[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy

vosszaa wrote:
For those who playing Slayer, whats your Cyclone tooltip DPS in HO with full aura? Mine shows 110k. I think something is wrong with my setup

i am at 352k
IGN: NoMerCyy / __DryZzy__

hello i think i have a issue with leech life, i can only leech life when i have blood rage active. before this my ascendancy was: Headsman - Endless hunger - brutal fervour without soul tether belt

Now i have soul tether with Headsman - bane of legends - impact

here my pob https://pastebin.com/y8SVdLv4
Nova666 wrote:
vosszaa wrote:
For those who playing Slayer, whats your Cyclone tooltip DPS in HO with full aura? Mine shows 110k. I think something is wrong with my setup

i am at 352k

Hideout dps without flasks/buffs? Seriously doubt it. Screenshot?

Reason I ask is because 352k would be an insane amount for hideout dps and would be discouraging to others who quote theirs accurately.

braniels2 wrote:

hello i think i have a issue with leech life, i can only leech life when i have blood rage active. before this my ascendancy was: Headsman - Endless hunger - brutal fervour without soul tether belt

Now i have soul tether with Headsman - bane of legends - impact

here my pob https://pastebin.com/y8SVdLv4

You forgot to take Gladiator's Perserverance which is recommended. Or just take the hybrid mana/life leech node on the tree near Vaal Pact.

ELCartucho73 wrote:

those are my items.. what do u think about them? improvements? i feel like i havn't enought damage

Your shaper dps is already roughly 5 million which is more than enough. But if you want more, get an onslaught flask, phase run, watcher's eye jewel for pride/precision or both if you can afford it. Best is 2 extra hits with impale jewel or precision crit multi jewel, otherwise get whatever else you can afford. Use a level 1 precision if you can fit it in.

Finally you can upgrade your 350pdps foil. The 420pdps foil is fine.

After my suggested changes your dps goes up to like 8 million shaper with investing nearly 0 chaos: https://pastebin.com/CJLtcbcJ

You can easily push for 9 to 10 million or beyond with a good watcher's eye jewel, and even beyond that with better foils.
Last edited by MAlandM on Jun 29, 2019, 6:25:07 PM
My dps in hideout without flasks

MAlandM wrote:
Nova666 wrote:
vosszaa wrote:
For those who playing Slayer, whats your Cyclone tooltip DPS in HO with full aura? Mine shows 110k. I think something is wrong with my setup

i am at 352k

Hideout dps without flasks/buffs? Seriously doubt it. Screenshot?

Reason I ask is because 352k would be an insane amount for hideout dps and would be discouraging to others who quote theirs accurately.

braniels2 wrote:

hello i think i have a issue with leech life, i can only leech life when i have blood rage active. before this my ascendancy was: Headsman - Endless hunger - brutal fervour without soul tether belt

Now i have soul tether with Headsman - bane of legends - impact

here my pob https://pastebin.com/y8SVdLv4

You forgot to take Gladiator's Perserverance which is recommended. Or just take the hybrid mana/life leech node on the tree near Vaal Pact.

Thanks a lot man, works now xD

DPS w/o flasks/buffs


How's my gear? I did uber lab at like lvl 70 and managed to kill phoenix but died a few times because I forgot mechanics lol.
Hello all - looking for gear upgrade options.

I was thinking chest or helm enchant?

I know I missed the god tier life roll but after 15+ rounds of fossil crafting I'm burned out and p happy with this (I think). Do you think the lack of DPS will be made up for by the survivability? It doesn't seem like this gives me too much more life than my 6L Bronn's (4356/1327 --> 4678/1420).

Thank you for making such a comprehensive guide for such a fun build!
mastergoog wrote:

I know I missed the god tier life roll but after 15+ rounds of fossil crafting I'm burned out and p happy with this (I think). Do you think the lack of DPS will be made up for by the survivability? It doesn't seem like this gives me too much more life than my 6L Bronn's (4356/1327 --> 4678/1420).

Thank you for making such a comprehensive guide for such a fun build!

You can still craft hybrid life/armour on it or % increased life/mana on it, right?

Imo it's 100% worth using over a Bronn's, for the extra survivability/life and resists. Plus its not that much less dps.

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