
Disappointed in the Radius of Cyclone.

Extremely pitiful actually. Even that is an understatement.

I do enjoy the look of the skill though.
Last edited by Walhart#1365 on Mar 13, 2013, 12:29:26 AM
Remove the minimum distance cap.
Another vote for being able to move while spamming Cyclone.

I love the idea behind the skill, but the execution is pretty bad.

Also, LGoH on it is a nightmare.
Last edited by dndallasta#1042 on Mar 13, 2013, 12:49:48 AM
trey44 wrote:
the microtransaction effects are pretty sweet at least.

Sweet they are. So sweet. So precious. My preciooouuuussss. So, what do you know about that desync? Can I buy a cosmetic skin that doesn't desync for me 5 million damage when a fire golem comes within 5 screens of me. I'm excited to do these 23 dungeon maps that have had me scared shitless for the last month :D
Problems so far:

HORRIBLE at low levels, even with good gear the DPS is pitiful.
Costs too much mana/hp w/bm.
AoE too small, desyncs make it much worse and you desync a ton.
Should be guided, not one click, but this is my opinion not a problem.
Fillmore wrote:

You failed to get was I was saying. I was not saying that damage bonus is better than attack speed bonus, cause it isn't and I know that and why.

What I was saying was that if you already have attack speed bonus then adding more is less of an advantage than adding to something you don't have. If I already have 30% attack speed bonus then 6% added to that is 36% so my attack went from 1.3->1.36 which is a 4.6% improvement in DPS; the point I am making is that if you want to help characters who already have attack speed bonus then you do it by adding damage bonus; adding attack speed bonus is most helpful to toons that don't already have it.

I understand what you're saying...relative increase to what you have...except that if the skill does +6% damage instead of +6% attack speed, it's exactly the same no matter what your damage or attack speed is...simple as that.

In fact, attack speed could be better simply due to more hits synergizing with the kinds of things attack speed build are good at.

I actually tried exhaustively to prove so many things about attack speed over damage right before D3 came out I kept proving my conceptions wrong over and over heh.

EDIT -'s even PHYSICAL damage on the gem. Double that of the attack speed it gets. This pretty much makes attack speed far better.
Last edited by Bitharne#3421 on Mar 13, 2013, 12:55:34 AM

1. Change to 70% dmg effectiveness and same attack speed instead.

Otherwise this becomes another elemental focused skill, which is sad because claws innate bonus + passive focus on physical leeching

2. Give AOE range similar to cleave (20?) so that the AOE is actually sufficient in hitting mobs.

3. Change current +2 melee range passive to be +2 melee range AND +20% melee AOE.

Bitharne wrote:
Fillmore wrote:

You failed to get was I was saying. I was not saying that damage bonus is better than attack speed bonus, cause it isn't and I know that and why.

What I was saying was that if you already have attack speed bonus then adding more is less of an advantage than adding to something you don't have. If I already have 30% attack speed bonus then 6% added to that is 36% so my attack went from 1.3->1.36 which is a 4.6% improvement in DPS; the point I am making is that if you want to help characters who already have attack speed bonus then you do it by adding damage bonus; adding attack speed bonus is most helpful to toons that don't already have it.

I understand what you're saying...relative increase to what you have...except that if the skill does +6% damage instead of +6% attack speed, it's exactly the same no matter what your damage or attack speed is...

If you understood what I was saying you wouldn't have thrown in the second part, I am talking about an increase to a bonus you already have; if you have no bonus or the same bonus to both then both are the same, but this skill is geared towards characters that are more likely to have a larger attack speed bonus than damage bonus.

Having said that I did not notice the skill had a physical damage bonus component to levelling up, I had only noticed the attack speed bonus.

And yes, attack speed is about twice as good as physical damage which is the way it is with the skill nodes - and even that undervalues attack speed which is why on my builds I always favour attack speed over damage.
Kalsifer wrote:

Leap slam, properly gemmed, does tons more damage than Cyclone.

I doubt it. Cyclone at half the level of leap slam (Base level difference of course) does 70 less DPS. However, the tooltip of Cyclone is half what it does (Why the hell is this exactly? Just double the number shown GGG?)

Not to mention cyclone attacks considerably faster (exactly double on my display). It also hits more for a cast.

Leap slam is a tad more controllable, though doesn't do damage in a line.

Cyclone is also a bit better due to using weapons' attack speed instead of a base: if you're using faster 1h weapons. The flaw of any set timer attack (As WoW has shown) is that bigger hits are better, not using weapon attack speed hurts the game imo.
Bitharne wrote:
Fillmore wrote:

You failed to get was I was saying. I was not saying that damage bonus is better than attack speed bonus, cause it isn't and I know that and why.

What I was saying was that if you already have attack speed bonus then adding more is less of an advantage than adding to something you don't have. If I already have 30% attack speed bonus then 6% added to that is 36% so my attack went from 1.3->1.36 which is a 4.6% improvement in DPS; the point I am making is that if you want to help characters who already have attack speed bonus then you do it by adding damage bonus; adding attack speed bonus is most helpful to toons that don't already have it.

I understand what you're saying...relative increase to what you have...except that if the skill does +6% damage instead of +6% attack speed, it's exactly the same no matter what your damage or attack speed is...simple as that.

In fact, attack speed could be better simply due to more hits synergizing with the kinds of things attack speed build are good at.

I actually tried exhaustively to prove so many things about attack speed over damage right before D3 came out I kept proving my conceptions wrong over and over heh.

EDIT -'s even PHYSICAL damage on the gem. Double that of the attack speed it gets. This pretty much makes attack speed far better.

Lets say we have 100 dps weapon
i have 10 ias. I am do 110 dps
Lets say i get another 10 ias. Now i do 120 dps

Now pretend i get 10 increased damage node instead of second ias node.

my dps is 100 X 1.1X1.1 = 121 dps.

Happy now? the second lot of ias increased my dmg from 110 by 9.09%. The physical node increased by true 10%

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