Melee Damage on Full Life
" In what cases is it not calculated at the start? |
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Cases where which monsters will be damaged can't be determined at that time. Leap Slam, for example, sends out it's damage to monsters nearby when you land, it doesn't try to work out when you start the leap which will be near you when you get there, because it couldn't be at all accurate.
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" So it would work with leap to Leap>drink flask and enjoy the damage increase for the attack in case enemies didn't attack you in air? I confirmed that I am still in HC league. Then I died.
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Somebody told me, in World chat, that Melee Damage on Full Life worked, when linked to the Phase Run skill gem. I linked them, then I checked out my Character Panel's Offense tab, just to see the difference with, and without, the linkage, and I noticed NO DIFFERENCE between, after activating Phase Run, when I had the MDoFL support gem linked to Phase Run,and when I had no support gem linked to Phase Run. Could you tell me, Mark_GGG, if the change in damage is hidden, or if it actually does not affect Phase Run, at all. Thank you!
Last edited by JoelDavidBell#2516 on Jul 31, 2012, 8:05:14 PM
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"Phase run never deals damage. supports which increase the damage dealt by skills cannot work on skills which don't do damage, such as phase run. | |
I still feel that this gem should be strategically placed as a passive keystone in the skill forest. Preferably closer to magic and ranged classes. seems like a waste of a good socket space by having such a restrictive support.
"How would you like it if I snuck into your country and did this job over there... and not cash in any of your friggin checks?!! You WONT!! Because you will be right here!!" - Master Shake.
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I tried stacking some life regeneration passives to see if I could use this gem and blood rage at the same time with a life build. With 4% life regeneration per second and 3.9% life degeneration per second this gem is never active. My life bar bounces between 1219 and 1218 constantly.
It's kind of disappointing to be honest, I don't see why my health bar should move at all if my regeneration is higher then the degeneration being applied to me. I'm assuming that this also means that puncture, viper strike, chaos damage per second map mods, and burning ground debuffs will cancel out this gem, even if you have a ton of life regeneration. Kind of limits this gem even further, pretty much to only chaos inoculation builds. Would be nice if this was changed, maybe change the gem so that it's active if you have 99% or more life. It could still be called ''Melee damage on full life'' I guess, this would just make it viable for more builds. Last edited by Danos#3333 on Aug 4, 2012, 12:15:25 PM
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I seriously think there should be some leeway. Such as if you're above 95% you get the full bonus, if above 90% but below 95% you get half the bonus. This would make the gem less.. well.. pointless. I see where it could be useful, particularly for Templar who can let his energy shield take the blunt of the damage but as it stands, it's so specific to what kind of character you need to be useful that it needs to be reworked slightly.
Your Hardcore character's carcass has made a certain buzzard very happy.
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I use this gem as a substitute for my ES lightning strike ranger. I'm doing 6.2k Dps with FUll on life melee etc.., lightning strike, 20% qual weapon elemental and faster attacks.
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Given the official explanations provided above, the implementation of this gem is borderline buggy for Blood Magic users, hence useless for many Marauder specs. Kind of a big deal for a Red support gem...
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