
If only it just did normal weapon damage xD
sodium777 wrote:
I dont see why while Dual wielding would hit once per spin. If you think about it if your holding 2 weapons you'll be hitting every 180 degrees as opposed to 360, meaning you should hit twice as much. Right now dual weilding gains you 10Attack speed which stacks additively with your other attack speed, which means ~1% dmg increase and low block. If you grab a shield you get (like perandus blazon with 40% block) you become 1.67 times more tanky, while losing next to 0 dmg.

Cyclone is much better with a shield and 1hander because blocking during it has no animation :) or a 2 hander. This skill needs to be changed otherwise it is just an inferior form of leap slam and unwanted.

Also dont forget guys that because of the low dmg effectiveness you'll be losing dmg. I know you hit twice as often for half the damage which should end up doing the same as 0.7 dmg effectiveness, but the non-linear way armor scales means armor is much more effective against cyclone

One of the main drawcards of fast skills was their ability to proc on hits. Unfortunately onhits have reduced effect. LGoH now scales with dmg effectiveness. Ele-status scale with dmg done.

Which makes this skill pointless really.

Ya, physical damage has problems as it is and making lots of small weak hits is useless against mobs with Armour and suicidal against mobs with Thorns.
after a lot more killing I have finally decided on faster attacks + melee damage + critcal strike multiplier for my 4 link supports. Conc effect sowed the highest dps jump even as a level 1 gem, but my critical strikes seems to be performing much better than it damage wise. I think this is becuase i use critical curse so the dps meter can't take into account the 9% extra crit chance and 64% extra crit multiplier that is multiplicative. the mana cost is also much better at a 58 mana cost down from an 82. Lastly the decrease in aoe was actually noticeable after swapping them back and forth while clearing mobs.

armor with the supports

my weapons

I'm still not sure on the dps as I seem to be doing considerably more but it shows as 554 with hatred and anger running. socketed here

I also don't believe the attacks per second on the dps tool tip that says .34 basically 3 attacks a second. I seem to be pumping out much more than that as I spin.

I would also like to note I have over 600% crit damage and 23-25% crit chance under curse. and 30% crit chance + with a crit chance gem. I may be benefiting alot more from fast crit stacks than most builds
Last edited by Exiledtyrant#1006 on Mar 12, 2013, 10:24:23 PM
Lol some moderator redirected me here.

I posted your cyclone issues here:

Doesn't matter if I posted them there or in this thread, they should be read. If that moderator was doing his job, he/she would just reply here and link it to this thread.

But whatever, lol.

also that Moderator doesn't understand anything that I am talking about, the SKILL DOES not let you get out of it when you use it again or click it to go pick up items.

All it does it spin you for a fixed amount, but whatever if you guys are not going to fix this issue, there will just be more ninjaing in parties and more loot for me, but whatever.

Should treat users with good suggestions with more respect instead of locking topics and trying to get the last word in. Cough "WhiteBoy"...

In any event,

@ The skill developers, you should read my thread and realize how messed up this skill is, the cycloning effect is in squares, it's not 100% control, no 3d direction movement,etc...

"You can't stop anything mid-action to pick up loot or for any other reason. This skill shouldn't be any different."

I am talking about the skill effect goes on for to long and it needs a way to get out of the skill effect to grab items, if you're using this skill effect "Cyclone" and an item drops that is yours and it has a timer, by the time u get out of the skill whirlwind, you have no time to pick up your item.

Either they need to add more time for timer for each item that drops if the user is using that skill, or let people get out of it when clicking the skill again or "Cancelling".

You should go farm in maps and in a party to get an idea of what I am talking about.
"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym
Last edited by monkuar#2123 on Mar 12, 2013, 10:29:08 PM
Please do not remove the move speed penalty it is one of the few things allowing cyclone to get out so many hits along it's psth. move speed can be increased from various sources the only thing I can think of that does the opposite is

the skill will becoem far more mana intensive and hard to aim if it is sped up.
Last edited by Exiledtyrant#1006 on Mar 12, 2013, 10:49:42 PM
Playing a lvl 36 Facebreaker Marauder. Here are my thoughts on Cyclone:

At first I was shocked at the seemingly low damage it does. However, that went away, it actually does considerable damage for me (but then again I use Facebreakers and have retarded damage anyway, cant speak for weapon users).

But the HUGE offset of this skill is the fixed movement portion of Cyclone, as some have already mentioned. If you could actually control every single movement the skill makes (basically its should be like moving around normally but spinning) that would make Cyclone one of the most fun and viable Skills in this game. Nerf the damage, I dont care as long as you make it continually controllable.

Also Cyclone seems to be a little buggy for me. Sometimes I spin over a few enemies which are standing directly in a line and I spin over them back and forth a few times but they are not taking damage. I dont think its desync because with desync issues usually they die instantly a few seconds later but here I have to keep spinning over them until they eventually die.

Anyway I will still continue to use it as I basically have no other choice, but you could make so much more out of the skill.
ign: PhrozenFlame
I would really like to ask the Devs one important question. When doing Internal tests with cyclone that you say showed that it was doing a lot of damage, was this with a physical or elemental build?
In party:

*unique drops*

*mad dash to pick it up*

"AHhahaha you can't stop spinning once you start noob..."

well... there goes my desire to make a cyclone build
IGN: OldManBalls (Warbands)
Lionguild wrote:
I would really like to ask the Devs one important question. When doing Internal tests with cyclone that you say showed that it was doing a lot of damage, was this with a physical or elemental build?

Both! Tested on characters based on popular melee builds, and new builds designed to work specifically with Cyclone. Both were very capable of using the skill effectively. Generally, Physical Damage had much more survivability, while elemental melee builds had higher damage.
Balance & Design
-elemental stuff and magic aside it looks absolutely unrealistic ESPECIALLY on a melee who depends on his/her skill with a weapon to be spinning around like a machine.
-balancewise its way to powerful especially when combined with aoe range, damage and cold support gems.
-In fact why use anything else but cyclone, or better said 'how use anything else but cyclone since its duration doesnt allow you to use anything else anyway.
-Im sure from now on all were going to see is every melee spamming cyclone 24/7 making the whole game dull.

Well not me, ill just keep using inferior melee attacks thank you very much :/

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