[PS4] 3.7.1c Follow Up Patch Notes
My Cyclone and Leapslam work WAYY better now. Thank you. And my character nevers gets stuck in place anymore.
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Não esta funcionando o Botão " X " para acessar mapas e Pegar itens. Esta Bugado o botão "X" do ps4 não acessa mapas nem lojas GGG arruma isso vocês manda uma atualização pra prejudicar uns e melhorar outros ai fica difícil
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I can't enter the boss room in Primordial Blocks Tier 14 after I die
the game always crash !!! |
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" For me the game has always bugged out so hard after dying and trying to re enter the boss room |
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If my character dies from a fight. she respawns and is automatically casting spells. i have to spam the "o" button a 100 times to get her to stop.
Thanks for the patch! Last edited by joshanator1#4703 on Jun 20, 2019, 6:58:15 PM
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"quando vai arruma o erro de não poder usar o botão "X". ??? Não pode pega itens, abri mapas, lojas etc... Nice Patch |
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Second day cant talk with noone, open stash, go anywhere from waypoint , open map from map device etc. Cant play Second day u will fix it guys? Or console is no important same as pc second day rlly guys
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People reporting that they can't interact with anything using the X button should verify they have no abilities mapped to the X button, EVEN IF you never normally equip abilities there.
I never assign abilities to X because it's always caused problems picking up items and interacting. The recent patch made that aspect worse, but it still should not be a problem if you're not using the X button for a skill. Trouble is, Delve messes this plan up. You need to assign dynamite and flares when you're Delving. I assign these to my back-menu, because I only put auras there which stay on unless I die. In the past, this has meant I'd lose access to two aura abilities while Delving, but they would return correctly as soon as I leave Delve. That's the intended behavior. But for some reason recent patches changed that; if you overwrite an action slot with flares or dynamite, then return to your hideout, you'll be missing the auras you overwrote: you have to manually reassign them. This triggers a bug. If you subsequently return to Delve, because you previously had flares or dynamite assignes the last time you were there, these come back in the slots you put them in. But the game doesn't simply hide the auras overwritten: it tries to fit them into any available action slots you have open. If you have nothing assigned to the X button, that's where your aura ability goes, and that subsequently messes with other X-based interactions and can also cause you to accidentally disable that buff by mistake. There doesn't seem to be a workaround for this. Filling the X slot to prevent the aura moving into it just puts an ability there which causes problems with interactions with other things. GGG needs to ensure that abilities are never automatically reassigned to different slots in these kind of cases: if the slot you specifically assigned to a skill is unavailable, the skill should remain unmapped. |
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" I usually bind something that does not effect me much like blood rage/totems/phase run on X to minimize interaction struggles. That said I never had this problem since synthesis using either a melee or caster with lot of skills mapped to buttons. That aside, the recent patch has made the game smoother by bunch and drastically reducing desync frequencies. This has Made doing end game content much bearable. So regardless of the other bugs yet to be fixed, thanks ggg for the effort! |
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" Auras don't deactivate if you remove them from your skillbar. They also remain active through loging out/back in |
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