Balance in Path of Exile: Legion

How is this a manifesto?

Balancing is good, to avoid power creep. Sometimes you have to say "suck it".
Melee stuff = pog
Literally everything else besides worb, bane, etc nerfs = why ggg you've hurt everything that isnt melee...... elementalist major nerf, why did you do that to aura bots, and its nice that more have acsess to occultist es cant be interrupted thingy, but why didnt you just put that point there but then also let the occultist have it without the downside???? come ON man monkaS, its a good thing that i wont encounter it too much bc going to throw myself at beserker, but wtf did you do this patch, 4.0 better be godly, and it probably will be but still.

P.S. dont screw of raider it doesnt need a nerf
What I don't get is why they are nerfing storm brand again. It is powerful only with inpulsa.
1. Nerf Elementalist while it already lacks defensive options or damage modifiers, without proliferation why would you play it instead of Inquisitor anyway? Unless golem-mancer meme spec?

2. Nerf bane while the skill is completely nonviable for killing endgame bosses... Meanwhile essence drain can reach better numbers and clear bigger areas?

3. Bench Raider for another patch while it has the most unchanged vanilla ascendancy tree since forever?

4. Buff Juggernaut... Did Jugg really deserve a buff over Assassin, Raider or Scion that are left untouched?

Really questionnable...

At least Slayer looks good, deserved to be brought back to glory after days in the mud.

Schmockla wrote:
KonstantStompa wrote:

To be perfectly honest this is just a bunch of poorly articulated nonsense, I would suggest you familiarise yourself with the concept of the vocal minority and then review your comment. A good few hundred thousand people play Path of Exile and what you have seen in this comment thread is but a fraction, it by no means proves that everyone who plays the game feels the way you do. Your comments regarding those who disagree with your opinion being members of the dev teams or friends with them is also ridiculous and borderline delusional.

When someone speaks the truth call him a conspiracy theorist, or a delusional (troll)....thnx for aproving what i said.

i know im right, cause 1 comment per 2 pages if for the update, rest are lets ratio this stuff....

You think this thread represent the whole community? There is 65 page, let say 10 people per page that 650 people. Poe had a league with 200 000 player peak... people will complain when they are mad but few will talk if they are happy, that it. Yes you are delusional.

Wow. Nerfed ES passives, nerfed ES crafting, nerfed ES abyssal jewels, nerfed Soulrend, nerfed Bane, nerfed Storm Brand, nerfed notable clusters, nerfed caster mana leech... did I miss anything? I'm sure I did. So many nerfs it's hard to keep track of them all.

I guess we're playing melee now whether we want to or not.
Finnien wrote:
Wow. Nerfed ES passives, nerfed ES crafting, nerfed ES abyssal jewels, nerfed Soulrend, nerfed Bane, nerfed Storm Brand, nerfed notable clusters, nerfed caster mana leech... did I miss anything? I'm sure I did. So many nerfs it's hard to keep track of them all.

I guess we're playing melee now whether we want to or not.
they call it balance. Less peple will play casters due to nerfing so more people are forced to play melee. "nice" and clever move from ggg.
Actually nerfing is much easier to do than making new stuff and abilities. So they nerf casters and problem "solved".
Last edited by Kastmar#4974 on Jun 4, 2019, 2:27:12 PM
Thank you guys for making the game better and better.
This all sounds like a fun shake-up. It seems that the things getting nerfed were huge go-tos because they were mostly low investment for their power level. I tend not to make casters, ES based builds, or Projectile builds, so I'm admittedly less informed about the specifics.

I love the Blood Magic change, as mostly Aura Bots or people using Essence Wurm took that node AFIAK. I kept wanting to take it for the tanky life builds but couldn't justify it since I needed an aura (often PoF) on each character that would have used it. They got rid of the exploitative aspect of it and fortified the intended use for Blood Magic.

Many of these changes are along the same vein as the above. Several people have pointed out that Mana Guardian hasn't been touched and I agree that this could use a rework.

I just wish the league mechanics had fewer "Super Market Sweep" timers that inherently reward projectiles or other huge AoE skills. I often roll Cyclone and I don't want to use it again but it's just so tempting. Overall, very excited for the changes, though my bias as a melee player is showing.

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