[Xbox One] 3.6.3b Patch Notes

[Xbox One] 3.6.3b Patch Notes

Synthesis Fixes
  • Essences and Fossils can now be used on Fractured Items.
  • Added 3D Art for Mask of the Tribunal, Perepiteia and Storm's Gift.
  • Abysses can no longer spawn in Memories.
  • The Synthesis Beach Tutorial Memory no longer spawns for players above level 25.
  • Increased the potency of the "x% increased Rarity of Items found" implicit Amulet modifiers created by the Synthesiser.
  • Fixed a bug where Memory Stabilisers in a decaying Memory would pull items to them when a player was in close proximity, rather than solely when activated. This now only occurs in non-decaying Memories.
  • Fixed a bug where returning to your Memory Nexus from the Memory Void could incorrectly assign ownership of that area to another player if your Memory Nexus had previously closed.
  • Fixed a bug where an Aura that was socketed in March of the Legion Unique boots would not be supported by Blessing if that Aura was also supported by Arcane Surge Support.
  • Fixed a bug where you could be Frozen in Decay but still be able to move.
  • Fixed an instance crash that could occur in the Memory Void.

Miscellaneous Fixes
  • Added minimap icons to Betrayal Transportation Carts.
  • Various beasts in your Bestiary are now hidden unless you have already captured them.
  • Indoor areas in the Temple of Atzoatl now use the correct music and ambience audio.
  • Jun now has an exclamation mark above her at the completion of a Betrayal encounter in areas when you have a Safehouse available.
  • You can now dismiss Masters from your Hideout via the Decorations panel.
  • Blink Arrow and Mirror Arrow can now be supported by Volley and Greater Volley.
  • Fixed a bug where modifiers in Delve areas appeared to be doubled. This was solely a visual issue.
  • Fixed a rare bug where not enough capturable beasts were spawned in The Riverways, preventing completion of the Einhar mission.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented opening a Safehouse from your Hideout.
  • Fixed a bug where you could get into a state where all Betrayal Targets were jobless, and thus no Betrayal encounters were able to spawn.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Spell Damage and Non-Chaos as Extra Chaos Damage" Veiled modifier displayed that it could apply to Bows when it could not.
  • Fixed a bug where some crafted modifiers could not be replaced with another crafted modifier (by paying one scouring in additional to the crafting cost).
  • Fixed a bug where, under certain conditions, the unique helmet Ahn's Contempt would trigger its "while at maximum Power Charges" modifier while you weren't at maximum Power Charges, and wouldn't when you were.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Life and Mana Leech are instant during effect" modifier found on Legacy Vessel of Vinktar Unique flasks caused Energy Shield Leech to be instant.
  • Fixed a bug where the "No Physical Damage" modifier didn't prevent Physical Damage on the item if Quality exceeded 20%.
  • Fixed a bug where you could not reserve life for a skill if the reservation cost was 0 and you only had 1 life.
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't enter Elder Guardian or Elder encounters if you had previously died in the encounter and then consumed the final Map portal.
  • Fixed a bug where the Unbearable Whispers V prophecy could trigger in the Labyrinth but not spawn monsters if a party member entered the final Izaro encounter before you.
  • Fixed a bug where the notification for failing a challenge displayed even when you had already completed that challenge.
  • Fixed a bug where the Locomancer achievement was not able to be completed.
  • Fixed a bug where Abaxoth's Summoned Skeleton Casters had more Cast Speed than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where some Raised Spectres were unable to attack after you had used an in-area entrance such as the entry to a boss room.
  • Fixed a bug where Blast Rain's visual effects were larger than intended. This was solely a visual issue.
  • Fixed a bug where using Phase Run when it was socketed in an item with the "Trigger Socketed Spells when you Focus" modifier caused the "x% increased Movement Speed", "x% reduced Visibility to Enemies", and Phasing buffs from Phase Run to be removed immediately.
  • Fixed a bug where the flames on the Undertaker Gloves and Undertaker Boots microtransactions were not visible when equipped on a Scion.
  • Fixed a bug where the Vaal Invasion prophecy applied the wrong environment to the Lunaris Temple when it was triggered.
  • Fixed a bug where your checkpoint would be incorrectly set to the boss arena if you had died after killing the Depraved Trinity.
  • Fixed a rare visual bug where the ground appeared to be moving underneath you.
  • Fixed two instance crashes.
Last edited by Natalia_GGG#0000 on Apr 8, 2019, 6:05:26 PM
Last bumped on Apr 10, 2019, 8:11:46 AM
Fixed a bug where the Locomancer achievement was not able to be completed.

Are you working in fixing load times at all. I just wanted want to know so I know if I need to buy a SSD. Thanks GGG
PolarHip wrote:
Are you working in fixing load times at all. I just wanted want to know so I know if I need to buy a SSD. Thanks GGG

PoE won’t prioritize performance improvements just because of the antiquated XBOX hardware. Do yourself a favor and grab a External SSD... best decision I ever made & it only set me back $50!

Load times are < 1/3 of what they use to be!!
Please fix the trade board and add chat.

I dont post often, but when I do its cause its fuxked
Still 5 minute load times? Still ridiculous lagg? Still not playing.
wittybread wrote:
PolarHip wrote:
Are you working in fixing load times at all. I just wanted want to know so I know if I need to buy a SSD. Thanks GGG

PoE won’t prioritize performance improvements just because of the antiquated XBOX hardware. Do yourself a favor and grab a External SSD... best decision I ever made & it only set me back $50!

Load times are < 1/3 of what they use to be!!

Really? Guess I'm buying one then b/c load times in this game are why I've quit 10x. Guessing PoE should be installed on the SSD? Or just having the extra space on XB1 HD gonna quicken load times?

Edit: yay patch size is down to about 2 gigs instead of entire game... tho thats probably just bc it was minor patch to fox stuff. So not gonna get too excited yet.
Last edited by mcavak#4061 on Apr 9, 2019, 12:28:21 AM
Synthesis sucks. Worst league ever. Tried the mechanics 1-2 times and i hate it. Main problem: The memory pool is way too small. Seriously, i played around 400 of i dont even know what they are called and i don't have enough memory fragments to go from start to a boss fragment which is 7-8 spaces away?
Its basically impossible to make anything worth a damn because there isn't the population necessary to have enough high end stuff farmed on xbox. To tell you the truth, I find it very selfish for a game company to refuse the responsibility of optimizing their game or at least hearing customer input. When your answer for dealing with my 2-3 minute load times is go spend money fixing OUR problem, that makes you look bad as a game company. This is all compounded by the fact that half of your load screens are completely unnecessary(login to oriath instead of hideout, died on uberelder-back to town(4 LOAD SCREENS). This is never a problem you guys seem to address because it's not happening on pc to warrant the attention it deserves. I've played over 140 days play time over 30,000 maps almost 24 characters above 80 most 90, and im ending it all this league because its obvious you guys don't take your xbox community seriously. You guys have great ideas for content and I appreciate that at least. I wouldn't have played as much as I have if it weren't for that, but you guys seriously need to sit out one league and work on your performance optimizing and bug fixing. P.s. I also wont miss the whole "get rid of all your maps 1 by 1 so you can use your map tab again" scheme. That is tedious as fuck and obnoxious.

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