (and i really wish this was the reality), there will be some way to integrate content you want onto memory fragments and you basically end up with the same freedom to choose type of content you wanna do as we had in betrayal. In other words, there might be some way to force niko and sulphite nodes in memory fragments and it might cover the nerf of scarabs. I believe GGG knows what they are doing and as theyre proving time and time again, with one greater league after another :)

So yeah, thats my input to this topic,

btw: the point of what i am saying in the end is, DONT CRITICISE THE RESULT UNTILL YOU SEE THE WHOLE PICTURE. Maybe the changes were made this way to not end up in state, where syndicate with synthesis together would be too overpowered and game would become too easy.
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Last edited by xzwjm10100#4680 on Feb 23, 2019, 11:29:18 PM
Listen to your community ggg, we don't want this crap. /Tencent takeover?
Phase 1: Make D3

Phase 2: ?

Phase 3: Profit
TLDR for people who couldn't read 50+ pages of response:

Thanks, I hate it.
Stopped to play the this league also very early. I had more fun doing greater rifts with my friends in D3 than playing PoE tbh.
Also dont want betrayal going core. This sucks.
You have to remember to chase and catch your dreams, because if you don't, your imagination will live in empty spaces, and that's nowhere land.

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