I have an Incinerate Marauder at level 31. Once I got Blood Magic and a 10 life per kill node around level 20, the skill became usable and since then I've been having a lot of fun with it. So far the damage is great with only a little investment in fire passives, and the visuals are very satisfying for the most part. I think one of the best indicators of a great skill is the variety of supports that work well with it, and the variety of support setups for different classes, and Incinerate is a great example of that.
What I like most about it is buckling down in front of a pack of enemies or a tough boss and micro-managing flasks to tank it while I wear it down with Incinerate. To that end, I'd like to suggest adding one more damage stage as a reward for remaining immobile during combat for such a long time. Have it take twice as long to get to this final stage as the one before it, and add a distinctive graphic - black flecks, maybe. I only have one criticism, aside from the low-level mana cost fiasco. Faster projectile effects make the first couple stages look low-rent, because the particles become spaced out so much, which is a real problem because the skill is designed to be used with faster projectiles. I think of Gunstar Heroes every time I use it, and I'm not talking about the flamethrower gun. The particle graphics could be changed to appear more elongated, rather than being round. The Amazon Basin: A Community of Friends Playing Games |
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Skill seems fine at mid~high level, but its simply unusable at 10. Either reduce its low level mana costs significantly or raise the gem level. Being able to control the projectile spread with multiple projectiles would add depth to its gameplay as well.
IGN: KoTao
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I'm very disappointed with this skill. I thought it was going to be something new, but it turned out to be an unsustainable version of flame totem that cannot crit.
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" I really do not think surgeon flasks has anything to do with it. The could simply lower crit chance to be more in line with the attack speed of this spell, and get the same results as everything else. My flicker strike 2hand crit build has over 50% chance to crit and flickers incredibly fast. By this logic, all crit capable abilities with fast speed or multiple projectiles should have no crit as the 1 charge per crit would be OP. You could simply toss .5% crit chance on this puppy, and with gear/passives you would maybe be able to knock it up to 5% total crit chance, which would still only allow a crit every 1-2 seconds. On the other hand, I literally could not even kill ranged mobs with this ability, because the ignite effect cause them to run away, and thier range was greater than mine. It completely ruined the ability. Heres the modified build from my Explosive Arrow Shadow...(I am not entirely sure where to take it beyond this, I might start adding increased lightning damage nodes to try and get better shock chance. Currently the added lightning only allows me to shock mobs while I am solo. Group mobs have too much HP to apply a shock) Stats: 4300ish Eshield, about 100+ or so mana recover per second. 1200ish mana pool. The incinerate was like 12 mana cost(4 link) at the time, it has gone up slightly since it leveled a little more. The 4-link was, Incinerate->Added Lightning->Cast Speed->Faster Projectile.(I say "ish" cuz I've been swapping gear around a lot trying to find optimum stats and gems) Current paper doll DPS of incinerate... about 800 /w frenzy.
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" im not "butthurt" at all and if you didn't give a fuck about my ego you wouldn't have said anything about it. i wasn't trying to come off as elite just saying ill play my way and im have fun with it. and if you stack burn damg nodes then you will see that yes u can do some damg with it. thanks. |
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It would be really nice if the stages didn't reset when you switch between two different Incinerate gems. I've been experimenting with separate gems for single-target and multi-target support setups, and unfortunately that's not very useful because the stage resets. Allowing us to switch between gems would make for some really fluid gameplay and it would add a lot of interesting support combinations.
You could have a level 1 Incinerate with Faster Casting and Reduced Mana supports that you use to "spin up" before switching to your main gem. That would partly bypass the limitations of the skill, but it wouldn't really save all that much time, and if a player wants to spend the extra effort and use more sockets/hotkeys that way, I say let them. The Amazon Basin: A Community of Friends Playing Games |
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I have this gem at level 13 and it is doing very well considering how low the level is (running level 67 maps atm).
I have a couple of problems with the skill: 1) The range, without modification, stops just short of most ranged mobs, meaning that they are likely to move out of range if you stand there casting it, which is problematic for obvious reasons. 2) The spread of the projectiles (with LMP and GMP) cant me adjusted. Is this intentional? 3) Because you need to constantly cast the skill in order to maintain the damage bonus, it makes it incredibly hard to aim it while also being able to see the health bars of mobs. This is very inconvenient for me. 4) Ignite makes it hard to use because enemies run around like headless chickens due to being constantly ignited. IGN: Iolar Last edited by BRavich#4397 on Mar 9, 2013, 11:53:51 PM
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" This. Imagine a fire version of Freezing Pulse. I would love to have something like that. Or imagine if Incinerate worked like a maintained Arc. Or we could have something similar to Fireball that you charge instead and damage + manacost upon release depends on charge time. Or we could have a maintained barrier of fire that stops projectiles and repels + damages foes. We could also have homing fire projectiles fired as a barrage. Or non homing ones that randomly bomb the area around you as long as you maintain the skill. There are many possibilities and I hope the skill is revamped to fill a role that serves fire better. IGN: Noveria / Moonraze / Wunderbaum
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Channeled spells in general don't work very well in ARPGs. It just doesn't suit the genre. It's actually ridiculous to expect people to use a spell that requires several seconds of uninterrupted channeling, not only because it's barely viable unless you've built full tank but also because most people will probably find it boring.
This is a game where you have to constantly watch out for things like alchemist ground AoE, charging/leaping/rolling mobs that do retarded damage and can barely be avoided in some cases, and many bosses are designed to be literally untankable on purpose. This is why spells don't have cast times in Diablo-like games, this is why there's such an emphasis on mobility and cast/attack speed, this is why the game is exciting and difficult. And then we get a skill that flies violently in the face of all that, mandating Everquest-like sluggish casting and forcing you to try and tank stuff that was designed to be untankable because every other skill in the game is designed with mobility in mind. Aside from the fact that the skill is so statistically absurd - and despite the fact that people want to call it "fine" because they were able to use it on their tank-built BM marauders while micromanaging flasks and all sorts of other ridiculous criteria that are not required of any other attacking spell in the game - it's far too niche to serve as the thing that brings the fire element on par with the others. We needed something akin to meteor or that rolling fiery boulder skill druids get in D2, skills that suit ARPG gameplay and can be used fairly universally with a generic caster build. Then fire could be the element whose nukes aren't just projectiles, unlike cold and lightning. It could be the one with the rain of fire and rolling boulders and explosions. Instead we get another projectile spell, a weird channeled one which requires jumping through hoops in order to formulate a usable build around it at all. At least buff Fireball a little, then, and make it on par with Freezing Pulse since it's clear that Fireball will still be the primary fire nuke and the only one that doesn't require a specialized niche build. |
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This spell is neither good nor fun to use.
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