PS4 trade prices are an UTTER joke

handsome_lin-us wrote:
If some item is too expensive, just don't buy it, or play a build that doesn't require certain unique to reach end game. There are a lot of league starter builds on the forum that are budget and cheap. Simple as that....

That doesn't excuse the severe over pricing that is occurring on PS$ atm. Most builds seem to require at least a single high priced unique item as mandatory for the build too from what i've seen. I don't pretend to have seen every build out there though. One shouldn't be pigeon holed because of OTP pricing.

BloodPuddles420 wrote:
You know, none of those stupid 10 ex+ requests are serious right? People set the prices crazy high as a joke because it's funny. If you were to give them a reasonable offer on those things they would most likely accept.

Funny? I have a very good sense of humour, and I don't find it funny at all. Must be a younger generation thing. If they took the time to set that price, surely they could have taken the time to set a reasonable price? BTW, I put in around 5 or 6 offers on a particular unique a week ago, and all of them were rejected by the seller. They were reasonable offers too, not low balling. That kind of disproves what you're saying imho. At least, based on my experiences so far in the game on PS4.

Great-BoBaFeTT wrote:
Supply and demand. Basic economics. If something is too expensive and doesn't sell prices will drop.

You can't compare PS4 vs. PC. There are less players on console and no bots so obviously everything is cheaper on PC because of the supply.

I'm well aware of how supply and demand works thank you. I fully understand that the PC version of the game has:

a) been around for near 7 yearse
b) bots have flooded the market with gear, pushing prices down
c) has more active players (and therefore, more people farming and selling items)

I expect prices on PS4 to be higher than their PC counterparts. Between 2-5x, depending upon the item, is pretty reasonable imho. Not 80x, that is a total OTP joke of a price. BTW, the 15 exalted orbs was the cheapest price I saw, for 1 socket, no links, base quality item. Sure, I can understand the price premium for buying a six linked 20% quality item.

It honestly seems that a very few players are keeping the best items hoarded up with untenable pricing, so that they have less competition in item farming (and thus, more control of the prices on the trade markets in game). That, in essence, is anti competitive and monopolistic behaviour. In most countries, punishable by law.
with the current currency rate being around 140 chaos orbs to an exalted orb

Glad i'm on the xbox then, because the ratio has been around 55-62c to 1ex since it's inception.
That doesn't excuse the severe over pricing that is occurring on PS$ atm. Most builds seem to require at least a single high priced unique item as mandatory for the build too from what i've seen. I don't pretend to have seen every build out there though. One shouldn't be pigeon holed because of OTP pricing.

I too think that the price of the top items are way way over priced. But in the end, it's their item, they can price it whatever price they want, and it's not against any law that I am aware of.

You can either just don't play the game, or adjust to their action, by playing something cheap like I have mentioned before. There are builds that can reach T16 Maps with just Tabula and decent yellow items. Or join the band wagon by selling your items really stupid expensive like what everyone else is doing, and use that to fund your build.
handsome_lin-us wrote:
That doesn't excuse the severe over pricing that is occurring on PS$ atm. Most builds seem to require at least a single high priced unique item as mandatory for the build too from what i've seen. I don't pretend to have seen every build out there though. One shouldn't be pigeon holed because of OTP pricing.

I too think that the price of the top items are way way over priced. But in the end, it's their item, they can price it whatever price they want, and it's not against any law that I am aware of.

You can either just don't play the game, or adjust to their action, by playing something cheap like I have mentioned before. There are builds that can reach T16 Maps with just Tabula and decent yellow items. Or join the band wagon by selling your items really stupid expensive like what everyone else is doing, and use that to fund your build.

LOL @ play their game. I've got a bunch of stuff listed for trade, at reasonable prices and not even selling really any of it. Uniques sell, I've had a few (a Chin sol for 20 chaos orbs a week ago, I'd paid 30 chaos orbs for mine, then got another One in game a week later lol, so a 10 chaos orb loss on my part). People are just refusing to buy these overpriced items. Most, if not all of these are going to sit there till the end of time, unsold.

As to rares, even they are overpriced. Hell, I'm seeing people ask 5 chaos orbs for crappy magic items lol!

Most of the overpricing is just stupidity on the players part mixed with unrealistic expectations. The top tier items are overpriced all due to GREED and unrealistic prices.

