Xerostomia999 wrote:
I don't usually complain, but I have been getting kicked to the dash board literally every 5-10 minutes. I was having the occasional issue when I started the new league last week, but it was tolerable, but the game is almost un playable because of the frequent crashes.
Similarly, as others have mentioned, game gets stuck with whatever skill in bound to the 'A' button when trying to pick up loot, open boxes, doors etc.
I have the Xbox X and the console is wired to my router. Not having any issues with any other games.
Same bugs on an xbox s cant click on anything without getting locked in place, can still access menus etc.
Posted byFhark#5469on Jun 18, 2019, 4:25:14 AM
Snip diddy wrote:
Roll this patch back ASAP, it's impossible to pick up multiple items unless you move in between picking them up.
Edit it's when i have blood rage bound on the A button. Every other skill will try to cast first then pick up the next item.
Having same thing but also sometimes character just freeze and have to press B to start moving.
Also why Flicker Strike is so broken now? can really use that skill anymore.
Posted byMDKyourDaddy#8477on Jun 18, 2019, 5:46:42 AM
This patch didn't fix a single thing. Still crashing every map, most of the time is when i activate the monolith; i have to ignore the legion encouter? What is the point of playing the league then? Delve and Betrayl were playable, last two leagues are complete trash in terms of performances. Somehow you manage to make the game even worse every league.I haven't play i single game that crushes this much as this game, a complete joke.
Posted byCoyoteGti#8335on Jun 18, 2019, 8:11:05 AM
Yea this patch is pretty mutch the patch PC got, and they still get crashes. So I wasn't expecting otherwise, but, it's a start. Could be worse, and as always, it's just a game.
Thanks anyways, GGG_Jeff.
Posted byLvl 1 Sentry#8749on Jun 18, 2019, 10:24:44 AM
Giving loot filters with explaining nothing about it... Seriously?
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
Hey GGG,
What's the difference between NS Constrict1-5?
Constrict1x: Strict + All Currency (incl. scrolls)
Constrict2x: Very Strict + All Currency (incl. scrolls)
Constrict3x: Very Strict + All Currency (EXCL. Scrolls and armourers and trash divination cards)
Constrict4x: Uber Strict + All Currency (EXCL. Scrolls and armourers and trash divination cards)
Constrict5x: Uber+ Strict + All Currency (EXCL. Scrolls and armourers and trash divination cards)
Posted byGuylaistoss#8100on Jun 18, 2019, 10:42:27 AM
Guylaistoss wrote:
Giving loot filters with explaining nothing about it... Seriously?
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
Hey GGG,
What's the difference between NS Constrict1-5?
Constrict1x: Strict + All Currency (incl. scrolls)
Constrict2x: Very Strict + All Currency (incl. scrolls)
Constrict3x: Very Strict + All Currency (EXCL. Scrolls and armourers and trash divination cards)
Constrict4x: Uber Strict + All Currency (EXCL. Scrolls and armourers and trash divination cards)
Constrict5x: Uber+ Strict + All Currency (EXCL. Scrolls and armourers and trash divination cards)
Awesome. Thanks! I don't know why, I'm sure it's super easy, but I can't navigate Githhub for the life of me.
I appreciate it!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Why evrey hot patch , make the game worst, now my character get stuck in town , and auto cyclone in ho , wtf...=))
Posted bycostylq#7023on Jun 18, 2019, 3:18:19 PM
Corpse explosions from offering skills was causing the crashing problem for me, or it was the Cast on damage taken linked to it, but i dont think so.
at least i removed it from my set up and the game is better now, but it sucks that i dont get to use this skill for now
Posted byJucamatheus#8898on Jun 18, 2019, 3:42:04 PM
Guylaistoss wrote:
Giving loot filters with explaining nothing about it... Seriously?
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
Hey GGG,
What's the difference between NS Constrict1-5?
Constrict1x: Strict + All Currency (incl. scrolls)
Constrict2x: Very Strict + All Currency (incl. scrolls)
Constrict3x: Very Strict + All Currency (EXCL. Scrolls and armourers and trash divination cards)
Constrict4x: Uber Strict + All Currency (EXCL. Scrolls and armourers and trash divination cards)
Constrict5x: Uber+ Strict + All Currency (EXCL. Scrolls and armourers and trash divination cards)
Posted byDrummer51#7386on Jun 18, 2019, 4:24:34 PM
When are we going to address the issue for desyncing?
It's great that we have a melee league, but one of the biggest issues we have is the desync. Builds with low mana left from reserves or leech life heavy builds suffer when a desync occurs especially with melee builds. I know y'all are all about the game being difficult, but a desync is unfair to loyal players and punishes them for doing good, and sets them back or makes things frustrating. My brother even stopped playing the league already because of the frustration with desyncing.
This could be one if the best leagues if there was less server based issues.
Posted byKura Asha#8826on Jun 18, 2019, 5:29:43 PM