Talking about Cyclone learn to plays, and giving my point of view.
# Complaining cyclone is not effective enough Of course, do you ever tell yourself that you have too much money in your wallet? I'd say that the damage right now is TOTALLY FINE(In fact dev's buffed it already), however dual-wielding lowers the DPS is one issue. # Complaining cyclone drains too much mana/health Disagree, I mapped with the no hp/mp regen affix, and still did fine. It's not about how fast you can regen to continuously spin, it's leeching. # Complaining the change on cyclone minimal travel range sucks now Disagree, regardless of the stopping, it's the habit of the players using cyclone makes them think that it became harder to use, you'll have to adapt to it. Cyclone used to travel an exact distance of Y, now it's modified to X-Y. You want to travel Y like how it used to do before the fix? Click further. # Complaining the stopping when you get too close the the mob This matter, IS A BUG, why can't you cyclone in-front of a monster? Let's say you're 1 unit in-front of a monster and you want to cyclone, but the system blocks you from using it, where logically it should let you cyclone to a distance at least X-1 from the monster, am I not right? # De-sync and the ability to d/c party members Just take a look and I think we all know it's a bug, the de-sync is caused from the server thinking "No, I don't think so", while the client side says "Yes I did", some people say that they've never had the de-sync problem, yes that's because you live closer to the server. Taking an example would be, someone standing right in-front of the observer and did something, of course both would agree on whatever someone just did, but if you were an ocean away, phoning the observer saying I did something, he might disagree with what you've just said. It's a latency problem. Not a serious problem? See the reaction of your Lv80+ teammates die because of your de-sync & d/c problems. Don't even talk about HC yet, it totally ruins people's work for months. I'm Lv 77, I don't really die at all, but de-sync kills me a lot. Talking about QQing, if you want to act mature, either ignore QQs or give positive feedbacks instead of replying something like "Shut up, QQers". |
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I tried the skill more now after the improvements. It definitely feels better. The cost is still difficult to sustain, but with the right spec it is manageable. The ability to use shorter, more focused spins helps the damage output of the skill and helps prevent desync. The increase in damage was also required. Overall the skill might need some few extra tweaks but it seems to be in a much better place.
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One thing that can be really good with this skill , being able to relocate cyclone with casting another cyclone
another thing, cyclone should cost less mana little too much ( other build are better cause of that ) Last edited by Bouriza#7423 on Mar 20, 2013, 10:08:05 PM
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" As I said, if it is a bug, report it as such, rather than saying its the skill that is the problem. I have stated I am not having this trouble AT ALL, and from what I note it is not a direct complaint from anyone else, the only complaint is 'its too hard to click far away'. So that is why I classed it as either your failing or a bug. If it is not you failing, it is a bug, report it as such, duh, its a beta. Some bugs will always get past an alpha, simply due to the size of an alpha team compared with beta. Also for those 'it got nerfed' posts " |
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First of all I'd like to thank the GGG team for adding a interesting skill many of us have waited for.
Issue Sometimes when I use the skill on a mob it stops JUST beneath the mob, and I have to travel somewhere else where I most likely loose a fair bit of health depending on how many ranged mobs there are nearby shooting at me. You may think it's stupid of me to attack a boss instead of the ranged ones shooting at me, but then lets say the boss is a necromancer and the ranged are skeleton archers, I'd like to kill the boss so he doesn't res the skeletons over and over. Solution A easy solution that would remove this small issue could be that if I use Cyclone on a mob, I travel a tiny bit extra so that i never stop underneath them. PS. Of course I can adjust, but having this fixed would make my experience with cyclone a lot better. Character I made a IAS Vaal Pact Duelist that uses cyclone as it's main ability together with Life Leech and Life Gain on Hit to keep my health up. Sorry if this has been brought up before, but looking through 70+ pages takes too long :s Last edited by NecroX93#1348 on Mar 21, 2013, 12:16:52 AM
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" Good feedback, I had a similar idea for Cyclone just as quality of life, as there is that issue of accidentally clicking on the enemy rather than past them. And you actually psoted good 'feedback' as opposed to just complaining, or saying 'it needs a buff, i can't use it well' |
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Why don't they allow for dual wield Cyclone to function like dual wield Cleave?
