Balance in Path of Exile: Legion
Unchanged jugg or bearly changed glad still can't decide after this manifesto.
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
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Yeah gonna do that....and im also gona drive a truck torwards them to see if any of them throw their metal rod on the ground and run out of the way, or...u know....keep on swinging ffs...cause thats what anyone should do when death is coming their way, they have the POSIBILITY to evade....but wouldnt u know it...reality around him doesnt let him throw his stupid stick and run...
Another logic pls ? No one can come up with anything that can justify my virtual char in a game that i play and i command every aspect of my char taking controls over my actions. It's simple i want to "movement skills are now instant" u would understand exactly that right ? but they forgot to add - they are instant only in a 0.1s interval before and after a stupid animation has finished itself in 2020....come on mate pls be realistic...meaning u may not be able to be as reactive in real life as in a GAME....but im 100% sure its possible in both ;) 🎥 Twitch - 🟢 SC League Thread - 🔴 STD SC PoG SHOP - ☢️ Discord - Last edited by TheBUNGA#1777 on Jun 4, 2019, 4:11:50 AM
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" "No one can come up with anything that can justify my virtual char in a game that i play and i command every aspect of my char taking controls over my actions" - Lol! Methinks you should go play some Mordhau (and get your ass handed to you). And then scratch your head wondering why it's so popular. Of course, I know you won't do that last bit. |
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Yeah that could also work...
Meaning... In a world where i shoot fire and ice out of my stick....i should be able to move when i want...u know...if its possible to get Mirror drops in 1st 1-2-3 days of a league...dont understand why actually instant skills wouldnt be ;) 🎥 Twitch -
🟢 SC League Thread - 🔴 STD SC PoG SHOP - ☢️ Discord - |
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So I guess I will never see a “powerful unique item” in my existence playing this game lol. Trading for one will be virtually impossible because Xbox trade is a cluster fuck:
*There’s farmers that price rig. (The economy is small and it destroys it) *There’s no reference for console to price items. (Benefits rigging) *There’s a pay for EX site that’s run by bots plaguing trade. (?????) Ggg when people have 700+ EX mid league and others have hundreds that should be a flag in your systems. These nerfs are thug life, no regrets. Damn lol. Anytime meta gets nerfed there's always going to be people upset. Does not playing meta builds make someone an authority on how people enjoy their free time? Nope, there are different classes by design. Saying someone isn't playing the game because they use a meta build is ludicrous. You know ridicule is a side effect of envy. GL on the next league if you read this! |
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why is it so hard to realy "balance" something ofc now occu is not playable anymore nice work GGG.... still hyped for new laegue i guess? ;)
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Good job GGG, keep up good work.
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The only thing more enjoyable than reading the balance manifesto is reading the reactions to the balance manifesto.
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its a shame when Chris can't even be bothered to post development manifestos anymore and just has a community manager whos not a developer post them.
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out
PoE1 > PoE2 |
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" You do realize you can't throw a stick mid-swing, right? Mid-swing is mid-swing. The best you can do is let go of it to drop it, which doesn't help since your body is still in motion i.e. you still aren't going to be able to run away until you complete the movement. When you're in the middle of a committed attack, your body is already in motion. What you're proposing is a subsequent action, which you can already do in-game anyway. |
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