D3 has a character called Greed, looks like there's a LOT of players trying to emulate her in POE lol.
i lol at people who thinks items with prices 10-20 ex dont sell. I even sold watchers eye for 70 ex this league. Keep dreaming about prices go low cause no body buying items. You either adapt or die exile (delete the game).
bi4rep wrote:
i lol at people who thinks items with prices 10-20 ex dont sell. I even sold watchers eye for 70 ex this league. Keep dreaming about prices go low cause no body buying items. You either adapt or die exile (delete the game).

and when people leave the game in droves? I don't think GGG will be happy with that. The game is already a ghost town - I see a handful of people in Oriath square end game and that's it. Even in peak playing times in Australia (yes, I know I'm on the Australian league server and that there's less people playing the game in Australia than in other countries wiht far higher populations than our mere 28 million). My point is, 4 weeks ago, it was packed. Now it's a ghost town.

I strongly suspect that POE has not been much of a success on the PS4, at least in the region I'm playing in.

I would like to see the game succeed, and trade is a critical part of the game itself. When the trading system is broken, something isn't right. If GGG doesn't do something about PS4 trade prices, more and more people will leave. Who will the elite players sell to if there's no one else left to buy their gear (even if reasonably priced!)? Do you think GGG will continue to spend money on the PS4 platform for a handful of players? Nope. The game needs more players, and it needs fresh players all the time, and those fresh players need to be able to get better gear so they can push up on the tier difficulty. People will not continue to play the game if they feel hampered by gear. Given the rarity of drops in game from monsters, trade is pretty much a pre-requisite for success in the game (and ultimately, enjoyment).

Sorry for any typos, not wearing my glasses.
First of all let me address low numbers of players: league ending, flashback event cut players base too. Second, xbox have MUCH MUCH less player base same prices and ggg never did anything and will never do. And if you want to talk about broken system look no further than PC with bots. Btw you can clear uber elder with tabula just so u know. And last but not least how much money u spend on this game?
Just want to add in, I've traded 2 ex for 50c each since the game game out. and got a Cyclopean Coil and Geofri's Sanctuary for my Guardian for only an ex and like 30c worth of items.

Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
Last edited by LV9999Majin#9565 on May 14, 2019, 10:41:13 AM
and when people leave the game in droves? I don't think GGG will be happy with that. The game is already a ghost town - I see a handful of people in Oriath square end game and that's it. Even in peak playing times in Australia (yes, I know I'm on the Australian league server and that there's less people playing the game in Australia than in other countries wiht far higher populations than our mere 28 million). My point is, 4 weeks ago, it was packed. Now it's a ghost town.

People usually hang out at their hideout, not in Oriath. So by observing how many people are in town isn't an accurate measure of the population.

I know you are mad because you couldn't afford the item you want for your build, but hey, that's just life. It's like,I wanted a mansion, luxury cars, sexy maids to do my chores but I couldn't afford them. I either get good, learn to play, in real life, or just shut my mouth and accept the fact that I couldn't afford them. Ranting about it doesn't help....

Not trying to offend you or anything, just saying.....
handsome_lin-us wrote:
and when people leave the game in droves? I don't think GGG will be happy with that. The game is already a ghost town - I see a handful of people in Oriath square end game and that's it. Even in peak playing times in Australia (yes, I know I'm on the Australian league server and that there's less people playing the game in Australia than in other countries wiht far higher populations than our mere 28 million). My point is, 4 weeks ago, it was packed. Now it's a ghost town.

People usually hang out at their hideout, not in Oriath. So by observing how many people are in town isn't an accurate measure of the population.

I know you are mad because you couldn't afford the item you want for your build, but hey, that's just life. It's like,I wanted a mansion, luxury cars, sexy maids to do my chores but I couldn't afford them. I either get good, learn to play, in real life, or just shut my mouth and accept the fact that I couldn't afford them. Ranting about it doesn't help....

Not trying to offend you or anything, just saying.....

That's a great point re: hideout. Still, I still suspect that player numbers have dropped off and not in a good way.

It's not about being able to afford said item(s), it's about the trade prices being OP AF on the PS4. There is a massive disparity between the PS4 and XBOX and PC.

Also, why is GGG keeping sellers names private? They should be public. You can't report a player for a TOS violation (RMTs are breaking Sony's TOS I might add) if you don't know their name. So, who is GGG protecting?

bi4rep wrote:
First of all let me address low numbers of players: league ending, flashback event cut players base too. Second, xbox have MUCH MUCH less player base same prices and ggg never did anything and will never do. And if you want to talk about broken system look no further than PC with bots. Btw you can clear uber elder with tabula just so u know. And last but not least how much money u spend on this game?

I've spent around AUD $140 so far - A set of premium stab tabs, sunspire supporter pack (used to buy another premium stash tab and essence and fragment tabs), divination tab, currency tab, and an extra single premium stash tab. Included in that amount was a subscription to and around $20 buying some chaos orbs off a guy on Ebay. Given a premium game in Australia retails for around $90 (and this is a AAA game), I'm confident I've more than spent enough money on the game to be entitled to make valid criticisms of the game. I'm starting to think that investing the above money into the gam was a bad idea.

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