It only makes sense to me for each weapon to hit twice each rather than once each; it's not like you spin twice as fast when you have a 1h + shield compared to having dual wielding. There's really no reason to dual wield since all it gives you is 10% more attack speed right now, and a shield would be infinitely more useful in its position, or a 2H weapon capable of being 6-Linked. |
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Leveled a mara specifically to test cyclone further. Went for 1h and shield with 70% block chance. After the patch cyclones dmg does feel strong with proper links and auras. But that is the problem. In order to get cyclone to perform well you need auras and a good 5L. Leaving you with a devestating mana cost. I leech enough mana to cover the cost of cyclone but my mana regen isnt quick enough to use it continuously. I have tried linking it to BM but that in turn lowers the dmg by taking a much needed dps gems slot. I believe GGG when they said this skill was "powerful" but I strongly think that it requires very specific gear and certain builds to make it this way. All in all, its just not a "all user friendly" skill.
I disagree with the huge mana cost. I know alot of posters here will flame me for this, but the mana cost is unnecessary. I get that GGG wanted us to decide how to use this skill and have consequences for our choices, i.e. further cyclones yield higher mana efficiency. But here is the thing. That's something that should only really be used for a skill that is VERY powerful. With a skill that's just not that awe inspiring, I don't agree with making us pick whether or not it is worth it to use. Ethereal Knives for example does incredible damage, but has the drawback of slow speed and high mana cost. Cyclone does OK damage (for most), puts you in the danger zone without control of your character, and has a enormous mana cost when linked to dps gems. As alot of people before have put it, the bad far outweighs the good on this skill. I love the new min distance. The amount of control is now very much like the d2 ww I crave. I just can't find a way to pay for this skill. I think it would take half the mana cost to make this skill worth using for me. The dmg is fine, the control is now good, but the aoe radius and mana cost still need work. lvl 67 shield block mara testing in merciless docks edit: forgot to mention, even though you already know, the desync makes this skill even less appealing. Holding shift while using helps, but doesn't fix. I think the radius of cyclone might actually be fine. I think the constant desync creates the illusion of poor radius when in fact your just not where you think you are. Maybe... DISCLAIMER! The views and expressed opinions of Dragon are solely those of a drunken redneck and are not necessarily those of a sane person. Any likeness of intelligence is strictly coincidental and should not be taken seriously. His posts should not be read... by anyone. Last edited by Dragon585#3483 on Mar 21, 2013, 6:12:07 AM
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The new patch makes cyclone a little bit more interesting.
But there is a huge problem with the mana cost now which comes up with the new patch. By reducing the min. travel distance by 2/3 you decrease the mana cost effectiveness by 2/3 and worsen the mana cost/time ratio by 2/3. It was even prepatch hard to maintain cyclone, especially with a lower number of mobs in effective cyclone reach. Noones manaleech will be enough to maintain that mana cost now so you end up using bloodmagic to maintain it. /Edit: This was just my theory and i tested it right now after the patch dl was complete. I am able to do 3-4 cyclones now with like 5 mobs in my range. Before I could maintain cyclone infinite with that number of mobs. So i have to reroll mara to use bloodmagic now? great... IGN: NautyJugg Last edited by tayfun369#1369 on Mar 21, 2013, 4:35:52 AM
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I love all the L2Cyclone when they couldn't actually use it before :)
I could use it before, and I could use it now, it's just a lot easier now, you just have to hold down the button and spin everywhere. Of course I could have the old gameplay back, by clicking all over the screen to have a bigger distance, but why would I do that when you can do the easy way and hold down the mouse button?... But I still think the min distance is too short, there's nothing to do except holding down the button to spin, it's just more effective doing this way. Before you actually had to plan your trajectory. But it's ok, I guess the skill catters to players like Real_Wolf and JoOnky now. edit: did some alpha testers actually give the "OK" to this update? Lowering the min distance to 1/3 and changing completely the gameplay, did someone test this before the skill release and before this patch? I don't know, I'm surprised by this radical change after 1 week. I gave a fair try to this skill by leveling a character. PoE forums ignore list script: 0.4: added "ignore" button. ignore list is now saved locally. Last edited by kodr#0209 on Mar 21, 2013, 5:55:03 AM