[PS4] 3.7.1c Patch Notes

Impossible to play

Impossible to grow level

Impossible to enjoy

I don't like to blame, but now is really bad.

Cyclone and leap sleam are impossible to play, useless do a fast build if you die so much for desync, impossible to gain experience.

Really a very bad patch
Keep crashing due to cyclone and vaal double strike, also whenever i enter an instance in stuck there until i use L2 otherwise it wont let me move, tbh im having way more crash issues now then before.
Also now whenever i use interact with something my leap slam which is bound to X is used making me jump which is annoying , also sometimes ill run into an area and try to deal damage only to do no damage and instantly die because the game shows me that im in an area that im really not . PLEASE ROLL BACK THIS UPDATE THIS BROKE MORE THAN IT FIXED.
Last edited by GrrantD#9054 on Jun 18, 2019, 6:42:18 AM
GrrantD wrote:
Also now whenever i use interact with something my leap slam which is bound to X is used making me jump which is annoying , also sometimes ill run into an area and try to deal damage only to do no damage and instantly die because the game shows me that im in an area that im really not . PLEASE ROLL BACK THIS UPDATE THIS BROKE MORE THAN IT FIXED.

Binding movement abilities to x was a bad move before the update aswell
I started Legion with a Duellist, played through to the point of starting maps without too many issues (probably a handful of loading screen crashes).
Decided to level a Ranger, game now probably crashes once or twice an hour (again, mostly loading screen crashes). It took me 8 attempts to get through the 1st labyrinth due to loading screen crashes either after the 1st or 2nd Izaro fight.
Cut to today, I'm at the point where I want to do my 2nd labyrinth and I was hoping that this new patch would have solved this issue, turns out it hasn't (3 attempts so far, 2 crashes after 1st Izaro fight, 1 loading into 1st Izaro fight).
I have literally had more crashes in the past 3 days of Legion than I had through the entirety of Synthesis and I played through Synthesis with 5 different characters.
Heero_mikazuki wrote:
GrrantD wrote:
Also now whenever i use interact with something my leap slam which is bound to X is used making me jump which is annoying , also sometimes ill run into an area and try to deal damage only to do no damage and instantly die because the game shows me that im in an area that im really not . PLEASE ROLL BACK THIS UPDATE THIS BROKE MORE THAN IT FIXED.

Binding movement abilities to x was a bad move before the update aswell

thanks for the input
This Patch is a Disaster, nothing is working right now.
And The Support from ggg is The badest i ever saw.
Every other Publisher released a Hotfix immediately but Not ggg 👏🏻
All working worse than before 30 min 4 crashes i dont have strenght for this more....

https://youtu.be/bhRgeCW5D5o. Live crash record no problem

error PS4 screen

Od course lost unique map , and hideout im this because lost all portale who give me IT back.....
Last edited by Yaquzo#9413 on Jun 18, 2019, 8:08:26 AM
A game to crash is the worst thing that can happen, and for some reason we have to be ok with it on here. Not one game have i ever played where a game crashes this much just from normal play.
Crash again and again. -10% xp every time. Impossible to progress. If u can't fix crashes, just make instant game disconnect to prevent dying after crash.

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