Iron Will

thx :) i had some threads and never got a "confirmed " answer with a golden bold border in the forum post :)

but i can confirm it doesnt show up in the tooltip . or helps at 1 spectre.
doesnt tried melee spectre or cant confirm any boost which is "observable"
Witch : HaleJesus LVL 82 Arc Summoner
pls forgive my gibberish space orc english - its not my native language
please note that iron will is for spells, and requires str for its effect. as far as i know, and i'm wrong here for sure, there are no str based mobs that cast damaging spells... that can be spectre'd.

iron grip will be easier to use as, i think, there are some str based mobs that use ranged attacks that are spectre'able.
can anyone help me Im using iron will as a support gem for ethereal knives and after linking them the iron will actually slows down my cast speed for ethereal knives and makes it do less damage... right now w/o iron will my ethereal knives is at 118 damage and 0.82 cast time but with iron will linked its 114 dmg and 0.93 cast time... any ideas why?
You're looking at Damage per Second, not Damage per Hit. Iron Will has a Reduced Cast Speed modifier, which does exactly what it says. Your per-Hit Damage is increased.
It's dumb that there are "spells" that aren't spells.

"Oh, this support gem works with spells. This active skill gem says it's a spell."

It's worth noting that +2 maps are a dangerous thing.
They can cause players to get out of their depth -
playing maps that are too hard for the items they currently have. Herp Derp.
RickyDMMontoya wrote:
It's dumb that there are "spells" that aren't spells.

They are still Spells. They do not deal Spell Damage, is the point; Iron Will grants Spell Damage, and if a Skill doesn't deal Spell Damage, there's nothing to apply it to.

In the same way, a Melee Attack does not strictly deal all Melee Damage all the time - Lightning Strike's Projectiles are not Melee Damage, for example.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Feb 4, 2014, 4:51:06 PM
If you use Melee Physical Damage with Lightning Strike, the projectile's damage will be increased.

If a support gem and active skill gem have the same identifier word, they should function together.


Remove the identifier "Spell" from Bear Trap. Remove it from minions. Remove it from anything that doesn't work with modifiers for "spell damage." Or make all the "Spell" modifiers apply. Or make "Spell Damage" a separate modifier, and use it differentially from "Spell" as appropriate.

The identifier system is there for a reason. If it applies some of the time for these things, and other times for these other things, and you have to read this and that of the support gem, and the wiki says why it doesn't work, or you have to read on the forums, it's a broken system.

Fix it.
It's worth noting that +2 maps are a dangerous thing.
They can cause players to get out of their depth -
playing maps that are too hard for the items they currently have. Herp Derp.
Last edited by RickyDMMontoya#7961 on Feb 5, 2014, 11:33:13 AM
RickyDMMontoya wrote:
If you use Melee Physical Damage with Lightning Strike, the projectile's damage will be increased.

Yup. Because of how the skill is structured. The melee damage is increased. Since the projectile's damage is based off of the melee damage, it is increased in proportion.

Don't answer if you don't know what you're talking about.
It's worth noting that +2 maps are a dangerous thing.
They can cause players to get out of their depth -
playing maps that are too hard for the items they currently have. Herp Derp.
Hahaha, you think I don't know what I'm talking about? You must be new here!
I also have a giant ego when I am entirely certain about the subject, as you might have noticed.

Lightning Strike's Projectiles are not based on the Melee strike's Damage. The only connection between the two, is the Accuracy check; if the Melee strike connects, the Projectiles automatically pass Accuracy. That's all. The Projectiles are not Melee Damage, and are not affected by Melee-specific modifiers.

Mark has made many posts on this subject. This is one of them.

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